Catholic Charismatic Renwal: Good or Bad?

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Robertaf, I am going this Labor Day weekend. I’m actually going with my group of leaders and our Youth Ministers. I would go to the adult conference but the rest of the leaders are a year or two too young. Maybe I’ll see you there somewhere. I can’t wait to go back. I got a lot out of it last time! 👍

Oh, and thank you for your kind words.
As with all movements there is good and bad…What the true dicernment of any spiritual movement in the church is if it leads to Holiness and a Love of the church and obedience to Her teachings…The Final Dcernment is that it leads to and Teached that Jesus is Lord and Jesus Becomes Flesh…!!!That is in the Mass Then one can Proclaim it is a True Movement lead by the HS…When the HS Leads One to the final destination which is the Lords Table and in the Belief that Jesus Christ comes Flesh in the Mass then it is of GOD…

Pax et Bonum
My wife attends charismatic events, and I prefer the TLM. To us this is a sign of the catholicity of the Catholic Church.

The literature she brought home from a charismatic conference in Scranton, PA has some approving statements on the CCR, among them:
  1. Statements on the CCR from the American bishops in Grace for the New Springtime
  2. Pope John Paul II’s greeting to the Ninth International Conference in Rome (1975)
I also noted that the schedule of events included something I would like to see more of: printed instructions on the reception of the Blessed Sacrament. This prominent notice reminded Catholics that they must be in a state of grace to receive, and informed non-Catholics that they cannot receive. Confession was available through 15-20 priests, with people waiting in line. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament was going on for the entire three days of the conference, with people kneeling on the floor during the Benediction.

It was also nice to see that the literature for sale at the event carried imprimaturs.

The charismatic Mass is not my taste (my Asperger’s Syndrome rebels at loud or sudden noises), but everything I have seen from events my wife has attended seems orthodox. I would have to say that the CCR is a good thing.
My wife attends charismatic events, and I prefer the TLM. To us this is a sign of the catholicity of the Catholic Church.

The literature she brought home from a charismatic conference in Scranton, PA has some approving statements on the CCR, among them:
  1. Statements on the CCR from the American bishops in Grace for the New Springtime
  2. Pope John Paul II’s greeting to the Ninth International Conference in Rome (1975)
I also noted that the schedule of events included something I would like to see more of: printed instructions on the reception of the Blessed Sacrament. This prominent notice reminded Catholics that they must be in a state of grace to receive, and informed non-Catholics that they cannot receive. Confession was available through 15-20 priests, with people waiting in line. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament was going on for the entire three days of the conference, with people kneeling on the floor during the Benediction.

It was also nice to see that the literature for sale at the event carried imprimaturs.

The charismatic Mass is not my taste (my Asperger’s Syndrome rebels at loud or sudden noises), but everything I have seen from events my wife has attended seems orthodox. I would have to say that the CCR is a good thing.
**What a wonderful and open hearted post!!! I truly wish other non-Charismatics would take the time you have and read the material.
I will be going to the SCRC Conference in Anaheim, CA in a few weeks. I have been going every Labor Day weekend for years and years.
The lines are always long to go to Confession, folks not only kneel before the Blessed Sacrament but I have seen some face down, prostrate before our Dear Savior in the Holy Eucharist.
We have spent much time trying to teach folk in this and other Catholic forums just how orthodox the CCR is. How close it draws us to the Sacraments and how obedient we are moved to be to Holy Mother Church. And you know, we just keep falling in love with Jesus, over and over and over and over again.

Your wife is indeed a fortunate lady to have such a loving and fair hubby. I am sure she knows this.
Bless you.
My wife attends charismatic events, and I prefer the TLM.
WARNING: This post is meant to be light-hearted.
Pehraps this is because the TLM requires more silence, this being easier for a man and impossible for women?

I am saying this based what my priest said. He did two retreats one for men and one for women. On the men’s retreat he did about 20 confessions in two hours. On the women’s retreat, 2 priest, three hours and they only finished half.

Now please, don’t throw any high heels at me.
**ROBERTA <======runs to the closet and hauls out a huge pile of spike heel shoes… takes aim and…WHOOSH

:clapping: GOTCHA!!!
The truth hurts! (especially where that last heel caught me in the eye)
We have spent much time trying to teach folk in this and other Catholic forums just how orthodox the CCR is. How close it draws us to the Sacraments and how obedient we are moved to be to Holy Mother Church. And you know, we just keep falling in love with Jesus, over and over and over and over again.

Your wife is indeed a fortunate lady to have such a loving and fair hubby. I am sure she knows this.
Bless you.

Agreed, and it is so encouraging to see a thread listed as debate, yet still having mostly supportive posts.

In the fire of the Spirit,
What I find distasteful and offensive, is that on the one hand, we have the Tridentine (Pre-Conciliar Latin) Mass…a Mass steeped in hundreds and hundreds of years of tradition, etc…on the other hand, we have the fairly new style of Charismatic Masses (circa late 60’s-early 70’s) with things taking place during the entire Mass that is not called for in the Girm…Yet there is an indult required for the former, and the latter is accepted with wide open arms, no indult is required, and you are a social philistine for not speaking in favor of it. I don’t think that is fair whatsoever…There is an indult required for one mass which is steeped with tradition, reverance, and respect…yet the thing of the future seems to be to have no indult requirement for masses with rock bands, drum roles during the consecration, etc…Does anyone else get sick on their stomach thinking about this?
I grew up in the 1950’s and attended a Catholic school. We attended a Latin Mass almost every day. At about the age of 8, you would find me up in the choir loft with the other children singing a Requiem Mass for the latest funeral. If you went to a Mass in a big city back then, it was usually like all of the people coming to a gas station and being “spiritually filled up” for the week. They just headed out the door and went to their cars. Some left after Communion because technically you had heard Mass if you were there for the Gospel through Communion.

Then Vatican II came along and everything changed. I think it is more pleasant today when you can at least shake your neighbor’s hand during Mass and share coffee and donuts afterwards.

I personally enjoy a Charismatic Mass now and then. It is like a spiritual shot in the arm. I would definitely not mind going to a traditional Latin Mass if I happened to find one handy. It is just not an either or situation. In case you haven’t noticed, God likes variety. Think of all of the different kinds and colors of people, plants and animals. I’m sure God gives spiritual gifts to people who attend Latin Masses. These people are probably just a little more quiet about their spiritual gifts.
robertaf said:
**What a wonderful and open hearted post!!! I truly wish other non-Charismatics would take the time you have and read the material.
I will be going to the SCRC Conference in Anaheim, CA in a few weeks. I have been going every Labor Day weekend for years and years.
The lines are always long to go to Confession, folks not only kneel before the Blessed Sacrament but I have seen some face down, prostrate before our Dear Savior in the Holy Eucharist.
We have spent much time trying to teach folk in this and other Catholic forums just how orthodox the CCR is. How close it draws us to the Sacraments and how obedient we are moved to be to Holy Mother Church. And you know, we just keep falling in love with Jesus, over and over and over and over again.

Your wife is indeed a fortunate lady to have such a loving and fair hubby. I am sure she knows this.
Bless you.

Well, I have no problem with any orthodox, reverent worship, whatever the valid rite or style. We are, after all, the Catholic Church.

I’ll be forwarding this to my wife. 🙂
I’m bumping this, as it seems the legitamacy of the movement has become debated in the forums once more. Please put your debate posts in this thread.
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