Catholic Charismatic Spiritual Talk and Sharing

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I am hoping to start this thread on the Charismatic Renewal that will be positive and uplifting. A place where Charismatics can come and share

It is not meant to be a forum for debate or whether you like the Charismatic Renewal or not. If that is your plan, it would be far better to open a thread for just that.


That is one of my all time favorite songs

I usually post in the AM so this will be brief.

just a few links

here’s our conference website

and our picture albums

In the box labeled 'Member Name’: (upper right corner)
type in siconference to access the picture albums

I also recently saw a site, which I do not remember seeing before

It looks pretty good

(of course is great)


That is one of my all time favorite songs

I usually post in the AM so this will be brief.

just a few links

here’s our conference website

and our picture albums

In the box labeled 'Member Name’: (upper right corner)
type in siconference to access the picture albums

I also recently saw a site, which I do not remember seeing before

It looks pretty good

(of course is great)


Do you have a listing for “Healing Masses” that are held around the country?

God bless,
Deacon Tony SFO
Wow !

Great Question!

I can start right off with one in Redding, California.

Friday 7 PM Oct 29th, (7 to 9 PM) Mass for Healing with Healing Service following, Presider: Abbot David Prayer teams in Support from FNWJ & Catholic Charismatic community of Redding.

I will have to post the place later.
The conference link I posted has the list for Staten Island
and there are links to the tridi conference.

Staten Island, NY
1st Tuesday of each month:

Our Lady Star Of The Sea, Prayer service followed by prayers for healing held at 3:30 PM.

3rd Tuesday of each month:
Christ the King Prayer Group at St. Joseph’s Church, 40 Poplar Ave., 8:00 P.M.

3rd Tuesday of each month:
Our Lady Star of the Sea Prayer Group, OLSS church 5371 Amboy Rd., 8:00 P.M.

3rd Saturday of each month:
The Lord’s Flock, Alba House, Victory Blvd., 8:00 P.M.

4th Wednesday of each month:
Holy child Prayer Group, Holy Child Church, Amboy and Arden Ave.

Wednesday of each week:
Lamb Of God Prayer Group at Mount Manresa Jesuit Retreat House, 239 Fingerboard Rd., 9:00 P.M. following the Prayer Meeting.
When I was about to be confirmed, I prayed the Chaplet of the Holy Spirit every day during Passion Week and Holy Week. I often pray to the Holy Spirit, and I embrace Him dearly. I especially love the song, “Come Holy Spirit, Creator Blest.” It reminds me so much of the very first WhitSunday. But O well, my fleetless thoughts float through space. I shall meditate on the Chaplet again with the coming of All Hallow’s. Oh, I almost forgot, I also love the WhitSunday Introit, “I saw water flowing from the Temple.” I get goosebumps when I hear it in Latin.
If somnebody could post a link to the Chaplet of the Holy Spirit, it would be most appreciated.

I am new to the Catholic Charismatic Movement, but look forward to learning more.

God Bless,

If somnebody could post a link to the Chaplet of the Holy Spirit, it would be most appreciated.

I am new to the Catholic Charismatic Movement, but look forward to learning more.

God Bless,

try this link

Welcome to life in the Spirit! :clapping:
I do not know the Chaplet to the Holy Spirit! It sounds wonderful and I am out to find it.

Thank you for sharing this with us.

Here’s a link to it. It looks a lot like a rosary. The Webpage left out that between the sign of the Cross and the Act of Contrition, you say/sing “Come Holy Spirit, Creator Blest.”

You can purchase one here, or at any Catholic Book Store.
I would like to share the experience of a conference I attended in Philadelphia in 2000

Revival 2000 Conference June 25-28, 2000

Presentation BVM Philidelphia, PA

Msgr Vincent Walsh Fr Tom DiLorenzo

Rev 4 8] “And the four living creatures, each of them with six wings, are full of eyes all round and within, and day and night they never cease to sing, “Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come!”

This scripture tells of the importance of Praise—we MUST praise God with joyful enthusiasm every day. This theme was emphasized over and over through the Revival conference by Msgr Walsh and Fr Tom Di Lorenzo. There were some manifestations of Holy Laughter, but not as many instances as I had remembered from other prayer meetings I had attended there. There was, however an abundance of Spiritual joy which was manifested in the wonderfully exuberant Praise Tongue.

This praise chant rose to such a crescendo that I was transported back to the market place along the Via Dellarosa, but I was there on the first Good Friday. I just stood in awe—that I was in the Church in Philly, but I could “see” and “hear” the sight and sounds of the Way of the Cross. Msgr Walsh told us we would experience the “glory”–that awareness of the presence of the Holy Spirit–as we lifted our physical and spiritual senses in praise, and we were drenched in the glory of the “Living Water”.

Fr Tom also reminded us that there is no problem for which God does not have the solution, and the way to solve any problem is to pray. If we can surrender our will to our loving Father, He will take care of all our needs and the Spirit will guide us in all our words and actions.

