This seems to be the best place to ask the question that has been plaguing me for several years.
So many identify themselves as “Charismatic”. What exactly does that mean…I’m sure it’s individual, so I will welcome individual responses/definitions.
Here is why I ask…several years ago I had a good friend who “informed” me that I am a “Charismatic”. At the time although I was what I would call “spiritual”, I was not doing a very good job of practicing Catholicism. I was somewhat adrift, searching, and knew that I could not be anything other than Catholic…but I couldn’t seem to find my place. Of course, considering that I was adrift in a sea of dissenting churches in south Minneapolis…but I digress.
Anyway, his comment has never left me. I think I have a history with those who were Charismatic, and I will relate this following miracle:
When I was very young, about 3 or 4…I remember going to my mother’s friend’s home. B.Christianson. They had a little girl who was born with congenitive heart failure. I’d met her before and took note of her blue color. I didn’t know what was wrong with her and really, I saw her as I did any other child…but I think I was a little more at ease with her for some reason, although normally I was painfully shy.
Anyway, every time our families got together they prayed over us, hands extended. I remember on one occasion, the last in my recollection, she and I stood in the middle of the circle. I was diagnosed with an extremely lazy eye…they were going to perform surgery to align the muscle so that I could see straight and have depth perception. I remember looking at the other girl and rolling my eyes in embarassment. She just looked back and accepted the prayers.
The next day I went with Mom into the hospital where the procedure would take place. I was scared to death but didn’t really understand what was happening. I was taken into a pre-op exam, where the doctor announced to Mom in amazement that my condition had literally been corrected within only a few days!
I now have an astigmatism and will for life…but none of the initial predictions have come to pass…as it is with miracles.
Throughout my life I’ve had many many divine experiences…is this what makes one charismatic, or is it only a desire for the gifts of the spirit? I have never really asked for gifts and anything very demonstrative is very difficult for me as I tend to be reserved in that matter.
Recently…long story…I was the one designated in a group to pray for our priest, who was at a party I attended. I’m not good at this. I realize that this was a gift for spiritual growth, but my mind froze and I couldn’t even remember his NAME! But I prayed for him and all priests and asked others in the group to help. I meant every word I said…but in any case I think I proved to be a dismal failure as a leader of prayer!
I’m sorry…I just have so many questions and I guess I’m still trying to figure out where I really belong within the church. But if anyone can answer my initial question, I’d be very appreciative!
In Christ…oh…and if you all could please pray that I get a new computer with a working modem very soon! My laptop harddrive fried and I’m accessing now through my work computer (laptop) and I know I can’t continue to do this for long!
Thanks and God Bless,