Candace Owens: Democrats want black people to fail

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That all changed when LBJ got the Civil Rights Bill passed in the early 1960s.
Then the former Democrats turned Republican and turned the party of Abraham Lincoln into the party of Strom Thurmond (Dixiecrat before he turned full-blown GOPer).
Since that time, the Democratic Party has been the party that has championed Black rights, while the GOP has turned to voter suppression, voter nullification, etc. and so forth.
You mean all the three or so people who changed parties managed to take over the GOP?
I am interested in their evidence of voter
suppression and nullification.
More African Americans are seeing the light and leaving the democrat party. We have a talk radio host in my city who is African American and used to be a history teacher. He is a conservative. His name is James T.
Harris. I love to listen to him each day as he exposes the latest democrat folly.
Many remain democrat due to peer pressure and afraid to be labeled for becoming republican or a conservative.
I think the same happens within the Jewish
It is easier to go with the crowd than to stand up for your own values.
Misleading people with free money, housing, health insurance and propaganda works remarkably well. Couple that with the fact that any black person that speaks out is labeled as Uncle Tom or house “servent” (I replaced the actual word) that has a way of shutting down discourse.

They are starting to question which is the example of the video in the OP. Have you heard of the Blexit movement?
Have you heard of the Blexit movement?
No, the whole topic isn’t something that has a whole lot of importance in my life.

But would it not make sense to go with the party that makes money, housing, and health insurance available?
That all changed when LBJ got the Civil Rights Bill passed in the early 1960s.
Then the former Democrats turned Republican and turned the party of Abraham Lincoln into the party of Strom Thurmond (Dixiecrat before he turned full-blown GOPer).
Since that time, the Democratic Party has been the party that has championed Black rights, while the GOP has turned to voter suppression, voter nullification, etc. and so forth.
Actually, there was never a flip between the parties as you suggest. Perhaps you should research facts before decimating fiction. The 1964 Civil Rights Act can easily be research and you will find most Democrats in the House and Senate did not vote with LBJ on Act. It was the Republicans who passed the Act in both cambers of congress along with LBJ signature. Simple research proves that:

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But would it not make sense to go with the party that makes money, housing, and health insurance available?
That’s exactly my point. The racist past is overlooked because it is expedient to go with the party that gives you free stuff. It’s easier to get free fish than to learn to fish.
No, the whole topic isn’t something that has a whole lot of importance in my life.
Allow me to sum it up. Many black people are realizing that they are being used by the Democrat party and leaving. They in turn get relentlessly bashed by Democrats for doing nothing more than exercising their free will, free thought and choice.
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Candace Owens is not much of a thoughtful representative for black conservatism in the U.S., imho.
I think the same of ‘diamond and silk’ not deep thinkers but they are going against the grain.

Thomas Sowell is a fantastic black conservative speaker. I wish he had been a more frequent guest on news programs to express his views.
Thomas Sowell is a fantastic black conservative speaker. I wish he had been a more frequent guest on news programs to express his views.
I totally agree! Dave Rubin actually did interview him, which was very cool. Rubin’s audience is diverse enough to reach some outside of merely conservative circles.
How can you not like Diamond and Silk?
They were able to think deep enough to realize the truth about Obama and Hillary.
I have no idea what their background is,
what did they do before becoming Diamond and Silk, but I really appreciate them showing African Americans it is okay
to be enlightened and think outside the
democrat box. Hopefully, they have a following and are changing some minds.
How can you not like Diamond and Silk?
I like them a lot, they are funny and come off as ‘regular people’

I also like Thomas Sowell thought, to critique policy issues. He’s very articulate and practical when discussing the impacts of Dem policies.
They are funny and important voices within
the African American community, but relevant
for all of us.

They were just on Watter’s World tonight responding to insults towards them by
D. L. Hughley who labeled them. He is
really low class.
Since that time, the Democratic Party has been the party that has championed Black rights, while the GOP has turned to voter suppression, voter nullification, etc. and so forth.
I don’t agree. If they champion anything, it’s because they believe it’ll bring them money & votes - not because they have any particular love of anyone.

As for the accusation against the GOP, as far as I’m concerned, unless you are a citizen of the US or at least a legal resident, you have no say. That has been my underrtand from school long ago, & I still hold to that view.
The other sellouts? You mean the two other people who switched parties thereby taking the entire historical racism burden off the Democrat party shoulders?

So your position is; there is no revisionism and the other side are all liars? As enlightening as that is I’m afraid you are really not good at this debating thing. Here’s a hint. Don’t label the entire opposition with one character trait. That simply shows you’re stereotyping and shows you are a partisan hack with no objectivity.
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The title of this topic is misleading due to the fact a great many African Americans are Democrats.

The failure within an economy that actually believes wealth trickles down has proven faulty over and over again.

This idea that a rising tide lifts all boats refuses to take into account the boats that are tied down. Like the idea of pulling yourself up by your bootstraps fails to recognize that not all persons have boots.
Martin Luther King Jr.'s son:

@OfficialMLK3 in DC blasts Pence for invoking his father:
“The vice president attempted to compare the president to Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr was a bridge builder, not a wall builder. Martin Luther King Jr. would say, ‘Love, not hate,will make America great.’”


10:03 AM - Jan 21, 2019
So when they are alone in the voter booth and pull the lever for the democrat they are caving to peer pressure?
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