Homosexuality is not “natural”- it’s pretty well-established as to why it’s not. Homosexuality violates both aspects of sex- the unitive and procreative part of it. As to whether or not one is born that way is debatable. But even if one is born that way, that doesn’t make it acceptable to act on the attraction. If someone was born with a bad temper, does that give them free reign to go off on people whenever they please? I think not. We’re all born with flaws and disordered desires. That doesn’t make it OK to act on them.
And like so many others, you’re just trying to shut down the conversation and are being cowardly by saying you’re not “interested in arguing or debating.” If you’re going to make such statements, be prepared to back them up. That’s very immature and cowardly of you to make such brash statements and then think you can just run off without having to answer to anyone.