Can one be a good and faithful Catholic and contracept?

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Amen to that!!!

If all the true Catholics would all stand up in a Catholic church, I think I am safe to say, there would not be too many people standing up, sad, very sad, but very true.
it. Not only do they use it AND take communion every Sunday,
P. S. We don’t “take” the Eucharist, we “receive” it. Maybe that has something to do with the contemporary attitude vis a vis Holy Communion for your friends as well as many others. :tsktsk:

I don’t think nit picking bella’s wording is charitable or necessary.

Anyway, I think many Catholics, myself included, have not had the benefit of a full catechism as most here on the website. I am in the process of learning some of the basics myself. As Catholics, isn’t it our job to teach what we know, rather than have a “throw them out” attitude?

If I hadn’t begun to study my faith, I would be in the very sinful boat many Catholics are in right now. I have changed, shouldn’t we pray that some others can as well, with our help?
Of course we should teach what we know, but I have come across so very many who don’t want to be taught, they have their minds made up and that is that, they don’t want to change, they have no desire to live differently, for those who will not listen, to them I ask, why be Catholic, for those wanting to learn, yes, stay learn, change, awesome, for those who never intend to live their lives according to all the Catholic laws, why don’t you find someplace else?
Can a sacramentally married man/woman be a good and faithful Catholic and contracept the marital act (either through drug, devise or sterilization)?
I can’t believe the results of this poll. Very sad.

The answer is no, you cannot take contraception if you want to be a faithful Catholic.
Anna Elizabeth said:
“and the other one homeschools her one child” :rolleyes:


Let’s not rush to judge. There are plenty of people who have one child who would love more and consider themselves lucky to have overcome the odds to have their one. I know one such woman who has been open to another child for ten years yet only has the one. God has different plans for different people.
Wouldn’t the Answer be “Yes” if the person is not the one using the contraception, but their spouse is?
Just as with birth control, if one spouse is sterilized the other spouse can still engage in marital relations for the sake of preserving the marriage so long as your opposition to the sterilization is known and you continue to work – at appropriate times – for your wife’s conversion through prayer for her and by giving her information on the moral and physical harm the sterilization causes.
Ask an Apologist:
Let’s face it, NFP is not as effective as other forms of birth control. If it were, more Catholics would be willing to use it, /QUOTE]

It’s quite effective, but it takes self control and self sacrifice - things many people just aren’t good at. I think if we were used to sacrifice on a regular basis, it might not seem so hard. As a priest friend of ours likes to say, “We want everything microwaved, but God operates in a crock pot.”

People can think they’re good Catholics and contracept, but that’s probably because they’re not well catechized. When I hear about Catholics contracepting, I assume no one has ever told them why it’s wrong. —KCT
I think the only exception is if the couple was poorly and I mean poorly informed when they were growing up. If they honestly do not know the err of contraception then perhaps they could be faithful. However, if they do know but do it anyway they may be in trouble.
It is intrensically (sp) evil and there is no way a couple should use conception. It is black or white, no exceptions.
People can think they’re good Catholics and contracept, but that’s probably because they’re not well catechized. When I hear about Catholics contracepting, I assume no one has ever told them why it’s wrong. —
Could someone please explain why the Catholic parishes do not teach NFP? Why don’t they practice what they preach? If artificial birth control is SO wrong, then why not teach and preach what is acceptable? I think it is because most Priests know that NFP is not as effective as other forms of birth control.

It is that simple.
Its just a thought in my mind, if the rest won’t conform then they can go to a different church.
I think that there should be a Catholic church for the Catholics who want to follow all the churches doctrines and then a Catholic church for those who don’t or won’t

There are, thousand and thousands of churches that protest against the teachings of Christ’s Church and they are full catholics, they fired up in the 1500’s. See the yellow pages for further info.
Could someone please explain why the Catholic parishes do not teach NFP? Why don’t they practice what they preach? If artificial birth control is SO wrong, then why not teach and preach what is acceptable? I think it is because most Priests know that NFP is not as effective as other forms of birth control.
It is that simple

I would be very surprised if you asked your Priest and he couldn’t tell you where in the diocese you can sign up for N.F.P. And, yes, Artificial Birth control is SO wrong. And you are dead wrong about it not being as effective, it is at the very least as effective and if you really practice it to the fullest it is more effective.
Although I agree that we ALL should practice our faith TO THE LETTER, I would venture to say that the majority have “bent the rules” at one time or another. We are, after all, human and as such, prone to “mistakes”, “errors in judgement” or just want to “skirt the issue” a bit. I am by no means saying we are right, just making the point that unlike the Lord, we are not perfect. We have to live our faith as best as we can.
~ Kathy ~
Not following the teachings of the church is called,eh…sin. And if you throw all the sinners out…The building is going to be really empty. I say, keep teaching and praying and holding each other accountable, but not be too quick to boot the sinners out.

I had my tubes tied two years ago, but I wasn’t a Catholic then.

I confessed this before entering the Church, but haven’t had the procedure reversed.

I guess, technically speaking, my husband and I do practice contraception. However, I still believe I am a good Catholic and I don’t think anyone can tell me anything different.

Scout :tiphat:
I agree that once someone knows the truth- that it is a sin to contracept- then that person cannot disagree with the truth and claim to be a good and faithful Catholic. I often wonder why the cafeteria Catholics stay in the church. I understand that the Church is made up of sinners. However, there is a difference between committing a sin, confessing it and cooperating with God’ s grace to overcome that sin and just deciding on your own that you disagree and not even trying to overcome your disbelief. How could such a person even go to confession since they have no purpose of amendment? Realistically, I do not understand why they remain Catholic. It really undermines the people who try hard to be devout Catholics.
I had my tubes tied two years ago, but I wasn’t a Catholic then.

I confessed this before entering the Church, but haven’t had the procedure reversed.

I guess, technically speaking, my husband and I do practice contraception. However, I still believe I am a good Catholic and I don’t think anyone can tell me anything different.

Scout :tiphat:
About this situation :

Must a couple reverse permanent contraception?
NFP can also be abused too. Strictly and purposly avoiding the fertility cycle would be a form of contraception and still using the Church’s method.

However to ‘cheat’ the cycle is a sin too!
Another thought… I can’t find a link on this but I am sure I heard it somewhere…

It is alright to use condoms to protect from STD’s but as long as you poke holes in them…

That way, your using it for protection but keeping to possibility of getting pregnant…

Anyone hear of this before?
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