Catholic Charismatic Spiritual Talk and Sharing

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Thank You!!

Do you know, the other day you said you were saying a decade for me, my breathing mellowed out as I read it.
Maybe if you do a complete 5 decade Rosary, I will be completely healed! hehe.

At least the doctor says it is NOT Radiation Pneuminitis but somethig similar to asthma. He also said it will not go away with time. In that case, it will just have to go away with Prayer.
Hi Roberta,
I’m going to say The Glorious Mysteries for you as soon as I get off!
Praise God, Annunciata:)
Hi Roberta,
I’m going to say The Glorious Mysteries for you as soon as I get off!
Praise God, Annunciata:)
Your experience was so moving and I am so grateful that you all are okay…Praise God

I will pray and include you as I often do…I like this thread and hope people continue to add their experiences.
my former parish, which I joined 7 yrs ago, had been very charistmatic in tone under a pastor from about 1975 to 1985, and many parishioners including the DRE are of that orientation, although you would never know it from Sunday Mass there. They continue the prayer groups they started back then, and hold Life in the Spirit Seminars every few years. YM and DRE take a group to San Antonio for the Charistmatic conference each year, (you know we have Fr. George Monague up there in SA) and I went as a chaperone, my only experience with CCR outside of Steubenville conferences. Like, wow, man. One young lady especially, who is now a senior in high school, I have known her since age 10 when she was first slain in the spirit, one of the most spirit filled and wonderful people I know. To tell the story of her influence for good on her family, parish and school would take pages an pages.

In this parish CCR is a very understated thing, they have adoration 8 hours a day, now a rift is forming between a new pastor and some of those resisting his ways, but I hope they will ride it out. anyhow, the way youth programs including confirmation prep are run is under the influence and guidance of the holy spirit, and it really tells.
Are you involved in an Authentic Catholic Charismatic group connected with a Parish or other Catholic authority group?
I’m not involved in any group at all–beyond being a practicing Catholic, that is.

The situation with the priest was this…I was at a harvest party at a friend’s home, and most of the attendees also go to our church. We were sitting in the livingroom eating when one of the priests stopped in. As we were celebrating the feast of the Guardian Angels, he suggested that we 1. relate an experience in which our guardian angel helped us, 2. tell everyone your favorite song (liturgical) and lead everyone in it, and 3., the person to the left of the speaker was to say a prayer for that person.

It was really kinda cool and amazing how it suddenly felt as though Jesus had officially arrived at the party! Anyway, I was to the left of our priest and thus, at the end of the unofficial prayer meeting he finally told us his story…and I had to pray for him. We all did, of course, but I had to lead the first portion.

I don’t think I have any gift for healing others…although a gift such as that would really fit in with my current dream of training my dogs as therapy dogs (to visit assisted living, hospitals, nursing homes…etc.) I have thought of finding and attending a Charismatic Mass to see what they’re like, but I guess I really first want to learn more about the movement in general and try to figure out what that friend labeled me as “Charismatic” in that official context.

Am I making sense or have I just confused everyone here more than myself? :confused: :o
I’m not involved in any group at all–beyond being a practicing Catholic, that is.

The situation with the priest was this…I was at a harvest party at a friend’s home, and most of the attendees also go to our church. We were sitting in the livingroom eating when one of the priests stopped in. As we were celebrating the feast of the Guardian Angels, he suggested that we 1. relate an experience in which our guardian angel helped us, 2. tell everyone your favorite song (liturgical) and lead everyone in it, and 3., the person to the left of the speaker was to say a prayer for that person.

It was really kinda cool and amazing how it suddenly felt as though Jesus had officially arrived at the party! Anyway, I was to the left of our priest and thus, at the end of the unofficial prayer meeting he finally told us his story…and I had to pray for him. We all did, of course, but I had to lead the first portion.

I don’t think I have any gift for healing others…although a gift such as that would really fit in with my current dream of training my dogs as therapy dogs (to visit assisted living, hospitals, nursing homes…etc.) I have thought of finding and attending a Charismatic Mass to see what they’re like, but I guess I really first want to learn more about the movement in general and try to figure out what that friend labeled me as “Charismatic” in that official context.

