Card. Burke: "Biden is not a Catholic in good standing..."

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.BTW he was wearing a wire in his ear
Without prompting, how else would Biden know what to say?
No, how else would the TV producers be able to tell him when his mic wasn’t working, when his volume was too.high, or when his allotted time for a question was up (presumably they had time limits and.couldnt just speak forever).
Cardinal Burke is not Joe Biden’s Bishop, in fact, he doesn’t have a dioceses anymore.

Only Joe Biden’s Bishop has the authority to prohibit him from receiving Holy Communion.

Cardinal Dolan said that he will not use Sacraments as a whipping tool to get people in line.

I don’t care for Joe Biden, but that’s not the issue. The issue is, who is Joe Biden’s Bishop and what has he said to Joe Biden, which is really none of our business unless Biden makes it public.
Opinions are not judgments (or usurpation of). And ‘whipping tool to get people in line’ is not a good way to speak about the Church’s canon law.

Canon 915:

Those who have been excommunicated or interdicted after the imposition or declaration of the penalty and others obstinately persevering in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to holy communion.

‘Manifest grave sin’ is understood objectively, and it does the imposition of a formal penalty (which is dealt with under a separate head) and does not require an individual judgment based on the evaluation of the offender’s subjective consent on the basis of ‘who knows, perhaps he/she somehow lacks full consent or full knowledge’. Nope.

Abortion is a grave sin, supporting it — especially up to birh and on demand — is also, as is enabling it. There is ample Church teaching on this. There is nothing more manifest than voting records and public speeches.

Canon law is not a ‘tool to get people in line’, and getting its members ‘in line’ in matters of faith and morality is actually part of the Church’s mission. Being inclusive and pluralistic and respectful and welcoming of polarly opposite views — even when they actively promote a grave evil that is antithetic to the Church’s teaching while claiming to somehow fit within the Catholic spectrum (which they don’t, no matter how hard liberals and progressives are going to try) — is not.

The Church also has a duty to protect the Eucharist from unworthy reception, and even a duty to unworthy recipients to not enable them to add another mortal sin to their list.
Biden’s own current bishop, Bishop Malooly, has stated that as a matter of policy in his diocese, he’s not going to withhold the sacraments from politicians on the basis of their political views.
Abortion is not a political matter. It is a moral matter. Being argued and fought over by politicians and politican parties does not make it stop being a moral issue. No matter how strongly progressives may desire for it to be otherwise, there is no going around the fact that abortion and support for it is grave matter and opposed and inimical to the Church’s teaching.
Our sins aren’t somehow less sinful because we’re not in the public eye or serving in office.

They’re just less public
Not true. Scandal is a separate sin in its own right, and its effect on others is the essence of the sin. And being a pro-abort voter is on a wholly different scale than being a promoter of abortion. It is thus not true to say that sins don’t gain more gravity by being public.
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Opinions are not judgments (or usurpation of). And ‘whipping tool to get people in line’ is not a good way to speak about the Church’s canon law.
Those are the words Cardinal Dolan used when he was president of the USCCB,

I think he knows what Canon 915 means
Those are the words Cardinal Dolan used when he was president of the USCCB,
Knowing who said them makes them no less inappropriate, nor does it change the significance of C. 915 that some bishops have decided not to enforce it.
Knowing who said them makes them no less inappropriate, nor does it change the significance of C. 915 that some bishops have decided not to enforce it.
It seems to be a fact - a troubling one, in the continuing revelations of corruption and abuse within the hierarchy - that many Catholics naively, wrongly, believe that every word spoken by clergy - not to mention the ones of higher rank ( bishop, cardinal, pope) - must surely be infallible and “appropriate.”

Right discernment is needed.
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It seems to be a fact - a troubling one, in the continuing revelations of corruption and abuse within the hierarchy - that many Catholics naively, wrongly, believe that every word spoken by clergy - not to mention the ones of higher rank
And even more when we think we should take their place.
Is this the same Cardinal Burke who was stripped of his previous Vatican position?
He was reassigned. He was not stripped of any position and remains a bishop and cardinal.
Is this the same Cardinal Burke who was stripped of his previous Vatican position?
Most Vatican watchers believe the reassignment of Cardinal Burke had to do with continuous, public criticism of Pope Francis.

It does not mean that Cardinal Burke does not know whether Joe Biden should have Holy Communion withheld from him. Cardinal Burke is a canon lawyer, one of extraordinary talent, and much more versed in Church law that most bishops (that’s why he was put in charge of the Signatura [the Church’s highest court]).

Deacon Christopher
It’s not what I said.

Canon law places the authority of Biden or any Catholic, under their own Bishop.

Note the word, “authority.”

Bishop Burke can say all he wants against Biden or anyone else, that’s his prerogative.

However, he can’t tell Biden not to receive Holy Communion in his own dioceses. Only that Bishop has that authority and has not told Biden not to receive, as far as we know. And it’s really none of our business anyway.
My main concern is not the (canon) legalisms of the matter, but what is right and just before God. His authority supersedes Canon Law. I mean no disrespect to Canon Law, nor to Church authority as officially recognized. But I see Mr. Biden as gravely disrespecting the Lord, His Church, all bishops, and all faithful Catholics.
Canon law places the authority of Biden or any Catholic, under their own Bishop.
Canon 915 places the obligation on the ministers of communion, which is why the minister in South Carolina was justified in denying Biden communion.
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Canon 915 places the obligation on the ministers of communion, which is why the minister in South Carolina was justified in denying Biden communion.
Out of curiosity, does it say anything about EMHCs? Thanks

It’s hardly a surprise. Biden is a pro-abortion Democrat who opposes religious freedom – even for nuns — and wants to force taxpayers to pay for abortions.

But the likely Democratic presidential nominee is trying to sell himself to religious voters by touting his supposedly devout Catholic faith and surrounding himself with other liberal religious leaders.

The Washington Examiner reports Biden’s campaign launched a new faith-based outreach called Believers for Biden on Thursday with plans to host “public weekly prayer calls” and other religious events for religious voters.

But Biden has no compassion for unborn babies, 61 million of whom have been slaughtered in abortions since Roe v. Wade in 1973. Unlike most religious Americans, Biden supports policies that would expand abortions by codifying Roe v. Wade into federal law and forcing taxpayers to pay for them.

He wants to restore taxpayer funding to the billion-dollar abortion chain Planned Parenthood as well as to groups that promote and provide abortions overseas.

And while Biden claims to be a “very devout Catholic and a person of deep faith,” he opposes religious freedom for Catholic organizations like the Little Sisters of the Poor, which serves the poor and elderly.

Unlike past Democrats, Biden has not talked about wanting to reduce abortions or make them rare. In April, he went so far as to call the killing of unborn babies in abortions an “essential medical service” during the coronavirus pandemic.
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