SNIP To clarify, are you saying that Pope John Paul II, Pope Benedict, and Pope Francis are all going against church teaching by believing that the death penalty is no longer necessary to keep society safe and thus being against it?
I hope this is helpful. I didn’t see the question within #90.
My early evaluation of EV (2). I would add much more, today.
According to the Church, this recent change is a prudential judgement, which, as Pope Benedict established any Catholic can disagree with the Church’s prudential judgement and remain a Catholic in good standing, a position which can only occur if the Church recognizes that there are credible differences with regard to biblical, theological, traditional, philosophical, rational and/or factual issues, which She does.
This is somewhat of a disaster for a CCC, wherein a prudential judgement should never occur, as CCC are to clarify teachings, not confuse them, with allowable differences of opinion, which has never occurred before.
As a canon lawyer observes, after 6 years of review, after the initial 1997 amendements to the death penalty teachings:
“Catholic teaching on capital punishment is in a state of dangerous ambiguity. The discussion of the death penalty in the Catechism of the Catholic Church is so difficult to interpret that conscientious members of the faithful scarcely know what their Church obliges them to believe.” “The Purpose of Punishment (in the Catholic tradition)”, by Canon Lawyer R. Michael Dunningan, J.D., J.C.L., CHRISTIFIDELIS, Vol.21,No.4, Sept 14, 2003
And what was the Catholic scholarship response to this first paragraph (CCC 2267), of this revised teaching, after 10 years of consideration?
“The most reasonable conclusion to draw from this discussion is that, once again, the Catechism is simply wrong from an historical point of view. Traditional Catholic teaching did not contain the restriction enunciated by Pope John Paul II” ." (1)
“The realm of human affairs is a messy one, full of at least apparent inconsistency and incoherence, and the recent teaching of the Catholic Church on capital punishment—vitiated, as I intend to show, by errors of historical fact and interpretation—is no exception.”(1)
What we have is an error, inexplicably, transferred from Pope John Paul II’s Evangelium Vitae into the Catechism, with no effort at fact checking within either document, the only rational explanation for the error.
Both EV and CCC further an error which, if, previously, found, would have prevented that error from entering the CCC and the language would have remained, as in the original, 1992-1993 I believe. See Flannery (1).
Additional problems, here, as detailed:
The Catechism and the Death Penalty…h-penalty.html
- “Capital Punishment and the Law”, Ave Maria Law Review, 2007 (30 pp), by Kevin L. Flannery S.J., Consultor of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (since 2002) and Ordinary Professor of Ancient Philosophy at the Pontifical Gregorian University (Rome); and Mary Ann Remick Senior Visiting Fellow at the Notre Dame Center for Ethics andCulture (University of Notre Dame)
- EV