The Church works best when each party does their part. When each party does their own part.
The problem comes priests try to act like laymen - let’s be a regular Joe, cuss a little, dress in jeans, express your opinions on whatever political issue the media is pushing today. Nuns sometimes act like laypeople too, extremely awkwardly which does not benefit them or any one else. They do not hesitate to evaluate parenting of this or that child, for instance…
Some laity like to ease their rears into the bishop’s chair. Let’s face it, anyone can do this job. They may not have the doctorate in theology or canon law, but they’ve read up on things on the internet. They comment loudly on what the bishop should do with this or that politician, even though they have no idea what was said in Confession, what was said in counseling, or what confidential issues are in the fire at the moment, for the diocese, or for that individual politician.
Laity-pretending-to-be-bishops also see no need to differentiate between different prochoice Catholic politicians. They are all the same, no need to consider degrees of evil, or timing, or possible pending change of heart.
“If Bishop Pennsylvania said X regarding John Smith, then Bishop California must say X regarding John Jones.”
If laity did their own work, electing prolife politicians and communicating prolife through the media, their workplace, their union, their alma mater, their extended families, and in intensive prayer, we wouldn’t be faced with prochoice Catholic politicians in the first place.