I honestly can’t understand how people can still believe in such interpretations of references to either the greek/roman Hades or gehenna. I find it absurd (and insulting to your own God) that you think he would have us tortured for all eternity by a bunch of devils and demons that he allows to exist.Who created Hell? Was it God or the Devil? God certainly evicted the devil and his followers from Heaven, and in some sense bound them, in some sort of abyss. However when evil is confined and yet unrestrained, it turns on itself. I think it would be a fair bet to say that in most prisons in the world, it is the inmates who make life most miserable for others, rather than the authorities.
That’s not to say there is no authoritiarian injustice in penal institutions - in fact, I’d thnk there was quite a lot, but the mere fact that hardened criminals are locked up with people of lesser evil, would not auger well for the relatively innocent caught up in this system.
In Hell, the totally depraved demons would terrorise imprisoned humans, who are a mixture of good and evil. Adolf Hitler was an absolute mongrel to a great many people, but he was good to some, and he even enjoyed the innocent company of his dog.
In other words, who does the torturing? God and His angels, or the Devil and his demons? I think it would be the latter.
That does not negate the “lake of fire” which appears to be the Devil’s final punishment. Having sated his evil appetite on so many others, he has to be punishe somehow. I think the “fire mixed with glass” is God’s sentence on him.
The whole topic is unpleasant. But we have been warned.