Can I go to my cousin's gay wedding?

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If comparing someone to a person who engages in bestiality is compassionate and sensitive, I would hate to see what qualifies as cruel and insensitive.
These were all called crimes against nature at one time because they all are in fact crimes against nature.
Homosexuality is not “natural”- it’s pretty well-established as to why it’s not. Homosexuality violates both aspects of sex- the unitive and procreative part of it. As to whether or not one is born that way is debatable. But even if one is born that way, that doesn’t make it acceptable to act on the attraction. If someone was born with a bad temper, does that give them free reign to go off on people whenever they please? I think not. We’re all born with flaws and disordered desires. That doesn’t make it OK to act on them.

And like so many others, you’re just trying to shut down the conversation and are being cowardly by saying you’re not “interested in arguing or debating.” If you’re going to make such statements, be prepared to back them up. That’s very immature and cowardly of you to make such brash statements and then think you can just run off without having to answer to anyone.
You are conflating “homosexuality” with “Homosexual activity”. It isn’t the same thing.

You also are comparing sexuality with temperment. Also, not the same things.

Stating that I am not interested in debating the origin of homosexuality is not immature or cowardly. It is being truthful and not egging people on. I have my beliefs and you have yours. We aren’t going to convince eachother to think differently, so there is no point in debating it.

I stand by my statement that some of the comparisons on this thread to homosexuality are disgusting. It is something I wanted to remark on. Not really anything I will spend a lot of time discussing. A few others have already done that and captured my opinion in their post quite nicely.
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You are conflating “homosexuality” with “Homosexual activity”. It isn’t the same thing.

You also are comparing sexuality with temperment. Also, not the same things.
Wow, once again we are playing the game of pedantics just so you don’t have to acknowledge why your logic is incorrect. :roll_eyes: These examples I’m giving are simply to illustrate why what you said is faulty. I’m very well aware temperament and sexuality are not the same things. I was just using that to get the point across that we can’t use the “I was born this way” excuse to sin. By that logic, we could get away with anything under that excuse.
Stating that I am not interested in debating the origin of homosexuality is not immature or cowardly. It is being truthful and not egging people on. I have my beliefs and you have yours. We aren’t going to convince eachother to think differently, so there is no point in debating it.

I stand by my statement that some of the comparisons on this thread to homosexuality are disgusting. It is something I wanted to remark on. Not really anything I will spend a lot of time discussing. A few others have already done that and captured my opinion in their post quite nicely.
OK, if your mind is not being changed despite the countless valid, truthful arguments that we have given, then that’s how you feel. But when you join a thread, you’re basically putting yourself out there to continue to engage in discussion. You can’t make statements and then decide to bow out when you please without having people question and challenge you and act like you’re above having to explain yourself.

And those of us who have made those “disgusting” comparisons you are talking about have already defended why we said what we said, and we’re not incorrect in our line of thinking. Our thinking is backed up by the ultimate truth- God Himself. Whether or not you agree with that nobody can change but you. But it’s the truth, whether you want to hear it or not. As the saying goes, a lie is a lie even if everyone believes it, and the truth is still the truth, even if no one believes it.
I seen a lot of posters insist that gay means “happy” so by all means go to the happy wedding.
Attending a wedding means that you are celebrating a couple’s union with each other. You know as a Catholic that homosexual behavior is sinful, so by attending you would be condoning it unfortunately. I know it’s hard, and you love your cousin. But to love someone is to tell them the truth, and to do what’s best for them, not what makes them feel better. Pray for them and respectfully tell them that your attendance at this wedding would be in violation of your faith. Be strong.
Try to discern what God wants of you. Having a wise priest to help will make it easier.
First off, there are no gay weddings or marriages since God instituted marriage between a man and a woman not members of the same sex.

Now, say you attend your cousin’s event. To all appearances, it looks like you’re showing your love for your cousin.

But what message are you really sending by your presence? Whether you realize it or not, you are sending the message that you support his lifestyle. Do you?

If you don’t support his lifestyle, then even if the rest of the family (parents, brothers, sisters, etc) attends and pleads with you and your wife to go, you must remain true to Catholic and Biblical teaching. You must be willing to stand alone and risk losing any relationship you have with him and any relatives who support his lifestyle.

Perhaps you and your wife (and kids if you have them) could spend that time in prayer either at home or at your parish Chapel.

And don’t go to the party they have afterwards since that would also be seen as supporting his chosen lifestyle. You have to wash your hands completely of it.
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Regardless of whether a homosexual is born homosexual, he or she still makes the choice of whether or not to engage in homosexuality.

There was one time I went to a “wedding shower” for a woman at work who was “marrying” her longtime female partner. I did it because she’d been out with cancer, she was terminal, and I wanted a chance to see her and to say goodbye. She passed a few months later, and I don’t regret attending. I pray for God’s mercy for her, which of course I am in need of as she was, too.

But lending one’s presence to a gay wedding is becoming a witness to a wrongful ceremony. Comparisons to weddings of people with different religions or no religion at all are specious, for even a rabidly secular man and woman who hate the idea of God are participating in an institution He has wrought by their union. This is not the case with homosexual imitations of marriage, and there is simply no way to get around it.

I have a lovely friend who was a bridesmaid at my wedding, and who has come out. I really hope she never gets “married” and invites me, because there is just no way I could attend and no real way to convey this without causing her a good deal of pain as I reject her union with someone she presumably loves very much. But the pain this would cause her is not equal to the pain of abetting her sin in going against God’s law, and so the most loving thing I could do for her is not to congratulate her or attend her “wedding.”
In Christ’s own words in Matthew 10:

34 “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.
35 For I have come to turn
“‘a man against his father,
a daughter against her mother,
a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—
36 a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.
37 “Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
38 Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me.
39 Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.

Christ comes first, family second, even if it means breaking “Honor your father and mother”.
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