Catholic Bashing on "The View"

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Sad, isn’t it?
If you insert the word Black, fundamentalist, homosexual, mormon, islamic or any other group, and do a “bash” show, the outcry from the pcers would be so loud it would make the national news on every single station and every newspaper across the country.
But Catholics? Oh, it’s okay to bash them, anytime at all and in any gendre.
Obviously The Church is doing it all correctly since so many hate It.
‘Blest are you when men revile and curse you for my name’s sake.’

If tons of Catholics stop watching the view, that will hurt the show greatly…I would hardly call that “hiding our heads in the sand.”

Folks, I really appreciate your responses – I sometimes meet with non-committal responses or “shrugs” when I try to tell some of my Catholic friends and family about things like this. It’s very comforting to know that there are a lot of Catholics out there who still identify themselves as Catholic – but don’t separate themselves from the Church when she is being attacked. If Ms. Behar IS a Catholic (as reggie suggested) – it’s disappointing (to say the least) that she would go out of her way to attack her own Church. I have sincerely prayed for her and I hope that she might try to pray for understanding – I believe she is in need.

In response to what LSK said about Barbara Walters… it prompted me to do a little internet research. I found a letter sent from Bill Donohue (Catholic League President) to Barbara Walters – it was about almost the exact same thing as I witnessed on the program this morning! You can find the letter here:

Why is it acceptable to attack Christian beliefs? Is it done in the name of political correctness or what? I see the point well (brought up originally by LSK in this thread) that other faiths have not been challenged for similar teachings… but the Catholic Church has. At my University, I remember last year there was a big stink about Christmas decorations, planning, and whatnot – but I just saw yesterday a school sponsored event that made me angry!!! Advertised all over the school (in the “spirit” of Halloween) is the notice that a “witch” will be doing palm and tarot card readings in the main cafeteria and social building at the school. The advertisement was clear to say that this was “entertainment” – and did not comment on whether or not the “witch” was charging a fee or donation per reading. But, it made me mad to think that we can’t have anything (even more secular décor) for Christmas… but we can have a witch for Halloween? And you can forget about Easter. What’s the deal? Is it an issue of funding? I mean, does the school just put the breaks on spending any $ towards decorations for anything that might be “too Christian?” Why spend $ advertising for a “witch” to come and do her thing? I say this because I have no proof (yet) that the “witch” (Madame Zormai I think her name is) is on the payroll… but I do know that the school is fully supporting her appearance, setting up a place for her to conduct her “ceremony” with a properly “spooky” atmosphere, and like I said… advertising ALL over the place about the event! In any case… it frustrates me a little. Sorry for venting!

Once again, I appreciate your responses and ask that you do pray for people who attack or condemn what the Church teaches without trying to understand WHY. Also, if you would like to email Joy Behar (like I did) you can find a link to email her here: Thank you for your time and attention.

May the Lord be with you!

It’s clear why attacks on the Catholic Church are so prevelent. It’s the Church Christ founded. Where else would Satan put so much of his effort?

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
I just e-mailed Ms Walters. I don’t know why it’s become so fashionable for people to publically attack the Church. No one is forcing them to be Catholic. They wouldn’t be allowed to get on t.v. and attack the Jewish faith the way they do Catholics. :banghead:
I challenge everyone here to take a notepad and watch the top twenty rated shows. Write down all of the sins glorified in those shows…you will be shocked. Be meticulous, write down every sin that is glorified, down to the smallest theft, etc…

Desparate Housewives will keep your pen quite busy…

We have let the culture fall just as surely as has hollywood and sitcom producers because we watch what they make…we really are coporately responsible for junk that is on tv. If we stop watching, they will stopping making it…a simple bottom line hit would change their direction. We have no-one to blame but ourselves.
I challenge everyone here to take a notepad and watch the top twenty rated shows. Write down all of the sins glorified in those shows…you will be shocked. Be meticulous, write down every sin that is glorified, down to the smallest theft, etc…

Desparate Housewives will keep your pen quite busy…

We have let the culture fall just as surely as has hollywood and sitcom producers because we watch what they make…we really are coporately responsible for junk that is on tv. If we stop watching, they will stopping making it…a simple bottom line hit would change their direction. We have no-one to blame but ourselves.
It’s absolutely astounding how sexual sin is absolutely EVERYWHERE you look these days. This is especially difficult for those of us married to unsaved, “worldly” people. They have no concept of what’s wrong with it. If it never happens again that I’m watching TV with my husband and some half naked, girating woman shows up on the screen and my husband says “Now THAT’S what I’m talkin’ about!!!” it will be too soon.