We were also told to reflect on the Song of Songs. Jesus loves to be told He is beautiful and we love His Humanness as well as His Divinity. He loves to be loved—He doesn’t need it, since He is God, but He loves it.
it was too long—here is the rest

Luke 18 4 “For a while he refused; but later he said to himself, ‘Though I have no fear of God and no respect for anyone, 5yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will grant her justice, so that she may not wear me out by continually coming.’ "b 6And the Lord said, "Listen to what the unjust judge says. 7And will not God grant justice to his chosen ones who cry to him day and night? Will he delay long in helping them? 8I tell you, he will quickly grant justice to them.”

Msgr Walsh spoke on this parable, but not from the aspect of the importance of persistence in prayer (of course he did say that persistence in prayer is very important and we were not to think that he was minimizing it), but he emphasized this portion of the passage:

7 “And will not God grant justice to his chosen ones who cry to him day and night?”

That we MUST cry to Him day and night. This is our goal, and we must strive toward it. And we can do it together if we pray in communion with others in a Parish or Prayer group. Msgr Walsh has established small prayer groups, one meeting each day, so there will be a prayer group praising every night. And therefore everyone involved in this endeavor will be praising every day, either with his own voice for himself and others, or through the voice of the others.

The Third Secret of Fatima was also mentioned. The Blessed Virgin is our loving mother and she will intercede for us at the throne of her Son. She is the present-day John the Baptist giving us the message of repentance, which must be heeded.

Suzanne Zisblatt OLSS
Thank you so much for the links!!!

I used to listen to Father Tom all the time on the radio. Unfortunately, that radio station is no longer broadcasting. Father Tom is the man who first got me interested in the Charismatic movement.

God Bless,

Good Morning Church
Good Morning Mysty

Mysty, your sharing of that experience came at the very right time for my son. He is going through a very tough time in his marriage and we have been talking a lot about Prayer.

Your post is not only perfect but confirms, spiritually, things that the Lord has been telling him.

As Charismatics, this should not come as a suprise to anyone who reads it. God apparently loves to work this way because it happens all the time. He just loves to use His people to spread His word.

Thanks Mysty.

Here is the website for the greater Los Angeles area.
SCRC puts on one of the largest Conferences in the english speaking world. There are prayer meetings listed and I believe they still mail out a wonderful Newsletter.

Calendar of Upcoming
SCRC Events

Oct. 23**“More Than Conquerors… Through Jesus Christ Who Loves Us” **Romans 8:37
with Fr. Robert Faricy, SJ and Dominic Berardino. Saturday, October 23, 10:am-4:00pm at St Joseph the Worker Parish Hall, 19855 Sherman Way,
Canoga Park, 91306.
Topics include:
• Appropriating Spiritual Authority in Christ • Building Our Spiritual Defenses •Charisms
of Discernment & Intercession for Spiritual Battle •Nov. 6
2004**“All About Angels”** Seminar 10:00am-4:00pm with Dominic Berardino at
St. Hilary Parish Hall, 5465 S. Citronell Ave., Pico Rivera. $10 per person. Bring
sack lunch.
• Angels in the Bible and Church Tradition • The Ministry of Angels • Examining Angel
Sightings • Common Misconceptions About Angels • How to Become More Open
to Angelic Assistance.Nov. 20
2004**Young Adult Day of Renewal** “You Are Called: Come Find Your Place
Beside Me.” - Empowering Young Adults to take their place in the Church
9:00am -6:00pm at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, 555 W. Temple Ave.,
Los Angeles.
***Speakers: *** Bishop Gerald Wilkerson, Fr. Joe Shea, Roy Hawkins, Dominic Berardino,
Mother Regina Marie Gorman, OCD, Sr. Kathy Bryant & more!
*• Putting God First • Relationships • Avoiding Burnout • What is Young Adult Ministry •
• The Business Side of Ministry • The Jesus Method of Leadership •
• The Surrendering Heart • The Church & Our Faith in Action •
** Live Music - Prayer & Praise - Mass - Refreshments - Social
Sponsored by SCRC in collaboration with the Los Angeles Archdiocese Ministry with
Young Adults.
For information on these events, please contact SCRC (818) 771-1361 •
FAX (818) 771-1379 • •Jan.
"Come To Me All You Who Labor… And I Will Give You Rest"
Matt. 11:28, 29
January 7, 8, 9, 2005 with Fr. Bill Adams, CSsR and Fr. Bill Delaney, SJ at the beautiful and serene Sacred House Retreat House, 920 E. Alhambra Rd., Alhambra, CA.
***Topics: ***
• The Lord’s Yoke - Fidelity to Our Responsibilities • The Place of Work in Our Lives • What Does It Mean To Rest In The Spirit? • The Power of Resting in His Love, in His Spirit • The Power of Surrendering, Giving Everything to Him • Finding Balance in Our Lives.
For more information on these events, call SCRC at (818) 771-1361
FAX (818) 771-1379 • e-mail:

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Friday Night With Jesus Ministries serve folks in Northern California. They are over in the San Francisco area but travel a lot doing Retreats and Healing Masses.

They have a good website with lots of information on it.
I hope you get a chance to visit it if you are in the Northern California area or just enjoy these wonderful websites like I do.
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