Tens of milions??? There are less than 300 million people in the whole US and a third of them aren’t old enough to sign anything, let alone a living will. According to what I could find on the net, even amoung senior citizens and near-seniors, not even half of the adults asked had living wills. Most living wills stipulate to terminal conditions (not the kind of situation we are witnessing with Terri Schiavo) and most talk about rescuitation or heroic efforts, not nutrition and hydration.
And yes, the Pope is right to say that family members and medical professionals should do all they can to give the basics of food and hydration to all patients, regardless of disabilty.
Nowhere in that address did the Holy Father even mention inserting feeding tubes. He spoke of **not ceasing ** the minimal care, including nutrition and hydration. This application of this address to feeding tubes only works in locations where there is the medical feasibility of using feeding tubes in the first place. Feeding tubes are also used in home care (though of course not inserted there) so your numbers about nursing homes have no bearing in this discussion.
Sounds like just another anti-Catholic rant to me.
And yes, the Pope is right to say that family members and medical professionals should do all they can to give the basics of food and hydration to all patients, regardless of disabilty.
Nowhere in that address did the Holy Father even mention inserting feeding tubes. He spoke of **not ceasing ** the minimal care, including nutrition and hydration. This application of this address to feeding tubes only works in locations where there is the medical feasibility of using feeding tubes in the first place. Feeding tubes are also used in home care (though of course not inserted there) so your numbers about nursing homes have no bearing in this discussion.
Sounds like just another anti-Catholic rant to me.