I think you mean Tim Minchin. Nick was a conservative politician and is now a diplomat to the United States.We had a disgusting song from comedian Nick Minchin which demanded that Pell return home, calling him a “filthy coward” (as I recall - I’m not going to look it up). It was widely played. I’m sure the ABC would have covered it, at least once, if not more times, as “news”.
Tim is an outspoken and dare I say immature atheist and made appearances on both the ABC and it’s British counterpart, the BBC.
Anti Pell song. (Well before Cardinal Pell was charged or even questioned by the Victorian Police).
Another anti Christian song (ITV England pulled the song at the last minute from broadcast). Tim described the decision to delete the song as ITV being “scared of the ranty, shit-stirring, right-wing press, and of the small minority of Brits who believe they have a right to go through life protected from anything that challenges them in any way.”
Speaking on the ABC after receiving Australia Day honours in early 2020.
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