I will agree that human language is constantly an obstacle in communicating revelation. Surely, Jesus was trying to get us beyond language, to a new kind of intuition about the world. I would say that the world, as it truly is, cannot be explained with our language. We are always using a blunt instrument to sharpen things, as it were – but the only other resource that we have for meaning (experience) is incommunicable except through language.”
“Revelation” cannot be communicated. It can only be pointed to. There may be an element of “induction,” experienced as a form of charisma around an enlightend human, or Sage. Intellectual understanding may be taught. as is said, but the rest comes on its own. And yes, there is a realm of expereince that may be called intuitive. There is no doubt that if there was as historical Jesus, He taught this. The world, as IS, can only be aprehended by going beyond the mind and its concepts, especially the most common concept of duality, and the concepts of God, and in the case of christianists, beyond the thoughts *about *Jesus that usually constitute faith. Real Knowledge comes from Self inquiry. If it is true that we are “created in the image and likeness of God,” then all the incomunicable necessitites of Understanding beyond mental limitationsare within, as Self. That SELF is not to be confused, as often and adamantly stated, with our own egoic sense of existance and personality.
This intuition about the world is awakened by Scripture, becoming a form of insight – I think you would agree with that. But this does not invalidate the nuggets of absolutely clear meaning that emanate from the Scriptures. When Jesus says, “I am”, in John’s gospel, it is a distinction: He is God, they are not. “This is my body, given to you” is a subject/object statement of perfect clarity, and has discursive truth value.”
One of the things, if interpreted from a Unitary standpoint, that can point to insight, may be Scripture, especially if one includes no-christianist texts that aid in self inquiry. Each person who claims absolute clarity of any nugget claims that clarity usually because they have an interpretation of it and it is theirs. Thus we have even two different religions founded onh two haves fo the same sentence from the Bible. Each founder was of curse convinced of the absolute clarity of their underestanding. But their undersatnding was exoteric and empirical, and thus suceptible to the at-oddsment of intelectual interpretations.
When it is attributed to Jesus in the Gosels that He says “I AM,” we know from our understanding of the levels of teaching languge in use at that time and in that region, that He was refering to His at-Onement with SELF. His teaching centered around that idea, that possibility, that course of inquiry, for each one who heard Him who had “ears to hear.” For those who had not, He taught in parables. To His own, He taught differently, which is why my signature has the reference to Mark. So, He Knew in Essence WHAT He
IS. The others did not yet know that, their attention yet being focused on phenomena. In the politicization of Jesus’ Teaching, this is where the split occured much more or less than about three hundred years later. If you look at the history of christainism, this becomes abundantly clear, with the “Jesus” story being over 5000 years old in its complete details, with all its variations. This is true of much of Biblecal content, from the flood to Moses.
In other words, the living God can speak in our language, though we cannot speak in His.” The living God
IS and has no language save what we ascribe in our attempts to point within the quale of subject/object discursivity.
in whomsoever THAT State precipitates. So apart from not being a crusader and being defenders, both military terms, there is the possibility as well of sharing experience and pointing to that State of Christ Consciousness as explicated by the Saints and Sages of the Ages, including Jesus. ]]
This is where I think you’re playing games with language. What is “Christ Consciousness”? How does a State precipitate? You have quite a subtle mind, Detales, but I’m puzzled as to why some of your statements are so unclear.”
Although it is fun and instructive to play with language, this is not a game in the ordinary sense. “Christ” is a Title, not a person. If there was an histroical Jesus, He made Himself the Son of God by hard work and study. The Christ is that State of Conscious Awareness that knows its at-Onement with the Father, or the SELF. But that is a statement of great accuracy, not the Truth. This is why, I wouod think, that many take many of my statements to be “unclear.” I am not using subject/object awareness as a referent for my statements. I am using my experience of something rather before, or fundamental to that.
Also, I’m puzzled as to why you would list a man who insisted he was “the way” as simply one of many saints and sages. Surely he was either lying or quite a bit more than a sage.” There is nothing simple about it, whiloe it is utterly simple. It is said that less than one in a million attain this State of Conscious Awareness. There are only slightly fewr more who can intellectually apprehend the ideas commensurate with this
State. (I was offering you a compliment perhaps beyond your ability to appreciate by directly recommending that book to you.) It can happen spontaneouly, or through hard work. In any case it is our Birthright. But fortunately, there is far more than the Bible as evidence of that State. I have recommended many of them on these fora. They all have to do with the explicaton and ancient practice of Self inquiry. As I have often repeated, “Know thySelf” is not a trivial dictum.
Sorry for any errors in spelling, my own machine is down for a few days.*