Card. Burke: "Biden is not a Catholic in good standing..."

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Trump sees something in America that many Americans do not see - a past “greatness” that many saw and lived in “the greatest generation” - the dark days of Stalin, and Hitler, and the huge war machine of Japan in those days.
Japanese Americans, Mexican Americans, African Americans, and others, were noticeably left out of the “greatness” of this era. Worth thinking about.
Japanese Americans, Mexican Americans, African Americans, and others, were noticeably left out of the “greatness” of this era. Worth thinking about.
It’s true that the US had many dark moments and also had sadly very forgettable chapters in its history. Slavery, interments of Japanese Americans, deep seeded racism in the Deep South, racism in current days, work place discrimination against all races, etc… are among them. My parish priest told me about the days in his youth in my city—where there were signs: “Help wanted—Irish (Italian, Polish, etc…) need not apply”.

But have you wondered why the US has been the destination of choice for immigrants/refugees from all corners of the world? The answers are: freedom, opportunities, and security. Americans as a whole are the kindest, most generous and most welcoming people on earth. Each year the US accepts around 70,000 refugees and hundreds of thousands of legal immigrants alone. These people are welcome to social and economic services offered specifically to them. Their children go to schools—getting the same education as other American children. Keep in mind that the average cost to educate an American student in the US is over $15,000 a year. Over the last 50 years or so, the US has accepted tens of millions legal immigrants/refugees. These people in time can become citizens. Can you think of any country in the history of the world that would do that?

Furthermore, whenever/wherever disasters (natural or otherwise) happen in the world, it was almost always Americans or some type of American charity organizations that were first to arrive to offer help.

My family and I came to the US as refugees. All we wanted were freedom, opportunity and security. We worked hard and went to schools. All of my siblings also went to college, and we now have our own homes and raise of our families.

It’s quite a shame and down right sad for me to see Americans lack appreciation and love for their country. If these people really saw what is going on in the world and are honest about that, they would not put down America. Yes, America had its problems, but it is a great country. No country on earth is even close to it.
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I agree with RTG.
Welcome to my Autonomous Collective. We have snacks and t-shirts.
Isn’t it more of an anarcho-syndicalist commune where members take it in turns to act as a sort of executive? (apologies to Monty Python)
My family and I came to the US as refugees. All we wanted were freedom, opportunity and security. We worked hard and went to schools. All of my siblings also went to college, and we now have our own homes and raise of our families.
Just so you know, Making America Great again includes only record low numbers of refugees. Trump doesn’t want refugees here. He’s been reducing the number that can enter every year.

"The Rev John L McCullough, head of the Church World Service, which helps resettle refugees in the United States, described the shrinking of refugee admissions as immoral and urged Congress to step in, though it is largely powerless to alter the administration’s determination.

“The proposed refugee resettlement number of 15,000, a more than 80% cut over historic norms, is unacceptable. Our values as a nation and as people of faith demand that we take action when people’s lives are in danger,” McCullough said in a statement.

Just so you know, Making America Great again includes only record low numbers of refugees. Trump doesn’t want refugees here. He’s been reducing the number that can enter every year.

"The Rev John L McCullough, head of the Church World Service, which helps resettle refugees in the United States, described the shrinking of refugee admissions as immoral and urged Congress to step in, though it is largely powerless to alter the administration’s determination.

“The proposed refugee resettlement number of 15,000, a more than 80% cut over historic norms, is unacceptable. Our values as a nation and as people of faith demand that we take action when people’s lives are in danger,” McCullough said in a statement.
It is up to elected officials (republicans or democrats) of the US to decide on the annual numbers of either refugees and legal immigrants. They are fulfilling the promises that they made to the American people. If the annual number of refugees were to drop to 15,000 from 75,000, there should be no problem because the US government has the right to determine that number—not the world. 15,000 would still be a very generous number. This does not change the generosity of the American people and the greatness of America.

You do realize that the annual accepted number of refugees fluctuates over the year. It was never increasing nor staying the same. In fact, the number did drop significantly more than 50,000 before. The most drops were during the Clinton years.

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You do realize that the annual accepted number of refugees fluctuates over the year.
Yes I do. I realize that Trump’s version of a “Great” America is one with as few refugees as possible.

I thought that might interest you.

Just like African Americans, Mexican Americans, Japanese Americans, and others were left out of the “Great” America of the 1940s, refugees are left out of the present “Great” America.
Isn’t it more of an anarcho-syndicalist commune where members take it in turns to act as a sort of executive?
Watery tarts distributing weaponry is not a basis for a system of government.
Yes I do. I realize that Trump’s version of a “Great” America is one with as few refugees as possible.

I thought that might interest you.

Just like African Americans, Mexican Americans, Japanese Americans, and others were left out of the “Great” America of the 1940s, refugees are left out of the present “Great” America.
The biggest ACTUAL annual drops in refugees were during the Clinton administration. I am talking actual numbers here—not a proposal.

