Catholic Answers a bad place for information?

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One perspective to consider. The fullness of truth is bigger than any of us. We spend a lifetime hopefully conforming our minds and actions more and more closely to truth - which is by, of and from God. She is seeing some good in Catholicism - that’s good! Pray for her, for more of a grasp of Gods full truth. You can pray that for yourself too - I do! Rejoice in what parts of the truth she does believe, enjoy your unity in those truths you both believe, and pray for her in the gaps. God loves us in spite of every one of us being too little to ever understand all things or grasp all truths. We none of us have it all right.
At least she’s not an atheist or doesn’t believe in Jesus is her Lord and Savior… so she knows the most important part of the Truth.
I had this problem with my family every time I tried to explain why I wanted to become a catholic and how the things that we do are backed up in the bible I was "on fire"about what I was learning in the RCIA classes i was in at the time, the harder i pushed my family to understand the more resistance I got from my parents. I was home for a visit and got asked out of the blue by my mother what are the differences between her bible ( Protestant) and ours i was able to show her the differences between her bible and ours she asked me why she didn’t have certain books in hers and why did we have more i was able to explain to her about how Luther took out books like maccabees 1×2 . I didn’t know it at the time but I had planted a “seed” , just wait until she comes to you and asks a question then the door is open to you to tell her about our faith.
Invite her to read “Story of a Soul,” by St. Thérèse Lisieux. And you should re-read it. Then, have discussions about it. That memoir can be life-changing. St. Thérèse explains the faith in a way that invites us all into God’s love. Make sure to get the John Clarke translation.

You can’t go wrong with Thérèse. She’s a doctor of the church.

Plus, here’s some food for thought from the epistle of Jude.
21 Keep yourselves in the love of God and wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life.

22 On those who waver, have mercy;

23 save others by snatching them out of the fire; on others have mercy with fear, abhorring even the outer garment stained by the flesh.
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So, after some more wrangling, I think I might have found the basis for her ideas.
That document called:Evangelicals and Catholics Together. It was a joint statement and published in 1994. She has used some of the same language with me, so that’s why I think that’s important to her. It would have come out I. The heyday of her studies, and perhaps it just stuck.

It was a brainchild of Richard John Neuhaus, someone I admire. But upon reading it, there’s lots to question…

Does anyone know much about it?
Any links or information regarding criticism of it?
Maybe exit the heaven-hell dialectics?
And concentrate just on practicing Catholic praying with her just to see what happens. The positive not the scare.
And leave it to God to guide her into faith. Maybe she needs a sign or a push or a deep curiosity like if she wanted to go to Mass she would just go. Maybe she will go alone not with you and you need to understand that. Some people really need some time before sharing their personal experience with God to others.
Pray for her health and protection and leave it to God.
Thing is, she believes she understands and adheres with Catholicism. But she doesn’t. She’s already refuted confession to a priest, and the need to go to mass. I mentioned her illness because she is clearly able to manage being up rite for an hour a week.

She believes she can keep her entirely Protestant ways and understanding but be aCatholic.

I am being very defensive about the Church. I should just drop it.
She has to solve it on her own in the end.
You should pray for her and try not to worry.
It’s not for you to judge if she’s sincere or not. Only God knows.
But when we try to do right thing the Enemy sends us doubts and He’s smarter than all the IQ’s of the planet put together. So she definitely needs your prayers and friendship.
I can’t imagine why she would ask you about being Catholic if she really was set in remaining Protestant.
The problem is that she thinks she is already there. And she isn’t. She thinks she’s already Catholic, and only needs the confirmation ritual to get the Eucharist.
She’s not interested in the other sacraments.

She thinks I am wrong because I insist on the need and correctness of basic things like confession to a priest, and the idea that the CC is the true Church.
She’s quite happy with the idea that Protestantism and Catholicism differ in practice but not belief.
When I suggest that Protestant theology has it wrong, as in incorrect, in many parts, she gets all huffy, tells me I don’t understand my own faith, and that I interpret the catechism wrong.
As does Catholic Answers…thus the start of the posting.

I point out that Catholics don’t interpret and that’s a Protestant thing she ignores me and says things like “ well, I BE LIEVE we will all be in heaven together!” As if her belief is the only thing that makes it so.

I think she believes everyone goes to heaven.
Everything seems optional to her. I’m just a fringe, rule bound zealot, without true understanding.

She uses her “illness” to circumvent going to RCIA, and ignores the need to have her first marriage annulled if possible, before she can be recieved. She thinks her belief will get her through the door without these things.

Given the state of the Church in many places,
I’m concerned that she will find an uninformed priest to make that happen.

But it’s out of my hands.
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Many priests are not trained not catechised properly these days.
Many priests are not trained not catechised properly these days.
You should not speak so ill of priests. Earlier on, you expressed a concern for the good of the Church, but here you are publicly undermining the priesthood and sowing doubt in the minds of others here online (and also perhaps in person?). That harms the Church and your neighbor.

I get that you do not agree with some priests. You should still respect them, really listen and try to understand what they say, and if you still don’t agree, perhaps discuss it privately and charitably with another priest, or even that priest. You might be surprised to discover how well-trained and catechized they are.
I have a friend who wants to be Catholic but can’t get past “no salvation outside the Church”.
She wants to be Catholic but doesn’t want to be Catholic.
In some respects, in a lot of respects, it sort of doesn’t matter whether you convince her. She doesn’t have the option of simply deciding that she’s Catholic. To convert to Catholicism she needs to go through the RCIA process.
Catholic Answers is a great place for information. It is because of the resources Catholic Answers and their apologists that I decided to come back to the Catholic Faith. You should continue using resources from Catholic Answers. Also show her Bible verses where Jesus gives the Church authority (such as Matthew 16) and then show her how Popes, including our current Pontiff, have taught that Non-Catholics and even Non-Christians can in certain cases be saved. Jesus’ Vicars have spoken on the matter. They have taught that Non-Catholics can be saved. That is therefore Church Teaching. The Popes teach that even if a Non-Catholic is saved, it is still through the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. No one gets to Heaven by being saved apart from Jesus’s Church. All Salvation, inculding Salvation to non-believers, is through The Catholic Church.
God Bless
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Yup, I figured CA was a good place for faithful answers.
I think if she rejects explanations from CA, she isn’t ready to be Catholic.
Even if she “believes” she is…
I’m just afraid she will find someone to receive her and she will be jeopardizing her eternity
Being received into the Catholic Church can cause people to “jeopardize their eternity.” Is that what you’re telling her? It doesn’t sound exactly encouraging.
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No. It has to do with the sorts of things I hear from priests that are indicative of their poor formation. Relativism, universalism, modernism.
Including what I hear from well formed priests about their fellow priests.
Please refrain from judging me because I go to the TLM.
I have told her that if she is received under false pretenses, she’s putting her soul in trouble.
Retire to your room, close the door and pray.
Repeat as necessary.

We do not change minds. We do not convert.
Only - only - the Holy Spirit convicts us of sin and truth.
The Holy Spirit accomplishes all conversion.

He does not come without an invitation.

Since our words fail, we pray.
It is not written that the Church sends people to hell.

People send themselves there by their choices freely made.
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