
I can relate!oh yea. I definitely know about the “worse”!![]()

Actually, for first time marriages, or even marriages which are second time around, with all the annulment issues completed and out of the way, the Church requires a 6 month period of discernment before the wedding, after you contact the priest. The Engaged Encounter weekend is specifically designed to address issues that many couples and their therapists overlook. It also goes through some of the things that a Catholic might take for granted, not even realizing that a particular aspect of Catholic marriage is not the cultural norm. Some of these things might come up years into the marriage, some might be issues early on. It sounds like you have likely addressed many of the “early on” issues already, through things that have come up while living together. However, you may find, that you each have some expectations that certain things will change as a result of being married. Have you gone through those expectations in an organized manner? I really would encourage you to consider the program for your Fiance’ and yourself, so that you can both come to a comfortable agreement on how you want to handle things.… Also, if you are going through marriage for the first time I’m pretty sure they don’t make you wait a year just for the heck of it. …

This can be done. It isn’t the advisable way to approach it however.…As for the whole tribunal thing. . . . does that mean we could have the marriage approved eventually? …Just so that my fiancee will be in good standing in his church and whatnot at least after all the paperwork goes through.
This comes down to a willingness to place our own will behind that of Our Lord. It’s a matter of accepting the authority of the Church as having a place in our lives, and that this authority was granted by God. That being the case, when it comes to God, you don’t just do it your way, ask forgiveness and then make things right later if you know when you’re doing it that it’s wrong.
I mean, you can, but when it comes to matters of God, why would you. You can wait, do it right and know you’re accepting the delay for God and your fiance’. Think of it as a personal wedding Gift to the most important party to your marriage, God.