Japanese Americans, Mexican Americans, African Americans, and others, were noticeably left out of the “greatness” of this era. Worth thinking about.
It’s true that the US had many dark moments and also had sadly very forgettable chapters in its history. Slavery, interments of Japanese Americans, deep seeded racism in the Deep South, racism in current days, work place discrimination against all races, etc… are among them. My parish priest told me about the days in his youth in my city—where there were signs: “Help wanted—Irish (Italian, Polish, etc…) need not apply”.
But have you wondered why the US has been the destination of choice for immigrants/refugees from all corners of the world? The answers are: freedom, opportunities, and security. Americans as a whole are the kindest, most generous and most welcoming people on earth. Each year the US accepts around 70,000 refugees and hundreds of thousands of legal immigrants alone. These people are welcome to social and economic services offered specifically to them. Their children go to schools—getting the same education as other American children. Keep in mind that the average cost to educate an American student in the US is over $15,000 a year. Over the last 50 years or so, the US has accepted tens of millions legal immigrants/refugees. These people in time can become citizens. Can you think of any country in the history of the world that would do that?
Furthermore, whenever/wherever disasters (natural or otherwise) happen in the world, it was almost always Americans or some type of American charity organizations that were first to arrive to offer help.
My family and I came to the US as refugees. All we wanted were freedom, opportunity and security. We worked hard and went to schools. All of my siblings also went to college, and we now have our own homes and raise of our families.
It’s quite a shame and down right sad for me to see Americans lack appreciation and love for their country. If these people really saw what is going on in the world and are honest about that, they would not put down America. Yes, America had its problems, but it is a great country. No country on earth is even close to it.