Can you pray to be normal?

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I’m sick of being the outcast, the face doesn’t fit person, the black sheep, the scape goat etc.

Also I’m sick of things getting to me all the time; I just want to be normal and be treated fairly and be able to put things to one side without dwelling on everything constantly.

I don’t feel life ever moves forward: why do I have to be this way?
Proverbs chapter 18 tells us that if we want friends we must be friendly.

Everyone feels like an outcast until they find their “tribe”. What are your likes? Hobbies? Passions?

There are groups for everything, from Catholic Writers to Catholic actors to Catholic Metal Heads.

The only way for me to get out of my own head is by doing things for others. Volunteering.

And I gave up on the idea of “fair” a very long time ago.

HUGS, and, do think, what are your passions?
There is a saying: pray to God, but row away from the rocks.

If you are constantly made the scapegoat when you really are not at fault, you may be in the midst of toxic people that you need to distance yourself from. You may, on the other hand, just need to learn how to stick up for yourself in a firm but charitable manner.

If you cannot take legitimate criticism without feeling you are being picked, though, that is another matter. Perseverance is a virtue that is worth cultivating, even if (practically by definition) it is never fun to cultivate it.

I’d say your answer lies in talking to someone who can help you to self-assess your situation, which parts you can change and which you cannot, what skills you may need to develop or how your outlook could be changed to something that works better for you. It comes down to the attitude expressed in the Serenity Prayer:

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
enjoying one moment at a time;
accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
that I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
forever in the next.
(by Reinhold Niebuhr, 1892-1971)
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I don’t want to be friends with anyone from work I just don’t want to be enemies. Well enemies wouldn’t be so bad if they were just honest about it.
I would like to be able to shrug stuff off without stressing about it all the time.

I hate trusting people because they alwsys let me down and/or stab me in the back. I wish I could just learn to not trust people.
feel your pain … my most common prayer is “help me not want to be a bad guy”
if you think it’s hard to deal with people, think of how hard it is for Jesus, and how much more it pains His heart when people don’t listen … seems to help me understand that “people are people”
Jesus was an outcast.
He didn’t mind though.
Scape goat is a interesting term -
The O.T - talks about a Israel goat…taking their sins away…sending it off.
You can always pray to “be normal”, but consider these descriptions as crosses. Jesus was an “outcast; didn’t fit in; etc.” It may give you some peace.
OF COURSE you can pray to be normal.

You can ask God to take away these crosses. Ultimately it is up to God whether these be taken away or not.

I have been trying AND praying to get out of a probably toxic situation or removal of a toxic person.

I do not see why it would not be okay to be pray for normality and to be delivered from toxic people.
My question is: What is normal?

Most of what is thought of as normal makes me want to stay weird.

Also, I prefer the term “limited edition” instead of weird. 😎
“I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being.”

Be kind to yourself. I get it though… I’ve searched the same answers. I like the saying your perception is not my reality. How other people perceive you is not your true self, and also maybe you view yourself X way because of how you grew up, life experiences etc and not truly how the world views you.

By the way a lot of the answers on this forum can be cruel or quick to judge, so dismiss those if you happen to come across those. They are facing their own battles.
I’m sick of being the outcast, the face doesn’t fit person, the black sheep, the scape goat etc.
You are in good company with Jesus and the saints, who experienced this, sometimes for their whole lives. If you are “sick” of it, then you are not bearing it with grace (trying to cope with your own power instead of His) and your sufferings are not being joined with His.

It is painful to be this way in the world, but this is what Jesus promised His disciples.
Also I’m sick of things getting to me all the time; I just want to be normal and be treated fairly and be able to put things to one side without dwelling on everything constantly.
Also I’m sick of things getting to me all the time;
This is a treatable condition! 😃
I just want to be normal
You may want to reconsider this. What is 'normal" in this world is not at all healthy, or godly.
I just want to be… treated fairly and be able to put things to one side without dwelling on everything constantly.
We have no control over whether others treat us fairly, but we do have control over how we respond to unfair treatment. We can learn to forgive others, and not walk around wounded because they hurt us.
I don’t want to be friends with anyone from work I just don’t want to be enemies. Well enemies wouldn’t be so bad if they were just honest about it.
I think this is actually better. I don’t fraternize with people at work either. I go there to do a job. I am friendly, polite, and professional, but I do not engage anyone in personal matters, nor do I involve myself in theirs.

I am not there to make friends, I am there to do a job.
I would like to be able to shrug stuff off without stressing about it all the time.
This can truly happen! And you will be so much happier when it does.
I hate trusting people because they alwsys let me down and/or stab me in the back. I wish I could just learn to not trust people.
This is not realistic. What is realistic, though, is for God to heal you and restore you when you are wronged. This is the beautiful gift of forgiveness.
I have been trying AND praying to get out of a probably toxic situation or removal of a toxic person.

I do not see why it would not be okay to be pray for normality and to be delivered from toxic people.
I agree that we can pray to be delivered from toxicity, but at the same time, it is a cross we may need to bear. We are called to be light and salt to the world, and this is never more needed than a toxic environment.
No peace: I hate it.
Peace is certainly the fruit of the Spirit God intends for you, and it is not dependent upon relief from a toxic environment.
The how depends upon the factors contributing to the lack of peace, but for most of us, thinking about our lives the way God thinks, instead of our natural human responses, makes all the difference. For me this was becoming steeped in Scripture, and praying the liturgy of the hours. There is so much in the Psalms about feeling like an outcast, and how God’s point of view saves us from it.

The other major factor is forgiveness. When we are actively and forcefully forgiving others (especially when we don’t feel like it) and pray for their benefit, blessing our enemies instead of cursing them, we become transformed.
Why doesn’t this happen?
There are a variety of reasons why it may not, but I am sure, if you want to learn them, God will reveal them to you. He desires for us to be whole, to manifest the fruit of the Spirit, ,so we can be confident that He will bring us to these things. The main focus must be that He is the vine, and we are the branches. We stay connected to Him and the fruit will grow. So instead of focusing on how hurtful and unjust things are, we must focus instead on clinging to the Branch.
No I want to be normal, I hate being me.
Have you considered that God may not want you to be “normal”? That perhaps He has a plan for your life that embodies your sensitivities? What if you were to love yourself, as He loves you? How can you love others as you love yourself, if you do not?

Accepting yourself as you are does not mean you need to stay that way. But hating being you is hating someone God has created in His own image and likeness.

This is what I meant about seeing yourself from God’s point of view. If you change your mind and adopt His perspective, you will find yourself much happier and peaceful.
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