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
It’s absolutely astounding how sexual sin is absolutely EVERYWHERE you look these days. This is especially difficult for those of us married to unsaved, “worldly” people. They have no concept of what’s wrong with it. If it never happens again that I’m watching TV with my husband and some half naked, girating woman shows up on the screen and my husband says “Now THAT’S what I’m talkin’ about!!!” it will be too soon.

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
It’s definitely a sex driven society. And don’t forget the violence. Usually I’m watching television from 6:30 to roughly 8:00. I try to steer my kids somewhere else because the violence and sexual inuendo is so prevalent. We could be watching a show like, “Seventh Heaven” and everything is pretty normal and then the commercials will come on which preview the latest “R” horror movie or any mixture of sex and violence movie.

If one of my kids walks past and a commercial comes on I tell them to look away and play somewhere else. And like I said, you could be watching a show that’s PG but it’s the commercials they show that are so disturbing. And when I mention something about it my wife just tells me I’m a “prude” or thinks I’m too conservative. Her favorite show is “Desperate Housewives”, which I find deplorable.

Spouses - can’t live with them, can’t live without them.🙂

I thought Joyce Behar was Jewish.
So did I. The View has absolutely nothing to offer me and I don’t waste my time with it. Besides, Joy Behar must have the most annoying voice of any human being on this planet. I cringe when I hear it.:eek: The Catholic League has been all over this show lately and rightly so. We should all contact the show and give them “Our View!”
I have emailed Barbara Walters two times now challenging her to have as a guest a Catholic representative who is faithful to church teachings. My suggestions to her: Fr. Corapi, Scott & Kimberly Hahn and my favorite, Rosalind Moss. Rosalind’s compassionate yet unbending faithfullness to the church would give them something to think about.

This is not the first time I have heard of Catholic bashing from that show. I personally watched an episode where they were discussing forgiveness and got onto the subject of confession…Star Jones made a nasty comment about not having to “sit in a box…I just get down on my knees and talk directly to God…”

This statement got a round of applause from the audience and then the subject was changed.

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. :mad:
I watched that woman talk numerous times about how everyone should make their own decisions. Then she went on saying that abortion is a choice and she supports it 100%.

Anyone who supports killing innocent babies is right in line with taking jabs at the catholic faith. So im not surprised in the least.
Hmm. I thought she was a Jewish convert. I never watch that show anymore. Everytime I did I just got angry. It’s nothing but a liberal gabfest with a bunch of uninformed women.
You got that one right. I watched it perhaps once or twice a year. The last day I watched it they had on Hillary Clinton and they gushed over her and I saw the handwriting on the wall. I think they are feminist snobs of the worst sort. I will never watch it again, but I would be happy to pile on with a complaint. Thanks for the info.
I have emailed Barbara Walters two times now challenging her to have as a guest a Catholic representative who is faithful to church teachings. My suggestions to her: Fr. Corapi, Scott & Kimberly Hahn and my favorite, Rosalind Moss. Rosalind’s compassionate yet unbending faithfullness to the church would give them something to think about.

Sorry ND79, they really don’t want to think. I think you are giving them way too much credit.
I sent off my complaint as well. Shame on Babs & her co-hosts!

It’s really weird but I have never gotten an immediate headache before while watching a TV program. I’ve seen that show a couple of times & once that gabfest starts & they start yapping all at once & fighting to get a word in edgewise, my head starts hurting.

