The problem is that she thinks she is already there. And she isn’t. She thinks she’s already Catholic, and only needs the confirmation ritual to get the Eucharist.
She’s not interested in the other sacraments.
She thinks I am wrong because I insist on the need and correctness of basic things like confession to a priest, and the idea that the CC is the true Church.
She’s quite happy with the idea that Protestantism and Catholicism differ in practice but not belief.
When I suggest that Protestant theology has it wrong, as in incorrect, in many parts, she gets all huffy, tells me I don’t understand my own faith, and that I interpret the catechism wrong.
As does Catholic Answers…thus the start of the posting.
I point out that Catholics don’t interpret and that’s a Protestant thing she ignores me and says things like “ well, I BE LIEVE we will all be in heaven together!” As if her belief is the only thing that makes it so.
I think she believes everyone goes to heaven.
Everything seems optional to her. I’m just a fringe, rule bound zealot, without true understanding.
She uses her “illness” to circumvent going to RCIA, and ignores the need to have her first marriage annulled if possible, before she can be recieved. She thinks her belief will get her through the door without these things.
Given the state of the Church in many places,
I’m concerned that she will find an uninformed priest to make that happen.
But it’s out of my hands.