You treat people differently depending on a characteristic that has nothing to do with how you should value them. Different colour and customs? That’s racism.
If you heard that a black girl that lived down the street was run over by a truck, how would you feel?
Would you feel more sorrowful if someone told you a white girl was run over by a truck in Moldovia? I suspect not.
Perhaps your feelings have more to do with connection to people and that is not a bad thing. Perhaps we should recognise personal connections as a good thing rather than something to be ashamed of in accordance with secular ideology.
This ideology attacks the nuclear family, heterosexual normal thinking, white patriarchy, individual religions, white privilege etc. It does this by getting people to think natural bonds are disgusting things and if you don’t publicly disown them in line with their ideologies then somehow you must hate the other.
Such a philosophy is divisive, authoritarian and just plain incoherent.
If you feel different because one girl was killed rather than another that is not a test of your goodness. When you follow the ideology of trying to make everything the same the historical outcome of that is that you stop caring about either girl.
If your daughter dies how would you feel? Is it the same as how you feel when some girl you don’t know in Poland dies? If you think it is a goodness to react the same for all cases the only possible solution is to be indifferent to all deaths and even publicly and continuously admit to your family privilege.
This is a bad ideology that is constructed to control people by redefining goodness in secular terms.