I have a rather large Black Wiemeriner (dog). I have a large table for my computer. My dog likes to sleep under the table, chin on my feet.
He has always been docile until yesterday. The window blinds are drawn with the curtins closed…he can’t see outside. Yesterday he bolted from under the table, stood by me and bristled. He barked while looking at the open door that leads into the hallway. He was actually shivering as he barked for more than five minutes. I could see nothing by the door. Again, today the scene was repeated. This dog is 5 years old and never did that before. He is not afraid of firecrackers, gunshots or the dark. I wonder if he can see something that I can not see.
As a boy growing up in ranch country, I did hear old men talk about certain dogs could see spirits or ghosts that a man couldn’t see. I have read that small children can see spirits because they haven’t been taught that they can’t. Dogs certainly haven’t been taught that they can not see a spirit, do you think they can?