Again, the “best interests of the child” is a value judgement, not an empirical one. The child’s desperate, even futile, situation is not the point of contention. The point of contention is that the hospital staff and the courts decided that because Alfie Evans was terminally ill, his life was therefore no longer worth living, and they prioritized this above the wishes of his parents. They did not mercifully treat him until death, they deliberately killed him. They put him down like a dog against the wishes of those closest and most responsible for him, his parents. They suffocated, starved, and dehydrated him to death in the name of mercy. I have already stated that medical professionals view their patients lives as less valuable than the patients or guardians do. Why does this give them authority above the parent? This is at least the second documented case of this situation occurring within a year in the UK. There are some serious ethical issues the UK should reflect on here.