Am I making sense or have I just confused everyone here more than myself? :confused: :o
You make complete sense. Just keep praying about it and God will show you.
Two Points:

I. The first is actually a question: Another SIMILAR thread?

II. In Forums, do the whole purpous of a forum as this one: debate cannot be avoided.
Could someone please help me? I have asked this before on other discussion boards but didn’t get an answer. How can I find a Church that offers Charismatic Masses? I live in Canton, Ohio. I am in the Diocese of Youngstown. I just wonder if anyone knows about a Church that offers Charismatic Masses in this area. How would I find this out? I was brought to the Charismatic Renewal by God and praying about it and questioning what is was and my questions were answered after i ended up at a Praise and Worship in Steubenville. I was Baptized with the Holy Spirit that night. I have been longing to be a part of the Charismatic Renewal ever since. I really want to find a Church around here that offers this and I want to get more involved with The Charismatic Renewal also. Can anyone help? Thank you very much and God Bless.
With all due respect, Masses are not “charismatic” or a Cursillo Mass, or another GROUP Mass. There is ONLY The Catholic Mass: SEE: Redemptionis Sacramentum, by Cardinal Arinze’ too.
Two Points:

I. The first is actually a question: Another SIMILAR thread?

II. In Forums, do the whole purpous of a forum as this one: debate cannot be avoided.
I believe this thread is for those who just want to share and talk about their Spiritual Experiences not to debate…I only hope that you don’t come here and start in w/ your ranting.
God Bless,
With all due respect, Masses are not “charismatic” or a Cursillo Mass, or another GROUP Mass. There is ONLY The Catholic Mass: SEE: Redemptionis Sacramentum, by Cardinal Arinze’ too.
And the Pope supports the movements of the Catholic Church. Trust me—he wouldn’t support something abusive–he knows what goes on. These Masses are definitely Catholic Masses, with options (usually the music) at the appropriate times (Entrance, Offeratory and Communion— noted in the GIRM #48, 70 something—)
Allowances are made for cultural situations.

I am sorry to repeat myself, but there may be new readers, who do not know that we are speaking of authentic Catholic Charismatic renewal—not some abuse.

I’m not involved in any group at all–beyond being a practicing Catholic, that is.
I don’t think I have any gift for healing others…although a gift such as that would really fit in with my current dream of training my dogs as therapy dogs (to visit assisted living, hospitals, nursing homes…etc.) I have thought of finding and attending a Charismatic Mass to see what they’re like, but I guess I really first want to learn more about the movement in general and try to figure out what that friend labeled me as “Charismatic” in that official context.
Am I making sense or have I just confused everyone here more than myself? :confused: :o
I do hope you can find something in your area. Call your parish for starters or the Bishops office or check the link I posted.

A desire to serve is a gift, which can be well used. You may find good support in the movement, and also help to be even more open to the Spirit in you.

In this parish CCR is a very understated thing, they have adoration 8 hours a day, now a rift is forming between a new pastor and some of those resisting his ways, but I hope they will ride it out. anyhow, the way youth programs including confirmation prep are run is under the influence and guidance of the holy spirit, and it really tells.
Yes, this is very common—the pastor is in charge and does set the tone of the Parish. But you can’t fault him --he is running his Parish in the way he is called.

We had the opposite problem. A very Charismatic Pastor assigned to a more traditional Parish. He tried to change the whole Parish, but he was resisted. He was smart–he listened to his parishioners and now it is a mix – we have 1 very Charismatic Mass—best one in Staten Island, 3 Contemporary and 3 traditional Novus Ordo–

Is your Pastor open to the movement? If he is more traditional, you need strong leadership, or perhaps find a prayer in another parish with stronger support.

Lord Jesus, thank you for my life.
Thank you for my family.
Thank you for my faith.
Thank you for the Catholic Church.
Thank you for bringing me back home after 20 yrs away.
Thank you for the birds, bees, the sun, the sky the moon and all of your beautiful nature.

When I was reading the story about the fellow in the prayer group where a priest came in, and Jesus did to. Amen,
My experience with the Charismatic Renewal has taught me how to pray spontaneously…Thank you Jesus for this awesome gift.
Yes, I do pray the rosary…and many many other written prayers.
But I feel sooooooo close to God when I pray from the heart… Just expressing my feelings straight from the heart.
Hi Mysty101,

Ya know that there are many ways in which the gift of healing can and often does manifest itself.
Most I guess tend to think that unless there is a visual connected to the action of prayer or the laying
on on hands that this gift doesn’t exist in them. In your desire to train your dogs as therapy dogs (which by the way I wanted to do when I first got my pug) might I suggest that love is present in
wanting to bring relief, joy, to these in the hospital or nursing home in a very specific way. Nothing loves like the simple creatures of God I sometimes think. And it was and is the center of the healing gift, love, that is. As Christ was moved to compassion it was that love that transferred from him to others, and in Jesus case healings always occurred.

