Can a sacramentally married man/woman be a good and faithful Catholic and contracept the marital act (either through drug, devise or sterilization)?
I don’t know, maybe the Catholic church should only allow members who take all its teachings?With regards to Catholic teaching, it’s either all or nothing. We cannot pick and choose which doctrines we believe and obey.
There is only one Church founded by Christ. Either we accept His authority, or we reject it. What I find perplexing is that so many of us want to claim to be faithful to Christ, yet we refuse to submit and obey Him.I don’t know, maybe the Catholic church should only allow members who take all its teachings?
Its just a thought in my mind, if the rest won’t conform then they can go to a different church.
I think that there should be a Catholic church for the Catholics who want to follow all the churches doctrines and then a Catholic church for those who don’t or won’t.
then we would all be happy in my opinion and there would not be any discord as we would belong to our own individual church.
Absolutely not. We have good means of family planning through NFP. All of these others are abortificiants or saying no to God completely (through sterilization).Can a sacramentally married man/woman be a good and faithful Catholic and contracept the marital act (either through drug, devise or sterilization)?
But for Grace said::nope: umm, NO! :nope:
The only variance I can see as reasonable is if someone got an irreversable surgical (tubal, vascetomy) sterilization, prior to joining the catholic church.
Let’s talk real life here though … I suspect that if we followed what you suggest, 95% of Catholics would have to leave the church and we would be left with a very small minority of terrific Catholics. But the majority of the 95% that left would still be followers of Christ and live what most would consider to be morally good lives … so what’s the point in booting them out?Exactly,
either practice the faith in full or leave the Catholic church:yup:
Condemnation of birth control DOES NOT stop the majority of Catholics from using it. Not only do they use it AND take communion every Sunday, but I would be willing to bet you that most don’t even consider it a sin.Your question contradicts itself, the words “faithful catholic” imply a complete devotion to catholicism and to be in agreeance with all doctrine. Birth control is condemned, so you cannot be a faithful catholic and use contraception. Period.
“and the other one homeschools her one child”.
I know many women who would never have an abortion. On the other hand, they are all using birth control because they do not want any more children, period. They take their faith seriously. All are happily married. One has 3 kids in Catholic school and the other one homeschools her one child. They are all in church on Sunday, and consider themselves faithful.
Yes, let’s. As Archbishop Chaput said recently, “There are many Protestants attending Sunday Mass.”Let’s face it,