Well, then we dont know the whole picture behind ‘the fall’ then…if God was SOOO outraged by satans acts and kicked him and 1/3 of the angels out of heaven for good, it makes little sense for God to grant them additional powers and abilities, if God was that outraged, he would have really put the ‘squeeze’ on them…by your description, sounds more like Satan is just following a script written by God, and playing his part…this does not sound like a being that hates God and humans??For humans, sure.
Look to the St Michael prayer – we pray for protection from satan and all the evil spirits that roam the world. why are they ‘exempt’? It’s part of satan’s ability to be in this world.
In reality, Satan and the other demons should not have anymore powers or abilities than any human soul…they are all sinners, but the level of sin satan and his cohorts attempted was something NO human could ever even think about, satan wanted to literally take over heaven, to sit on Gods throne, Im sorry, but no human could commit this sin