Can Dogs See Things I Can't?

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My dog can see a thrown frisbee on a moonless night. He’s a “mensa” dog. 😃 Seriously, my dog hears things I could never hear and I always pay attention to his reactions to other humans. (told you; a “mensa” dog)
Well I do take notice if the dog is reacting in a way that is not normal for her, however, there is an advantage to having a dog that has gone all protective and then puts the wind up unexpected visitors (JWs and LDS) at the door.

I do not mind at all for you asking about my dog, “Smokey”. Yes, usually Wiemeriner females are about 70 pounds and the males are 80 to 85 pounds. And they are silvery-gray, sometimes almost a pinkish color , in spots, when they move. That’s the “normal” Wiemeriner.
    I got him when he was 2 months old ( he was black then)and for a month he slept in a big box by my bed. When I took him for shots again, my vet said, "Oh you have one of the Edinburg Bird Dogs,huh?" Yes I got him in Edinburg. Two brothers who farm raise them. They got their first ones from Oklahoma maybe twenty years ago. Thes dogs were bred for bird hunting. The legs are exceedinly long and their nose is very sensitive. They told me they were bred to run through high grass. They can too. Mine hates birds. I have a fenced backyard and about once a month he snatches a lowflying bird right out of the air.

  When he puts his front paws on my shoulders he licks my face, I am six feet tall. Since I have had him two different "dog people" have told me the Oklahoma Wiemeriners are Black. He has not a one white hair- he is solid coal black. I have had 4 German Shepards before Smokey, and Smokey is a very good natured dog but not as smart as a GS. I do not know if the Oklahoma people cross-bred back then. I do know that a British soldier discovered them after WW II in Bavaria. They were a "secret" dog.
My Irish wolfhound cross senses thunderstorms before they appear on the 50 mile radar. If Brighet is trembling there is a thunderstorm on the way.
I must pay more attention to the dog on that one. My wolfhound might be more reliable than my “body barometer” :whistle:

Just a few random thoughts from an experienced dog trainer. Dogs do see some colors (green tends to be orange – or, at least, so says Scientific American in an article from many years ago). Dogs are very nearsighted. But what dogs do well is to “map” an area – they can hold an image of a place in their mind and detect very minute changes to that image. Thus, they sense motion far better than we do. Their sense of smell is anywhere from 10,000 to 100,000 times better than ours. Their hearing (at least, in young dogs) is also far better than ours, including hearing things that are outside the range we hear.

The behavior that was described in the first post in this thread is consistent with seeing a type of motion – usually a shadow or a reflection of some sort – that has since disappeared. The dog’s awareness of this may trigger a defensive posture even though there is no real threat. The reason for this is that we have bred dogs to retain certain puppy characteristics throughout their entire lives (licking faces which is a way of getting mom to nurse the puppy).

Deacon Ed
Licensed Test and Trial Herding Judge
Owner/Trainer/Handler of 2 of the top herding Shetland Sheepdogs
I really think it’s important to pay attention to our pets. I learned to do so long ago…although with each dog I’ve had, I’ve had to understand their specific signals.

My greyhound is too new to my home to “read” in regards to normal bad weather and such, however I’ve learned to tell when he’s stressed or unsure of something.

My German Shepherd last summer went to the landing just above my livingroom (literally 1 step up) and just cowered in the corner there at the base of the stairs. A storm was imminent, the sky was really weird-looking–wish I had photos. I’ve never seen anything like it although I’ve seen many many tornadic skies. Her behavior kinda freaked me out. I had all my candles and oil lamp ready to go–and my purse was in my lower bathroom with more matches and candles and such.

The storm passed by my home, but north of us several counties experienced tornadoes.

As soon as my dog relaxed I knew our danger was really over.

OH< and by the way…my life has been saved twice, by 2 different dogs, from CO poisioning. They both drew attention to broken furnaces.

I will never live without a dog in my house.
I know this is about dogs but I have a cat who sees things nobody else does. One time I was reading in bed and my son brought the cat into the bedroom with him and as we were talking the cat stood absolutely still looking at something behind me. I looked behind me and saw nothing. I tried to get him to come nearer me but he wouldn’t and he kept his eyes planted on that something over my head. My son is a witness to this and to this day, we talk about.

About children seeing things…well, this is a reality. They are much more open to the spirit world than we are who have outgrown this ability. My grandson who talked much later than your average child was standing at the bottom of the steps (that leads to the hallway into the bedrooms) while I was sitting on them. He pointed his little finger (he was 2 years old) and said ‘ghost’. His finger was pointing at something, again, behind me. I looked behind me and there was nothing. Now he had no reason to even say this word as we do not discuss such things around the house. And, he was barely saying any words at that point.

And even more disturbing, he was talking to something in the house. This is when he was about 5 or 6 years old. My daughter told me that my grandson was talking to himself and I just chalked it up to an imaginary friend. You know how it is. Until I witnessed what she meant. My daughter and I were sitting at the table after our meal and the grandson was sitting on the couch watching tv. All of a sudden he stopped watching tv and looked in the area of those darn stairs. He started rocking back and forth and you could tell he was having a discussion as he would stop talking and then sart again but in a whisper. The boy was in a trance. My duaghter was upset seeing him like this and stopped him, although I told her not to. But, you know, a mother’s love. I was a bit disgruntled and I sat beside him and asked who he was talking with. He said nobody… as if nothing happened. Of course i brought my concerns to my spiritual director. This has happened more than once. My son saw him on the toilet having a whispered conversation with somebody.

