Steven Merten:
You may want to consider learning what the Church actually teaches.I believe that if an infant fell in the swimming pool and you did not pull the child out and give the child CPR this would be murder. Yet you just told us in an above post that the Church does not concider failure to give CPR is murder, suicide, euthenasia or any thing evil. Is the Church being evil for not demanding that any time one does not give CPR, when CPR is needed, they commit murder?
The reason the Church has not stated that failure give CPR a mortal sin is because in some cases elderly, the infirmed, those in vegetative states, should have the right to write a living will requesting no CPR so they can simply die a peaceful natural death.
It is ok for the Church to say that not giving CPR to a baby is murder while allowing others the right to choose not to be given the simple saving act of CPR in old age? Of course it is.
Why could not the Church do the same with feeding tubes as they do for CPR. Why bind all people to mortal sin spiritual death for requesting no feeding tubes if they are old or in a vegitative state? If the Church is simply trying to save one woman, or babies or those in thier youth, then state it so rather than a blanket statement.
Should third world nations build roads, schools and infastructure or should they spend $5000.00 per month on nursing care by incerting feeding tubes into those people in vegatative states? Well maybe, like CPR, the Church could let the people use some common sence instead of binding them to eternal death murder for not using feeding tubes.
Peace in Christ,
Steven Merten