That promised Kingdom was explicitly identified by Christ Himself as not being on Earth: "My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world.” (John 18:36)
- "Christ never promised us a Rose Garden " But he did Promise a Kingdom of justice and that Kingdom has yet to be established by any teaching of the ‘church’.
His Kingdom is in the world to come, not this one. Again, your objection is based on a reality of your own imagining; nothing to do with anything Christ ever said.
The Church does not exist to force its teachings on anybody; it exists to preserve and expound Christ’s teaching to the world as an invitation for them to follow.Nor has the church the authority to see any of its social teachings realized on their own merit, nor by the will of God. Christianity exists subservient to secular political realities, so it must play politics where ever it can get away with it to affirm it’s self proclaimed role.
Your statement that the Church “must play politics wherever it can get away with it to affirm its … role” is, again, in stark contradiction to the fact that the Catholic Church is and has always been persecuted and its members, both clergy and laity, killed in countries all over the world and all throughout its history.
The Church has resisted the tides of social change in which most governments have been complicit over the past century. Your false charge is not only erroneous but insulting to the thousands and thousands of people who have died for the faith at the hands of despots.
You like to repeat things without addressing the objections made to them. I would refer you to an earlier post in which I offered a perfectly sound explanation for this teaching and to which you offer no reply.
- “He created us in His image” Probably the most comforting illusion religion has yet contrived but still an illusion non the less.
Oh really? Tell that to the Western Civilization it built from the ashes of Rome. Tell that to the women it lifted out of the margins of society and the slaves it helped set free.
- While " progressivism " is an easy catch phrase, my meaning is that the church is without the authority to either define or act as the catalyst for any progressive moral change;
Still beating that same tired old drum. Yes, there have been scandals in the Church throughout history and, yes, they are horrific. But it is hardly the defining element of the Church and it certainly doesn’t outweigh or nullify the good that the Church does feeding the poor, caring for the sick, etc., etc., on down the line.mIred in it’s own corruption of pedophile priests and banking scandal.
The Catholic Church is the single largest charitable organization in the world and created the university system, public hospitals and more.
I’m sorry to be so blunt, but your remarks are all plain ignorant of reality.
Have you ever actually read the Gospels? Start with the verse I provided above where Christ explicitly states that his Kingdom is NOT of this earth. Then read on to see where He says He came to set the world on fire, He came not to bring peace but a sword, that His followers would face trials and tribulations in this life.If Christ came to establish a Kingdom of justice on earth,
If you can read through the Gospels and think that Christ promised to make life on earth peachy keen, you are delusional. Full stop.
You, and everyone else, do have the means to realize His will. Feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the sick. Do your part to make this world a better place. “What you do unto the least of these, you do unto me.”that has yet to happen. What God would leave His true servants without the means to realize his Will?
That little pesky thing called “free will” tends to mess us up though. It’s not the Church’s fault that people simply don’t want to do His will. They want to do what they want to do. Moral agency’s a female dog, ain’t it?
The problem is not that the Church lacks the authority of Christ, it’s that the world, and especially our modern “secular” world, does not recognize that authority and goes about its own agenda, destroying our societies in the process.
The Church is not here to make everybody do the right thing; God doesn’t want slaves, he wants sons and daughters who do His will because they love Him. The Church is here simply to help guide us to Him, if we really want to know Him. It’s not here to force utopia on everyone. That’s called Marxism, and, well, I think we all know how that turns out.