I have been involved in an exorcism for 5 years and I chalk it up to that. There has been other occasions, especially with my niece (about 10) who slept in our house for a month while her mother settled herself into a new place when the family left the abusive husband/father. This niece and my grandchild has seen the same things. My grandson consoled her in one of her instances of ‘seeing’ the spirits. He would nonchalantly tell her that there are three spirits in that hallway and one in the living room. The one in the living room was an old lady with grey hair and glasses. The other spirits were scary…

I mean to get my priest over to bless the house but I can never get it clean enough (just my pride…the basement is a disaster!) Anyway, just thought I would share…I am dead serious though…

sure dogs can see and hear things we cannot, but why would you immediately assume the dog is reacting to the presence of a spirit, when it is much more likely that there is a prowler, another animal or something else perfectly natural happening outside?
I have two bloodhounds (both weigh about 130-135 pounds), and the only thing they sense in when they are going to take a nap and when they are going to eat again…I must admit, they have great noses and can find anything…but unless they are tracking…the dogs are lazy as I don’t know what…I have to put mirrors under their noses to make sure they are alive.
dogs see more with their nose, and ears then they do with their eyes… who knows?
we had a cat who could hear an electric can opener run in a house on the next block and would leap out of her stupor, run to the kitchen and wait for food every time she heard it.
I have a rather large Black Wiemeriner (dog). I have a large table for my computer. My dog likes to sleep under the table, chin on my feet.

He has always been docile until yesterday. The window blinds are drawn with the curtins closed…he can’t see outside. Yesterday he bolted from under the table, stood by me and bristled. He barked while looking at the open door that leads into the hallway. He was actually shivering as he barked for more than five minutes. I could see nothing by the door. Again, today the scene was repeated. This dog is 5 years old and never did that before. He is not afraid of firecrackers, gunshots or the dark. I wonder if he can see something that I can not see.

As a boy growing up in ranch country, I did hear old men talk about certain dogs could see spirits or ghosts that a man couldn’t see. I have read that small children can see spirits because they haven’t been taught that they can’t. Dogs certainly haven’t been taught that they can not see a spirit, do you think they can?

My personal view is that animals and children don’t have all the baggage that adults do, so they can perceive “things” that we cannot. I believe the more stimuli - the more information we receive the more our sense of the unknown diminishes. Of course I have no scientific proof to back this up.

I can tell you that through all three of my children, I could look into their eyes and talk to them and see the innocence and lack of environmental defects that adults have. You’ve seen it yourself, I’m sure. We adults have become so accustomed to cultural and environmental phenomenon that we can’t even begin to touch the “unknown” like children and animals. My children have always had a sense of strangers - who was friendly and who was not to be trusted. And, when they have shyed away from someone, it has turned out that those persons couldn’t be trusted.

On the other hand, when faced with trusted family members and even strangers (whom I knew, but they didn’t) they immediately would speak to them and even hug them. Of course, anyone can be fooled but children and animals both have a far more keen sense of who and what can be trusted than us bonehead adults 🙂 .

Humans are by far the most intellegent cretures on earth so frankly who cares if a dog saw somethin we didn’t,
Humans are by far the most intellegent cretures on earth so frankly who cares if a dog saw somethin we didn’t,
Too right, jus cos god created the animals doesnt mean it really matters, I mean, no dog is ever going to be a Saint, or an Angel, or another 2pac, or even James Hetfield, so why bother?
Too right, jus cos god created the animals doesnt mean it really matters, I mean, no dog is ever going to be a Saint, or an Angel, or another 2pac, or even James Hetfield, so why bother?
Very deep thinking going on here…:rolleyes:

Iy may just astoud you that animals have been used by God again and again…remember the donkey in the OT who could prophesy? Have you prophesied???

Don Bosco was protected at one point in his life when he was mightily threated and due to his good work. Actually a dog he named Griggio would always appear when he was in danger. This was the ugliest and the meanest looking dog he had ever meant. He would follow Bosco even into a person’s home and remained there until Bosco would look for him later on and he was gone. No windows or doors to get out! Bosco would notice him a couple of decades later in the field watching out for him…One time Bosco was attacked and this dog who was bigger than a Mastiff came out of nowhere and remained with him for a long, long time as his sprotection.

St Francis of Assissi made friends with animals and he would preach to the animals and many animals of all kinds would sit there and listen to him. Even the birds would perch to listen to him. He made a friend with a wolf and this wolf used to attack this village and everyone was afraid…until Francis reprobated him and blessed him and the wolf lived a long life doing what a good wolf would do and remained part of that village until his death.

Animals are much more open to the spiritual world my friend, and maybe you should take note and maybe try to be as open as they are.

And the Father knows wheb a sparrow dies…😛

Deacon Ed:
… Dogs do see some colors (green tends to be orange – or, at least, so says Scientific American in an article from many years ago). Dogs are very nearsighted. …
Are you sure about that? I was always under the impression that dogs saw things in black & white. I was also under the impression that their eyesight was better than humans. Not as good as a cat’s but better than ours.

If what you are saying is true, then I need to stop letting our puppy outside alone at night. Who knows what kind of trouble he can get himself into.
Dogs don’t have terribly good eyesight, but their noses are phenominal…I read somewhere that if you were able to spread out the olfactory nerves in the average dog’s nose in a straight line, it would measure four miles in length.

I knew of a guy who had to speak to his dog when he got out of the shower----the dog’s eyesight was poor enough that he didn’t recognize the man when he was without clothing, and since he’d just showered, his usual scent was gone, and the dog didn’t recognize him. He had to speak, and the dog would recognize his voice; otherwise, he would have attacked.
My dog can see a thrown frisbee on a moonless night. He’s a “mensa” dog. 😃 Seriously, my dog hears things I could never hear and I always pay attention to his reactions to other humans. (told you; a “mensa” dog)
Big deal. My dog speaks Latin. I’d take him to Mass with me, but he has no soul.
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