God Bless,
I challenge everyone here to take a notepad and watch the top twenty rated shows. Write down all of the sins glorified in those shows…you will be shocked. Be meticulous, write down every sin that is glorified, down to the smallest theft, etc…

Desparate Housewives will keep your pen quite busy…

We have let the culture fall just as surely as has hollywood and sitcom producers because we watch what they make…we really are coporately responsible for junk that is on tv. If we stop watching, they will stopping making it…a simple bottom line hit would change their direction. We have no-one to blame but ourselves.
… Your post made me so very sad. No way am I going to subject myself to those shows just so I can document the garbage, but I do understand what you’re getting at. I’m 57 years old, and I’ve watched a lot of TV in my time. Used to love it – in fact I still do-- that is, programs that are decent – mostly EWTN. I can document for you from my memory the slide from decency. I watched it happen, and as you say, I let it happen along with all the rest of the world. It started slowly, and I won’t make this so long by writing them all down, but I noticed it, and would for a time have a personal boycott of those shows, but then would eventually give in. I felt pretty much alone in my protests, and began to question whether I was just being a “prude.”

I sometimes worry now whether it’s too late. Is the water already boiling on the unsuspecting frog? I hope everyone knows that analogy. I remember my mother poo-pooing my father when he complained that the dancing girls in shows were wearing too little clothing. I’d listen to them argue and wonder who was right. It’s good to know there are people paying attention now.

Anyone seen Victoria’s Secret displays in the malls? I just cringe, and want to refuse to go to malls. What to do? Does someone know how much good the Catholic League is doing? Does anyone listen to them? I hope I’m just being too cynical when I wonder whether it will do any good to complain.

God bless you all, and I hope the younger JPII generation will be able to stem the tide of this pagananism.

I gave up on The View in disgust a long time ago - doesn’t surprise me sadly. :mad:

As I mentioned, I sent a letter to Ms. Behar – I thought I was pretty charitable in tone too! But, it never occurred to me that this show is REALLY Barbara Walters’ baby – so, following ND79’s lead… I emailed Ms. Walters too! (If you want to, go to and click on the “email Barbara” link! ;)) I pretty much just repeated what I said to Ms. Behar, only I suggested that she try inviting some REAL Catholic guests on her show! I thought Scott and Kimberly Hahn would do awesome on the show because of their orthodoxy, education, and experience with public speaking, (though I’ve never seen Kimberly on T.V. before come to think of it…) so I suggested she invite them as guests some time! What a show THAT would be! I would definitely tune in if they had Scott and Kimberly on! 👍

May the Lord be with you!

I have emailed Barbara Walters two times now challenging her to have as a guest a Catholic representative who is faithful to church teachings. My suggestions to her: Fr. Corapi, Scott & Kimberly Hahn and my favorite, Rosalind Moss. Rosalind’s compassionate yet unbending faithfullness to the church would give them something to think about.

Good luck. I avoid most mainstream TV but sometimes when I’m visiting my TV-addicted parents I’m exposed to it - one very apt example was years ago when my mother was watching one of those long Barbara Walters interviews & the subject was Whoopi Goldberg. Goldberg launched into a scathing attack on Pope John Paul II and Barbara just sat there with that simpering look on her face, nodding her head. I didn’t pay much attention to Walters before then, but I decided to studiously avoid any programming with which she was associated. Sadly, she’s only one example of the mainstream media “legends” that have proven over & over again that they live in a world of their own, completely out of touch with reality.
I can’t stand Barbara Walters. When I was taking journalism in school my teacher couldn’t either. She always referred to her disparagingly as an " entertainment journalist" because real journalists don’t interview celebrities, they find out the real news of the day. I tend to agree with her. I really admire that Lisa Ling, she used to be the young one on the show but she left because she felt she could do better journalistic work elsewhere - and she has. She also thought she was paid too much - can you believe that? How rare in people on TV these days.

I haven’t watched the View in ages. I just get irritated. :banghead:
I, too have stopped watching “The View”. The women really annoy me and sound like nails on a chalkboard if you want my honest opinion here.

I am wondering how this show can be considered successful in ratings. This show has no value at all.
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