I am a cradle Catholic and the product of an inter-faith marriage (Episcopal and Catholic). I went to public schools. My father (the Catholic) was very diligent about making sure we got all our Catecism classes, First Holy Communion, our Confirmation classes. I don’t remember going to Catecism after Confirmation, but that may be because of the classes that were given at that time. I am pretty sure my dad enrolled me after Confirmation, but that was probably when I skipped out on them. The reason I did that was the direction the classes were taking. It was the late sixties/early seventies when I was beginning high school and the classes started getting to be about “psyching us out”, in my opinion. I later found out it was my sister’s opinion too, who is one year younger. The classes may have had a nun or priest involved, but they were mainly a panel of adults (mostly parents I think) on one side of the table and teens on the other side with workbooks all about growing up or something. I was always shy and the whole thing gave me the creeps. My sister has told me she just told me dad she didn’t want to go and then we stopped going!