Folks, I really appreciate your responses – I sometimes meet with non-committal responses or “shrugs” when I try to tell some of my Catholic friends and family about things like this. It’s very comforting to know that there are a lot of Catholics out there who still identify themselves as Catholic – but don’t separate themselves from the Church when she is being attacked. If Ms. Behar IS a Catholic (as reggie suggested) – it’s disappointing (to say the least) that she would go out of her way to attack her own Church. I have sincerely prayed for her and I hope that she might try to pray for understanding – I believe she is in need.
In response to what LSK said about Barbara Walters… it prompted me to do a little internet research. I found a letter sent from Bill Donohue (Catholic League President) to Barbara Walters – it was about almost the exact same thing as I witnessed on the program this morning! You can find the letter here:
Why is it acceptable to attack Christian beliefs? Is it done in the name of political correctness or what? I see the point well (brought up originally by LSK in this thread) that other faiths have not been challenged for similar teachings… but the Catholic Church has. At my University, I remember last year there was a big stink about Christmas decorations, planning, and whatnot – but I just saw yesterday a school sponsored event that made me angry!!! Advertised all over the school (in the “spirit” of Halloween) is the notice that a “witch” will be doing palm and tarot card readings in the main cafeteria and social building at the school. The advertisement was clear to say that this was “entertainment” – and did not comment on whether or not the “witch” was charging a fee or donation per reading. But, it made me mad to think that we can’t have anything (even more secular décor) for Christmas… but we can have a witch for Halloween? And you can forget about Easter. What’s the deal? Is it an issue of funding? I mean, does the school just put the breaks on spending any $ towards decorations for anything that might be “too Christian?” Why spend $ advertising for a “witch” to come and do her thing? I say this because I have no proof (yet) that the “witch” (Madame Zormai I think her name is) is on the payroll… but I do know that the school is fully supporting her appearance, setting up a place for her to conduct her “ceremony” with a properly “spooky” atmosphere, and like I said… advertising ALL over the place about the event! In any case… it frustrates me a little. Sorry for venting!
Once again, I appreciate your responses and ask that you do pray for people who attack or condemn what the Church teaches without trying to understand WHY. Also, if you would like to email Joy Behar (like I did) you can find a link to email her here: Thank you for your time and attention.
May the Lord be with you!