chrisg93…thanks man, good lookin out 

We know that God created space and time. He is pure spirit and transcends the created universe. Our past, present, and future are therefore his present. Nothing is hid from Him.i need hard, irrefutable proof of the timelessness of Jesus’ work on the cross–how it can even save people before it was done.
*And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to Myself." But He was saying this to indicate the kind of death by which He was to die. * -John 12:31, 32srkbdk,
i need hard, irrefutable proof of the timelessness of Jesus’ work
Read over…i am currently over at the “Former Catholics For Christ” ezboard debating w/ someone regarding the Immaculate Conception. i would greatly appreciate everyone’s (name removed by moderator)ut, especially concerning how you all think i’m doing, what i can say to be more effective, or anything that i should do differently.
i am “phatcatholic” and my opponent is “garee.” i pretty much ignore everyone else’s comments as they are quite counter-productive.
here is the debate.
thanks in advance for all your help,
if you are interested in learning more about our Blessed Mother, here is a good place to start.
i have compiled many articles on all the marian doctrines, which should be of great service to you. of course, if you have any questions, please let me know.
pax christi,
I know another good website too. Totally Marian. It’s called Mother of All Peoples.What an awesome website. I know I can’t wait to explore it.
Peace be with you!
I’ve told him that, including citing the writings of Early Fathers which he demanded, but he just ignored them and just refused to admit…I was just reading the thread and noted that someone had a problem with the “Queen of Heaven” title we offer to Holy Mary.
I heard a great, reasonable explaination for this- on this site if I remember right- but it eluded to the fact that in Jewish kingdoms, the men were the Kings obviously, but their wives were not considered the Queens… it was the King’s mother who was considered the Queen.
She was not a Queen to ‘rule’ so to speak, but more as a person for the people in the kingdom to ask favors to- or more pointedly, she was their intecessor to the King!
::SIGH::I’ve told him that, including citing the writings of Early Fathers which he demanded, but he just ignored them and just refused to admit…![]()