Can you be a pediatrician in the US and still stand by your faith?

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Have you also considered good 'ol family medicine? Family practice provides special insights into your patients when you know and treat everyone in the same family. Some huge percentage of doctors are specialists where most people don’t have specialized issues. I’ve found that family medicine doesn’t get as rigid as some of the specialties, either. As a bonus, I believe that there are some scholarships and loan forgiveness opportunities to explore if you’re willing to work in a rural area. Just a thought to throw out there.

ETA: I just read the thread, and it sounds like you prefer an urban area. So forget that rural area/scholarship bit!
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Less emphasis on right to life and more emphasis on gender neutrality. I heard about those babies and toddlers who were denied life support
That tortures kids for fun. Sadly there are some rather popular media outlets that present grossly distorted views of medical care in other countries.
Follow EWTN news. They have a more Catholic rather than political perspective on the news, that’s where I hear these stories
I’m not surprised. There’s a hole in the market for Catholics seeking ethical care. It’s hard enough to find pro-life midwives and OB/GYNs.
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Used to, however, the politics were too biased during the 2016 election. I stick with Vatican news and various news wire services.
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