Can you pray to be normal?

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You can pray to be normal, just remember that normal is what makes you happy, not what is normal for everyobe else. And God gives in His time when he thinks you have learned what you were supposed to learn from what you are going through now. Or when the time is right for the greater things he has planned for you to come about.

Remember, its all in His timing because he knows what is best for us. As long as you keep trusting in Him and know he wont lead you astray it will all come in perfect timing.

John 11:21 Lord, Martha said to Jesus, "if you had been here, my brother would not have died.:
But our Lord had something GREATER planned

And He has something GREATER planned for you too…
Yes. the word “toxic” is the key. I used to think the only way to love people was to be with them, whether they bothered you or not. But if you just can’t connect, you can show love in other ways. Praying is one of them. It helps their lives without either party being taken down.
Nelka, I say this in the spirit of friendship: knock it off. Stop doing an Eeyore impression where you just mope and complain about how awful everything is and how God is ignoring you.

It’s clear you have some mental health/depression issues. You need a professional to help you with them.

You don’t have to feel this way, but simply complaining into your computer all day is not going to help. Respect yourself enough to take care of yourself. You don’t have to be passive, but “woe is me” is not a productive strategy.
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Dying also means probability of hell …
Why would that be? A person in a state of grace does not need to be concerned about going to hell at the end of this life.

What Paul is talking about is the death of our ego - the self centered part of us that, since contaminated by concupiscence, is opposed to God’s will. This part of us needs to go through a gradual death so that Christ can be born in us. This is what sanctification is all about. We become holy (the character of Christ is formed in us).

Maybe your suffering is calling you to have a better understanding of St. Paul, and the teaching of the Church on sanctification and suffering.
Dying also means probability of hell so life becomes more of a living hell than what it currently is.
I am confused about how the probability of hell would make life more of a living hell than what it currently is? If you wish to be in hell for eternity, would it not be beneficial to start practicing now? The opposite is also true, if a person wants to be in heaven with God, does it not make sense to start getting ready now? Nothing unclean can enter heaven, so all of our uncleanness needs to be separated from us. There is no need to wait for purgatory for this to happen.
Regarding being a salt and light, why is it that when people ask for prayers for physical healing, others would pray for them without any questions, and yet when one is in a toxic situation, one would say to just bear it as a cross?
I think both things can be done at the same time. we should always pray for healing, and we should always take steps to health (including avoiding illness and toxicity), but we also can bear things as a cross. We don’t need to go out LOOKING for crosses to bear, but those that have been given to us we can pick up and carry, with His grace.
Aren’t both physical ailments and toxic people or situations crosses? Why is it that it is okay to pray away for one, but not the other??
We should always pray for healing and deliverance, but we cannot always “pray away” things. It is clear that the OP has been praying about this for some time.
I ask because if you read the threads here or even on non-Catholic websites, the opinion is that you can’t change other people, they have to want to improve themselves.
I think this is beyond an opinion, it is a fact. We can only change ourselves. We may be able to influence others, but we can’t change other people. Investing life energy into things over which we have no control is ultimately exhausting and fruitless.
I don’t necessarily see staying in a toxic environment as a good thing for one’s mental and spiritual health, even if it means being the salt and the light. It’s one thing to remain because you can’t leave even if you want to, it’s another thing to stay just because, even if you have the liberty to leave.
I agree, and whenever possible, such situations should be avoided. If one can have a different living environment, or a different work environment, we should do so . I have been in several very toxic work environments. Some I could get out of quickly, some I had to endure for years.
To be like everyone else, to think feel and act like evrryone else.
This seems odd, since you are saying the people hurting you are mean/toxic. Why would you want to be like them?

And why be like “everyone else” instead of becoming the person God wants you to be?
Sometimes I am quiet and I get accused of being grumpy
Sounds like some DBT might be helpful!

This is really more their problem than yours. You don’t have to make it your problem.
I speak I get accused of having an attitude. Probably correct but not always.
This has to do with interpersonal style. It is possible to hide an “attitude” but it is a skill that has to be learned and developed.
Probably but I can’t change it and I hate being fake.
You can change it, if you want to. In fact, if you want to be “normal”, then you would have to change it, so maybe being “normal” is not a realistic goal?

It is not necessary to be “fake” to get along better with others. We have personas for all kinds of things. I play one role at work, another at church, another at home. There are things I would do and say in one role that I would not do and say in another. This is not being “fake”, it is using the various social skills required for the situation.
You might want to put this in the more positive form of “I wish I could learn to have realistic expectations.” Forming this can be a source of grief, but eventually, if you learn to do it with mercy, it can be a source of peace.
This is an excellent point. Most of our disappointment in life is related to unrealistic expectations.
Your thought saying “maybe God doesn’t want to be be normal” is a thought I never considered either. But your right. the way things have been going along the way, maybe He doesn’t!
When I harbor on the past, and there are a ton of reasons to-I only get miserable, and realize i’m taking my eyes off of God. Not a great arrangement!
It’s sometimes easier to trust strangers than your own family. People whom you’ve never met, have no impressions of you yet, nor you to them. Have you experienced that?
You may pray for anything - but will not receive it unless it is in accord with God’s will.

Now, at the risk of attracting flaming posts and vituperation, have you asked your doctor or other professional about your feelings? Ask, seek, knock and you will receive the help you need.

You are infinitely loved by God and have inestimable value in His sight. If your feelings or thoughts differ from that, there is a disconnect somewhere along the line.

For our part, we can pray for you!

You have posted very similar posts before.

I would (and although I have told myself never to say this) say you seriously need to talk to a Priest!
Nelka have you expressed these feelings to your health care professionals
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