Catholic company having required transgender sensitivity training

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Hello, My company (my boss initiated it) is going to require us to take a transgender training from a transgender organization. Im sure many here are ok with calling males by their female preferred name and i’m not arguing with anyone as i don’t know why we shouldn’t? I’m not sure. I don’t. know what it entails yet. It’s approved by legal and HR. Does anyone find this odd coming from a catholic establishment. If you will answer me “Why do you think it’s odd?” My answer is “I don’t know, just asking to learn”.
Thank you.
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I can’t risk my job my family needs my income. It is a direct requirement from my boss maybe something happened that I’m not privy to. What do I do?
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Do the training, and listen to what is said. There’s nothing wrong with listening to points of view that may be different from yours. I don’t think it’s odd, I think it’s just the company ensuring all its staff and clients feel comfortable and understand what to do should you work with a transgender person. Also, there is nothing wrong with using preferred names, it’s simply a courtesy.
Ok thanks, I wasn’t sure. I honestly just don’t want to displease Jesus in any way. I just wasn’t sure about this matter. thank you
Lots of things in life we think are foolish or ridiculous, but we need to do them anyway. I work in a Catholic university and need to take online workshops EVERY YEAR on sexual harassment (which includes gay and transgender harassment, as well as harassment of women and men), workplace violence, cybersecurity, and who knows what else in the near future. I don’t necessarily agree with the efficacy of all these workshops but I do them anyhow because I want to keep my job. I also do the laundry periodically even though I don’t like to do it. That’s life. We make such sacrifices and many others besides if we are married, have kids, or are involved in a relationship. May as well get used to it if you are not already.

I’m sure Gd wants you to keep your job particularly since you need the income. As long as you aren’t hurting anyone, I think it’s all right.
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Thank you. To be honest my only concern was doing some thing to displease Jesus, and I wasn’t sure if He wanted me to stand up for something because He knows that I’m a softy so would’ve been difficult . I am very accustomed to doing things I don’t like. Thank you.
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Without knowing what they’re going to say or the type of organization you belong to, it’s hard to give advice.

Like others said, there’s no harm in hearing what they have to say.

The thing that raises a red flag is the training will be done by a trans activist organization?

But still, listen to what they have to say. You don’t need to answer back or say anything in reply in the moment.
You have the right to reflect on what they have to say and make up your own mind without pressure.
Hi. I think the note I received hinted that there was an occurrence of some sort which is the reason my boss is going to make everyone take it.
Thank you. I think in this training this group is here to teach us not be be bias. I don’t know if they’ll have a question and answer.
Thank you. Do you think it’s ok if the Transgender organization teaches us that he and she are just pronouns and we should call them by whatever name they wish out of common courtesy? I just want to make sure I’m not doing anything wrong in Jesus’s eyes by calling legally named John, Sally instead. Thank you.
I don’t see the problem with using a different name at all. Many, many people prefer to use a nickname, or their middle name, or a different name altogether than what they were called at birth. I would say it’s wrong to insist on using a name for a person who has requested they be known as something else.

@Theresa1, it may be worth taking your questions to your Priest, if that’s possible where you are. I think some reassurance and pointers would help you feel better with what your job is asking you to do.
Ok. Sorry I was hearing it’s not kind to lie or conform to what some say is a wrong view of the person. It’s all confusing. Does the Catechism teach anything on gender?
The Catechism teaches on gender, but it does not address pronoun usage.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of Catholics who think “speaking the truth” means being openly and unnecessarily rude to people.

It is fine to take the training. I wish all Catholics would take it and grow in civility.
I just want to make sure I’m not doing anything wrong in Jesus’s eyes by calling legally named John, Sally instead. Thank you.
You aren’t.

If you have concerns speak to your pastor. This seems like you have a lot of anxiety over this. Do you tend to have religious anxiety/scruples and think you are offending Jesus frequently?
Look, just go and listen. That is the requirement. There won’t be a test, and you probably won’t ever be called upon to use anything you hear from it. Just be polite and listen. No one is asking you to do anything that you are against. Just listen and don’t get all upset about it.
OP, yes, do that if you want to be out of a job, I would think. 😉

What is wrong with just listening and then believing what you believe? Why the need to make a big deal about it? You don’t need to start an argument every time someone doesn’t share your faith. No one is forcing you to act any differently at this point.
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Are you full-time employed?
Do you support a family?
Have you actually responded in this way to a scheduled diversity training?
What country do you live in?

Because I’m pretty sure if you made that speech at most employers I’ve had in the USA, you’d be out the door right quick.
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