Catholic Bible Lover Trivia Challenge

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Annunciata said:
2) the top of the mountains

Isaiah 2:2:… Andit shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the LORD’S house shall be established in the top of the mountains.

Correct! 👍
who was the first man in the Bible to mention being sick?

I didn’t think so…Just thought I would toss that out there… 😃
Complete the following quote by Jesus: “Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself,…”
  1. deny his father and mother, and follow me.
  2. and take up my commandments.
  3. and love his brother.
  4. and take up his cross, and follow me.
Complete the following quote by Jesus: “Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself,…”
  1. deny his father and mother, and follow me.
  2. and take up my commandments.
  3. and love his brother.
  4. and take up his cross, and follow me.
  1. and take up his cross, and follow me
New Question:

What is the name of the man who wanted to buy the ability to do miracles like Peter and John?
New Question:
In the Acts of the Apostles, how many soldiers guarded Peter while he was in prison?
“Four soldiers in each quaternion, … two on the inside with the prisoner (chained to him) and two on the outside, in shifts of six hours each, **sixteen soldiers ** in all.
cmt said:
“Four soldiers in each quaternion, … two on the inside with the prisoner (chained to him) and two on the outside, in shifts of six hours each, **sixteen soldiers **in all.

Correct 👍 Hey good going…your turn to ask a question.
Who in the Scriptures could have been nicknamed the “Riddler” due to his tortuous riddle(s)?
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