Catholic author argues a vote for Warren will save unborn lives. Thoughts?

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But to keep it legal so you can regulate it makes as much sense to me as saying ‘we need to legalize sex trafficking so we can regulate it…’
We make prostitution a crime for the people who sell themselves. This gives great power to the ones that control the prostitutes by making the victims criminals also. We need to change that and that IS an area where sex crimes need to be made legal.
I can see that. I would primarily go after the providers; in the same way that I think prostitution laws that go after the pimps are more effective and more just.
The same arguments by the pro choice crowd (including in this thread) is the same arguments made by the pro slavery crowd during the civil war: economics. Or rather putting a dollar value on a human life.

How much money is a human life worth? Or does it fluctuate as it did when bidding on a slave?

Peace and God Bless
FWIW: 1 Tim 6:10 For the desire of money is the root of all evils; which some coveting have erred from the faith, and have entangled themselves in many sorrows.

Peace and God Bless
Why was Germany (and other countries) so anxious to import millions of immigrants, just the other year ago? It’s because the EU in general isn’t generating its own replacement population, and its economy/social programs won’t be stable further down the road without a good, healthy population
Stop making stuff up.

If they wanted new workers then they would offer visas for the skills they need/want, like trained nurses from the Philippines to care for their elderly, etc etc.

If it was a strategy to expand the workforce, it has been a complete disaster

If only 1 in 10k has a job, that means the remaining 9,999 are surviving on public assistance.
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I’m not going to get sucked into the debate, but I do want to say that it’s encouraging to see quite a few people acknowledging that if you want to reduce the number of abortions, you have to address the causes of abortion. And to a large extent that means economic and social problems. And yes, that costs money.

Those who simply want to make abortion illegal need to look at the number of abortions taking place currently in countries where abortion is illegal (Argentina, for example–500,000 abortions a year) and the number of illegal abortions in the US before Roe v. Wade. But wait–making abortion illegal is FREE! No tax dollars! Addressing the causes costs money. But which is more effective?
Have you had another account in the past?
No…And if I had, its really none of your business…I have followed the site for months without jumping into opening an account, and again, I have rarely agreed with you.

But, in the past month, you have commented on nearly every post I have made…

And, coupled with that that you go to lengths to investigate my longevity on this site while making veiled insuations is really kind of creepy.
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She’s not making stuff up; Germany has been importing workers for decades now.
Immigration to Germany as a non-EU-citizen is limited to skilled or highly educated workers and their immediate family members.

They have not encouraged the refugee influx to grow their employable population, I showed they had complete failure on that point and I know they’re smarter than that.

Contrast it with the Danish refugee program. They bring in legit refugees and disperse them across their country and integrate them into their society. They are expanding their working population.
I’ve always thought it is too bad the Democrats don’t have a pro-life candidate. It’s too bad Joe Biden caved on the Hyde Amendment even though he isn’t really pro-life.

The Democrats haven’t had a pro-life Presidential candidate for years. Jimmy Carter was pro life, but the abortion issue wasn’t quite as front and center back in 1976 as it is now.
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Is Warren still even a “thing” to liberals ever since it was found out that she’s not really Native American? But I guess she’s also the “alternate” Hilary to them so there’s that. So she’s woke for being a woman I guess, but just not super woke because the Native American thing flopped.
I thought I recalled Germany’s having high expectations that the refugees would find work…
I read that was the spin given by some economists and politicians, after the fact. After they were arriving.

Since they’ve had a very effective immigration program for decades that brought in skilled immigrants, they would expand that effort if the goal was to expand their productive population.

I applaud Germany taking in legit refugees and helping them. But that is not what came. Like the US problem, most are economic migrants

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This thread has taken a very sad turn.

I have been involved in a small way in the pro-life movement for almost 40 years.

There are many different aspects of pro-life work. Yes, there are the pure lobbyists and political workers, who spend all of their pro-life time working on trying to get pro-life legislation up for votes, and helping non-political people to understand what’s going on in their legislature.

And there are the administrators of the various pro-life organizations, who spend a lot of time doing desk work, writing articles, and making appearances on various media and at events.

But…there are many MANY people who are working “in the trenches” providing practical help for women and their children before and AFTER birth!!

I can’t believe that Catholics don’t know this. I can’t believe that Catholics would level charges of not caring for “Life” beyond birth. Are you people REALLY Catholic, or are you trolls who are working for the pro-abortion politicians and organizations like Planned Parentshood? I really don’t know what to think. Don’t you go to church and read your church bulletin or online news or diocesan newspaper?

In our area, a group of nuns just opened a facility for expectant mothers to live while they are waiting for the birth of their baby. While living in this beautiful peaceful “home,” they go to school, learn marketable skills, receive information about adoption, learn baby-care skills, make friends with other women, and of course, receive the spiritual “feeding” that all of us crave.

This facility has been paid for by Catholics and other pro-life people (including many Protestants), and the ongoing expenses are paid for by pro-life people.

There are many, many other pro-life outreaches in this city that help the mother and her children AFTER the baby is born. Our local rescue mission has a lovely “safe house” for mothers and their children, where they can stay long-term, and finish their high school diploma, or take career and college classes.

There are many families who are foster parents who are there for children who might otherwise become poor and homeless.

I can’t begin to make a complete list, but there are thousands and thousands of people, Catholic, Protestant, and other, who are working to help children. In addition, people who work with children in any capacity, e.g, camp counselors, teachers, pediatric nurses, social workers, coaches–are constantly AFFIRMING the worth of human beings, and helping the adults who have become mired in poverty and despair, and the children to grow up with the skills they need to live happy and productive lives.

It’s just ignorance and perhaps blatant denial to claim that pro-lifers are not pro-children and pro-mothers. Stop believing this, and look around, and get involved yourself with whatever aspect of the work that you are best suited for. Or give money and/or say prayers so that all the rest of us can continue our helping work.
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It kinda jumped around and I question some of the comparisons, like with Ivory.

My take aways were:
  • demand jumped, likely because buying lost it’s negative stigma
  • trafficking increased because local women aren’t meeting the demand, so they are ‘brought into the country’
I wish they had addressed the below issue, using their data on Denmark
legalization is assumed to help the market crowd out violent clients, abusive pimps and evil traffickers
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