All priests are supposed to be ‘fanatical’ about the rubics. The history books are full of examples from martyrs fanatical about the Mass and our faith. How many people would die for the Church today? Priests take an oath of obedience which should carry through to rubics.Sure, but the only people who say the Latin Mass these days are highly traditional priests who are likely to be pretty much fanatical about the rubrics.
Yes the EF can be abused, but the OF is much more prone to it as the past forty years have proven.
In many OF parishes the liturgical theme is novelty, creativity, basically entertainment. The flaw in this approach is the short attention span most people have today. If you are trying to entertain you have to be constantly finding something new. You also depend on the personality of the presider being charismatic enough to pull it off. This is why it is common for Protestants to switch their allegiance from one place to another.