People love to point out World War II as an example of people failing to take action… But, well thats’ one war, what about World War I where countries started building up arms because other countries were building up arms and making alliances and agreements, so that one little fire led to war on the entire European continent. In many ways after what happened in World I, World War II became ineveitable. I’m quite sure some of the European leaders felt at the beginning of World War I, wars inevitable anyways.
Besides you cannot compare Hitler and Germany to Iraq situation! Even if Saddam had the weapons (and our proof was murky) We still had the man pretty incapacitated. WE don’t know that Saddam would have been stupid enough to direct those weapons against us… He got licked last time he faced us (and that war was understandable because he attacked Kuwait, and the oil issues.)
Germany on the other hand really had the best miltary in the world at that time. (They lost because they had two many enemies.) And she was taking over Europe systematically. YOu cannot compare the Iraq were facing to Germany.
The problem with preventive war is our country couldn’t proof that Sadaam was going to hit us, and if you want to go with threat we are better of attacking Iran, who does have nuclear weapons and have a much more documented connection to Al Queda. Plus, Iranian leaders and Saddam were not friends saddam was abusing the Shitte majority in Iraq, now you have Iran with probably far more influence in Iraq.
I don’t know if i was the right answer, but I’m not sure we can label it as “just war” because our reasons were questionable. Also in just war, you have to proof that you can resolve it quickly, and not exasperate the problem, and there’s a real danger that we did that with Iraq. Did what we do create more terrorists? Make others sympathetic to the cause of Ben Ladins. Even if the Iraqi people are happy, what about the Muslims in other countries. Are they getting the whole story? They are a saying that a revolutionary’s greatest fear is a liberal ruler. It’s hard to get people to rise up when their life conditions are somewhat decent. (Even if the people don’t necessarily like the conquering government etc. For example, Britian was going to give Ireland home rule, and the majority of the Irish, well while they hated Britian, weren’t going to necessarily revelot. But some rebels did some bad things, and the British responded harsily, angering the Irish majority.
Each harsh reaction made them more angry with the British, and more likely to say we want nothing to do with you. There’s a very real danger, that this is what is happening in the Muslim world, and its exactly what the terrorists want to happen. For the average Muslim to become so angry with the U.S, that more join their cause.