Surprise surprise! Political questions in a book that is a political text! Imagine that!
If separation of church and state were the law, there would be no government involvement in charity, as that is religious. There would be no government edicts on marriage, as that is religious. There would be no attempts to force Catholics and other Christians to pay for insurance coverage abortion and abortion drugs, and bonus points, we can drive the orthodox Christian churches out of the charity field because they won’t submit to the demands of the HHS Mandate.
Typical response from the progressive authoritarian left. You claim to know his thinking without reading it.
So, let’s be blunt. The American welfare state is intended to keep people voting for progressives. Progressive policies keep people dependent so they have no choice, and a rejection of other ideas that upset that condition is often rejected as “far right propaganda”. Far better to continue to spend our children’s and grandchildren’s money on programs that have proven to make the lives of the poor, at best, stagnant. But that’;s okay, even preferable, as it keeps progressives in power.