Can the Pope be recalled?

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You have to give our religion credit: we have the absolute best papal trials for dead popes.
I just heard a guy on youtube say the bishops together can’t impeach a pope but can supposedly investigate if a pope has in effect removed himself by speaking and acting heretically . nice nuance there , no idea if it’s true
I think that’s one theological / canonical theory… It’s pretty hypothetical. As no one can judge the Pope, how can they be certain he has indeed removed himself from office?
I just heard a guy on youtube say the bishops together can’t impeach a pope but can supposedly investigate if a pope has in effect removed himself by speaking and acting heretically . nice nuance there , no idea if it’s true
That seems really weird to me. In effect, it gives the bishops authority to depose the Pope. I also think that we should ask why you can do that. There are no historical or traditional precedents except two extremely dubious councils, both around the time of the already confusing Great Schism, neither of which had papal approval, and one of which was definitely heretical. The Church is already protected from heresy by infallibility.
Oh, pardon me. You’re correct. I need to brush up on my Salmonology 🐟 📖
If all of these self-appointed reformers, essentially Papal police, would hold their peace and pray half as much as they write and whine and moan and, well pontificate

…perhaps this conversation would not be necessary in the first place.
Not that I am advocating one way or the other, but you know, you are only assuming that they Aren’t praying (half as much as they write etc)? What if they are? What if they are praying as much as writing and discussing (I prefer that to loaded terms such as ‘whine’)? What if they’re praying more? What if these concerned people (I prefer that to the loaded perjorative 'self-appointed reformers) are following their well-informed consciences? What if?
A council has less authority than the Pope and derives all of its authority from the Pope.
No a council does not derive its authority from the Pope… Now you are correct that a council does not have authority over a Pope, and that a council must be ratified by a Pope… but by definition a council derives its authority from the entire college of bishops.
An ecumenical council does not derive its authority from the pope nor from the bishops: it derives its authority from God. That a pope must approve a council’s decrees doesn’t mean the council has authority from the pope: it means the council has authority with the pope.

From Lumen Gentium 22:
The supreme power in the universal Church, which this college enjoys, is exercised in a solemn way in an ecumenical council. A council is never ecumenical unless it is confirmed or at least accepted as such by the successor of Peter; and it is prerogative of the Roman Pontiff to convoke these councils, to preside over them and to confirm them.
Suprema in universam Ecclesiam potestas, qua istud Collegium pollet, sollemni modo in Concilio Oecumenico exercetur. Concilium Oecumenicum numquam datur, quod a Successore Petri non sit ut tale confirmatum vel saltem receptum; et Romani Pontificis praerogativa est haec Concilia convocare, iisdem praesidere et eadem confirmare.
I’m surprised we don’t have a saint named St. Salmonella yet, or perhaps St. Sal Monella.
We certainly have saints with every other Roman or Italian sounding name there is
What if pigs could fly and hunters here in Texas had to shoot their wild boar while steering a plane at the same time? The bottom line is, these folks are stirring things up and leading others into occasions of sin, and they’re bound to know it. Plus, they’re wasting their time.
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And you know their hearts and minds exactly how?
At least I offered 'what if’s based on reality.

It really surprises me how quick some are to judge others.
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I don’t know their hearts and minds and I didn’t mean to judge them. Having said that, with their advanced degrees they could reasonably be expected to know that their effort could have no effect other than to create unrest and anger with an accompanying lack of charity.
I just heard a guy on youtube say the bishops together can’t impeach a pope but can supposedly investigate if a pope has in effect removed himself by speaking and acting heretically . nice nuance there , no idea if it’s true
Very close.

While the pope cannot be tried by any earthly authority, a pope who became a heretic would no longer be pope.

So the pope absolutely cannot be tried, but it it possible that an inquiry could be held as to whether or not this man is the pope.

I believe, but am not certain, that it would be the cardinals that do so.

“Impeachment”, however , is not an option.
We certainly have saints with every other Roman or Italian sounding name there is
I attended St. Las Agn last weekend, since Mass was too late at the Basilica of St. Spa Ghetti . . .

What if pigs could fly

Making a pig fly is simply a matter of sufficient thrust . . .

While the pope cannot be tried by any earthly authority, a pope who became a heretic would no longer be pope.
Where are you getting this from? No pope in all of history has been subjected to this. Unless you can bring up a papally approved magisterial document, I am just not buying that.
I had a priest teach religion to us in 7th grade. I seem to remember him telling us that hypothetically a heretical pope was possible, but that he would cease being pope at that moment. I think he said that St. Robert Bellarmine (maybe a different Doctor of the Church) wrote about this. This was a very long time ago (30+ years) so long before it was ever conceivably possible we would actually have a situation where someone had accused the pope of heresy. I have been trying to remember exactly what Father told us. I believe he said in the hypothetical case it occurred, the college of cardinals would convene and choose a new pope just like when the pope dies. Of course back then, no one ever believed we would have a pope that resigned followed by a pope that has been accused of heresy. We only got a new pope if someone died. Father even assured us back then that this would never be a something we would need to be concerned about. Now I’m wishing I had paid better attention. I might remember more of that lesson.
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