In our case we may not always know that our love of Jesus is being transferred to another through the Spirit as a healing because there is most of the time no outward sign. Yet be sure that the Holy Spirit, not being bound by what we want to see, or associate with his power, isn’t using your gift at some depth within another that you may never see. There is a healing of hearts, a healing of brokeness or woundedness or loneliness in another
that I doubt unless we are constantly with them that we may ever see. But it is here that the healing Lord first tends to the inner man. Jesus didn’t “heal” Mary Magdalene, as we would talk of his healings, but she was very definitely moved by his love and healed by his love where she most needed it.

In all my years in the healing ministry I can probably count on one hand those times when I was allowed to see the Lord in a physical healing of another, but as well in all those years there were way many more times that I knew the Lord was tending to a deeper pain, a more cancerous malady that perhaps prevented that individual from being made whole in body because the soul was sick. Along with the gift of healing is discernment, you are moved toward that which God directs and in you there is a sense of peace and surity that does not come from your own desires, one form of discernment. Very often as I visit the sick in the hospitals, and even more with those in the mental health ward I am drawn to one or another but literally told to pray only, at times as well to pray in a specific way other times to just pray asking God to intercede in their suffering. I rarely see the wound healed but I know it is in the process, which began with my surrender in listening to him.

Basically all I am trying to say to you is perhaps dwell less on the manifestion of the gift and more on the gift. There is alot written about these gifts and I’m sure that you can find out some of what you want to know in searching. It is my personal belief that all the charisms are present within those who seek to serve the Lord, and tho there are ones more highly manifested in some at times, the need may be such for where this individual
is. But you can certainly be called to healing even without the heightened degree of others, and in surrendering in smaller things God will trust you with greater. To some capacity we all have the gift of healing if we are blessed with the gift of his love for others.

Meanwhile Suz’s not wrong, joining a community can assist you in understanding and in seeking the answers to your questions. Yet in the meantime use what you have, that which you already recognize in complete humility (which means not saying oh I don’t have that I think but in praying when you are drawn to pray) and be assured God has asked this of you and will use your prayer and ready you for more.

My two sense worth only. :rolleyes:

God bless,
I was brought up in the '50s and '60s in a traditional Pentecostal denomination, and when I came back to that faith in the mid-'70s we sort of considered the Charismatic Renewal as a “Johnny-come-lately” movement.

When I left the Pentecostals for the Southern Baptists (a denomination that traditionally wants nothing to do with "tongue-talkers) in 1996, I was up-front with my belief (which I still hold) that the “charismatic” gifts (including tongues) are still valid today, but that from my experience in Pentecostal and Charismatic churches, 99% of what goes on there has nothing to do with the Holy Spirit, but is an exercise of the flesh.

Now I am in RCIA, and I would like to become a good Catholic first before looking toward any of the movements within the Catholic Church. However, I would like to believe that there is a place where true Catholics could freely express their worship toward God without some SSPXer wannabes getting all red in the face.

Hi Dave

Pani Rose is also from Alabama. Maybe she will share some of the things happening in your state.

I was in high school in the early '50s, became a Catholic in 1955.
Before that, attended Pentecostal and So. Baptists and other mainline Protestant denominations. I think I know where you are coming from.

I became a happy, contented, pre-Vatican II Catholic. I was very grounded in the faith when, in the late 1960s, the Lord brought me into the Catholic Charismatic Renewal.

I wouldn’t worry much what other folks think. We are not in this to please *folks, *we are here to please God. You will NEVER BE GOOD ENOUGH, to please people. You don’t have to be. They aren’t either. Jesus took care of that for us.

The truth is, Holy Mother Church is big enough to embrace all of us sinners, no matter what flavor of worship we feel comfortable with. It is the same Holy Spirit. Jesus is loving enough to forgive all of us. His BLOOD made that possible.
An Apology…to Mysty101

I got a little mixed up, my post was intended for
JCPhoenix…Suz I wrote you in instead, nothing new to you so
it wouldn’t make much sense now would it to tell ya again… :o

It may take me awhile to get it together meanwhile I hope
JCPhoenix will take a peek anyway…sorry

God bless,

Elaine’s post to Mysty101 was meant for you. I hope you get to read it.

I can remember taking a bunch of youth to stubenville,ohio to a youth conference. We walked into this tent with over 5000 youth singing and praising God. It was one of the most powerful experiences I felt from the annoiting of the Holy Spirit. I was overwhelmed by Gods Spirit. I saw youth moved by giving thier hearts to God. I praise God for what happened that day. 👍
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