Thank you for taking the trouble to look them up. I have only watched the first one and will watch the rest as I have time.
If… you are connecting this to the Church, which is yet unclear to me , let me say one thing: when you are committed to getting into a dangerous zone with the view of the innocent in mind, you will be treading a very fine line, and accepting you may be a target to be disgraced from both sides. Long before there was left and right, socialist and capitalist, there was Jesus. And Christian. And with eyes fixed on Jesus, and in His hands, we walk forward.
That doesn t mean that one isn t aware or is asleep, but fully awake and fully determined to carry out a mission we have been entrusted as witnesses of hope.
We will be treading a very fine line, and a highway at the same time.With the best and the worst of humanity. Inside and outside. And within ourselves.A struggle.
I apreciate you btw, and it has been years sharing here, Abucs.
When I said “ Just say it” , I didn t mean to challenge you but to spare you some discomfort and it helps me understand without much contorsions.
You have my word I will watch them and as open hearted and minded as possible.
Thanks again and have a blessed day.