In our parish we have a small group studying the scriptures, meeting once amonth under the direction of Sr.Mary Horn O.P. a Dominican nun,who hopes to fulfil on the occasion of her Golden Jubilee, the O.P bit of her title by preaching at our Parish Mass.
She tells us why women did not continue as they were in the early Church in some cases as leaders in the Breaking of Bread and prayer life, was for economic reasons. Women were able to earn more to support the male leaders. In fact she cited a case where not to many years ago in our diocese, teaching nuns were paid 70 pounds a year while their male counterparts, the Brothers were paid 200. The reason, the brothers had to employ housekeepers etc. and the nuns could earn more by teaching music and elocution.
Maybe the Church has stifled the full richnest of the Holy Spirit, could be why we have such agrowth of Evangeletical Churches. In John Fuellenbach, SVD book, Church, Community for the Kingdom, which I’m reading just now, he says Paul and Luke regard prophets as important members of the christian community, second after the Apostles(1cor12:28). In Acts13:1:2 , five people are called “prophets and leaders”. Where are the prophets recognised today in the Church? We need a Ministry that enables the charismatic , impulsive prophecy to flow so that our evangelistic ministries are able to flourish.God bless you all
Maurice Mulliga
She tells us why women did not continue as they were in the early Church in some cases as leaders in the Breaking of Bread and prayer life, was for economic reasons. Women were able to earn more to support the male leaders. In fact she cited a case where not to many years ago in our diocese, teaching nuns were paid 70 pounds a year while their male counterparts, the Brothers were paid 200. The reason, the brothers had to employ housekeepers etc. and the nuns could earn more by teaching music and elocution.
Maybe the Church has stifled the full richnest of the Holy Spirit, could be why we have such agrowth of Evangeletical Churches. In John Fuellenbach, SVD book, Church, Community for the Kingdom, which I’m reading just now, he says Paul and Luke regard prophets as important members of the christian community, second after the Apostles(1cor12:28). In Acts13:1:2 , five people are called “prophets and leaders”. Where are the prophets recognised today in the Church? We need a Ministry that enables the charismatic , impulsive prophecy to flow so that our evangelistic ministries are able to flourish.God bless you all
Maurice Mulliga