The 1940’s were 80 years ago. Interment was awful and wrong. But look at the success of Japanese Americans outside of this era. I would say Japanese American are among the most successful groups in the US. Mexican Americans are doing well, but could be better. There is still lots of work for African Americans.
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It’s quite a shame and down right sad for me to see Americans lack appreciation and love for their country.
Many Americans do not lack “appreciation and love” for their country.
The patriotic Americans are often not the ones shouting the loudest these days.
Also, I would say there’s a significant number of Americans who do love and appreciate their country but simply don’t like President Trump.
There’s another group of Americans who actually don’t mind it here that much but feel guilty about saying so because they feel they should be more upset about bad things we’re purportedly doing.
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On the main point, the thing I accused president Trump of doing is verified by reputable news sources. You can’t reasonably deny that he separated children - most of whom came from predominantly Catholic nations - from their parents.
Yes, I acknowledge that aspect of US law was enforced under Trump exactly as it was under the previous administration when, apparently, it was not considered heinous.
And as a quibble, there was no “medieval” accusation of Catholics preforming satanic rituals. The middle ages were before the reformation so there was nobody to make such accusations.
That would make the charges equally ludicrous then.
Just so you know, Making America Great again includes only record low numbers of refugees. Trump doesn’t want refugees here. He’s been reducing the number that can enter every year.
It is indeed astonishing that Making America Great again was intended to make things better for Americans instead of everyone wanting to come to America.
"The Rev John L McCullough, head of the Church World Service, which helps resettle refugees in the United States, described the shrinking of refugee admissions as immoral…
This seems a bit superfluous given that everyone knows all of Trumps policies are immoral, especially when done to benefit America.
Just like African Americans, Mexican Americans, Japanese Americans, and others were left out of the “Great” America of the 1940s, refugees are left out of the present “Great” America.
Apparently Trump is simply what one would expect to rise to the top in such a benighted country.
Also, I would say there’s a significant number of Americans who do love and appreciate their country but simply don’t like President Trump.
There’s another group of Americans who actually don’t mind it here that much but feel guilty about saying so because they feel they should be more upset about bad things we’re purportedly doing.
It’s fine and quite American to disagree with or dislike their presidents (President Trump included). Disagreements on how he country should be headed and be run are quite healthy and good. It is ok to hate Trump and at the same time appreciate America for what it is, for what it stands for, and for the good it has done. But it is disheartening, while disagreeing, hating and taking down Trump, people drag America down with it. America is already great country (whether or not Trump says it). Americans are kind and generous people. Naturally, no one is perfect and without flaws. The same is for all nations. It’s extremely important to appreciate, respect and love the very land that people live in and raise their families.
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But look at the success of Japanese Americans outside of this era. I would say Japanese American are among the most successful groups in the US. Mexican Americans are doing well, but could be better. There is still lots of work for African Americans.
I assume you meant there is still lots of work that African Americans need to do to make themselves successful. I would put it differently. There is still lots of work that American society needs to do to create an environment that is more just toward African Americans so they can be successful.
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I assume you meant there is still lots of work that African Americans need to do to make themselves successful. I would put it differently. There is still lots of work that American society needs to do to create an environment that is more just toward African Americans so they can be successful.
I agree with you. Black Americans need help. They have been a group that has been most prejudiced against. Currently, the family support structure in the black community has not been strong.
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It’s true that the US had many dark moments and also had sadly very forgettable chapters in its history.
During those times, the darkness was a matter of pride among patriots, nationalists, racists, etc. - many Americans. I think of how history will judge our own era, whoever it is who writes our history. We have been unkind to a lot of people, with rhetoric at the highest levels being horribly demeaning. The U.S. commands weapons, but little respect.

We are a two party system, with both parties rotting from moral decay, along with the nation. Guns and money will not make us great. Solid moral leadership will. Maybe in 2024?
Watery tarts distributing weaponry is not a basis for a system of government.
Right now, that is looking like an improvement.
We have been unkind to a lot of people, with rhetoric at the highest levels being horribly demeaning. The U.S. commands weapons, but little respect.
No, despite its flaws and failings, you are wrong and unkind in your overall assessment of America and Americans. You rather see America from the glass half empty point of view. But America should be proud for what it has done in the world. The world is much better off with America in it and leading it.The latest defeat of IISIS is commendable. Standing up to China’s world economic and military aggression is another. Hate Trump or like Trump, Trump should receive credits for them.
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Trump should receive credits for them.
I do give him credit for that which he is done, which he I agree is positive. I know many do not. Some never acknowledge his good, just like some here back everything, literally everything, he has done. So now notice the same is happening to Biden. Is everyone, acknowledging good, or is it only his error that is deserving of comment? It is always good to take out the Golden Ruler from time to time and give oneself a proper measurement.
Opinions simply are. They are not right or wrong. One can be kind, or unkind, to people, not ideas.
No, you are wrong again. Americans put in practice what they believe. Tens of millions of legal immigrants have been accepted to live in the US in the past 50 years or so. American charitable organizations and volunteers are present all over their world. Americans were always the first to arrive at most natural disasters in the world. Americans saved the world in World War 1 and 2 from fascism and nazism. It brought democracy and freedom to many parts of the world. It fought AIDS and other diseases in Africa. It destroyed ISIS. Standup to China’s world power grab is a great thing—although it may not seem so now. Believe me the world is much better with the US leading it—rather China.
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