Catholic author argues a vote for Warren will save unborn lives. Thoughts?

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Elizabeth Warren will save unborn babies??? Absolutely hillarious!
Im pretty sure even Ms. Warren would agree with you here.
She probably spit out her coffee when she read that headline!
She has advocated strongly for abortion with no restrictions. Does she even consider the unborn to be babies?
The unfortunate reality is the dilemma will never be resolved, because we have chosen to make the sanctity of life a political issue rather than a moral issue. Much the same way we have conservation, immigration, poverty,

Holy Mary, Mother of God, Pray for Us!
I like Elizabeth Warren. She seems to have a plan for just about everything. Or so I have read on her website.
I’ll tell you when it’s NEVER because the socioeconomic argument is a smokescreen
This is totally true. It has been used to counter the arguments against the the Dems since at least the 2000 election.
Social issues – like casual sex outside wedlock? Is Elizabeth Warren going to help combat that? 😂
Is there a good reason to withhold tax dollars from these causes?
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The big Republican tax cut really galls me, because it helped only the really rich in this country. Those of us working class Americans are the ones who need tax relief.
This is categorically false. I am not rich by any definition and I saw my taxes go down considerably. I have access to all previous pay stub records and did the math. You are wrong. This may seem anecdotal but math is math. It does not lie and it is not political or agenda driven.
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My quick reaction (didn’t read the thread): The social net will prevent abortions, but there will still be a lot of abortions. Abortion is framed as a matter of personal choice, therefore the guiding principle is based on a philosophical “What is right for me?” and not whether adequate $$ and support are available.
There is a false premise here. And that is that the social safety net has been decimated over the last 4 years.
False premises don’t make for good arguments.
Or it may be that you are just one of the rich, affluent class who benefitted from the GOP tax cut for the wealthy.
There is not way of knowing.
Anyone can post here.
Europe is dying? It seems pretty healthy despite all of these charts.
I’ll say this. The day I cast a vote for a socialist is the day hell freezes over.
From the article:

But how can any Catholic vote for a pro-choice politician? In fact, there is no blanket requirement for Catholic voters to vote against a pro-choice politician, even when that politician is competing against someone who is formally pro-life. Church teaching on this point was succinctly summarized in 2004 by Pope Benedict XVI, then the head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, who wrote, “A Catholic would be guilty of formal cooperation in evil, and so unworthy to present himself for Holy Communion, if he were to deliberately vote for a candidate precisely because of the candidate’s permissive stand on abortion and/or euthanasia. When a Catholic does not share a candidate’s stand in favor of abortion and/or euthanasia but votes for that candidate for other reasons, it is considered remote material cooperation, which can be permitted in the presence of proportionate reasons.”
Perhaps the question to ask is what abortion rates are in countries - such as those in Scandinavia - where such “safety nets” as well as socialized “free” medical care exist.
From the article:

“ In 2015, the latest year for which I could find statistics, there were 638,000 abortions in the United States, down from a high of 1.4 million in 1990. As we’ve seen, the abortion rate – defined as the number of abortions per 1,000 women – falls more rapidly under Democratic presidents with a commitment to the social safety net than it does under Republicans: from 23 to 16.2 under Clinton and from 15 to 11.8 under Obama. But neither Clinton nor Obama proposed social policies anywhere near as robust as Warren’s. Her proposals are a literal game-changer, and would align the United States much more closely with the social democratic nations of Europe, the largest of which is Germany.

The German abortion rate in 2015 was 5.5 abortions per 1,000 women. If the American abortion rate in 2015 had been 5.5 rather than 11.8, it would have meant 341,000 fewer abortions that year alone.”
She has advocated strongly for abortion with no restrictions. Does she even consider the unborn to be babies?
From the article:

But Warren is in favor of nearly unlimited abortion rights! Her position is directly opposed to the teaching of the Church. She would eliminate the Hyde Amendment and the Mexico City Policy! I agree with all of that, and I disagree vehemently with Warren on abortion. Therefore, my vote will be cast in spite of, not because of, her position, which I consider extreme and immoral. But I’ll still cast it, and gladly so, because I believe that whether she intends it or not lives would be saved under a Warren Administration.”
My question is, where in the world has that worked? Can anyone point to a country where increasing incentives to give birth or policies that make it easier for parents (increased parental leave and economic boosts or any other incentives) has actually decreased abortions or increased fertility rates? If there are any, I would be willing to investigate it with an open mind.

ETA: an increase in the availability of contraceptives is the reason most often given for the decrease in abortions. I want something that shows economic policies actually make a difference.
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My question is, where in the world has that worked? Can anyone point to a country where increasing incentives to give birth or policies that make it easier for parents (increased parental leave and economic boosts or any other incentives) has actually decreased abortions or increased fertility rates? If there are any, I would be willing to investigate it with an open mind.
Did you read the article? This is the argument being made (by the pro-life Catholic author).
I did. And I have always seen those as numbers states as “the pill works” in pro choice arguments. I want something related to economic policies.
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