Catholic company having required transgender sensitivity training

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Ok. That puts me at ease. Thank you. I don’t know why I thought it might have been inappropriate for a Catholic company. Thank you all.
Didn’t Pope Francis say that we shouldn’t be taken in by all this gender theory stuff?
Transgender theory is a plague. It targets children and confuses them into questioning their gender which sometimes results in the use of incorrect hormones intravenously and the mutilation of one’s own body.

It need be opposed at every turn.
Oh no we only care about the children when it comes to immigration and the liberal ideology. 😏

Liberal clergy make a lot of noise when it comes to the alleged separation of families at the border but we don’t hear much from them about how the re-definition of marriage denies the rights of children to a mother and father. Or the confusion that gender ideology will cause children.
Catholic owned companies are not exempt from laws that protect from discrimination. If the company wants to stay in business, the staff is not to discriminate. Seems that our original poster knows there was an incident where someone on staff violated the civil law against discrimination.

Let’s say someone at work or a client is a Catholic who is living with a civil marriage, second attempt, not valid in the Church. The wife goes by Mrs Jones. Is it a lie to use the name she prefers?
Here’s a question :
Why can’t the company just talk to the offender and say “look, you need to use the preferred name / pronoun thing in the workplace”. End of story.
Why all these agonizing trainings for everyone else?
Why can’t the company just talk to the offender and say “look, you need to use the preferred name / pronoun thing in the workplace”.
So they don’t have to repeat the statement over and over for every other person who “didn’t get the memo”. If everyone gets told and there is a record of it, it makes the process of disciplining simpler in case of a violation. And if people actually follow the training, there should be fewer incidents and therefore fewer negative consequences to the company.
Why all these agonizing trainings for everyone else?
Agonizing? Really? I can see boring and repetitive, but I never thought of them as agonizing.
Depends on how many white fragility
Listening to someone talk about what you interpret as fragility is agonizing. I’ll just leave that right there with no further comment.
There’s only so many
Not everyone has the same issue. Much like the fact that what I said initially about not seeing it as agonizing was a personal observation. I don’t expect everyone to believe and feel the same way I do.
Sadly almost half of them 43-47% end up committing suicide.

Yet another grave sin to compound the other one that led them to suicide in the first place
The problem is these trainings assume that it’s bullying (aka illegal harassment and only because LGBT is a protected class) if you don’t 100% affirm someone’s gender identity via their pronouns or bathroom use. I personally think that protected classes have long overstayed their welcome as all bullying should be treated the same regardless if it’s based on race, sex, or gender identity.

The big question is how much do these trainings cause confrontation? I agree that it’s best to just listen and not be part of the problem because than you are correctly shown the door because you’re difficult to be around, not because of your beliefs of gender identity. As a person with ADHD, I have to work SO HARD to know the difference and really know the difference between being right or dead right.

I also agree with everyone here that you have to get along with others (which I struggle with), and part of this is being obedient to what your employer wants you to do even if it is walking a moral tight rope which trans activist organizations are unfortunately pushing.

For those in college, it’s SO easy to be a snow-flake. And there are conservative snow-flakes out there (not just liberal ones). Being overly sensitive and not willing to obey employer makes you a snowflake.

I screwed up at one of these trainings, but I am willing to learn and acknowledge that I may put my faith in it where it didn’t belong. What’s important is you’re willing to learn from your mistakes.
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Mere passive listening to an active agenda of pushing trans and LGBT ideology on employees is tantamount to acceptance. Being silent in the face of lies contributes hugely to the spread of evil in our world. I understand fully the issues with employees, even at Catholic institutions, who must keep silent to retain their jobs. This is heartbreaking for many, but it is reality. On the other hand, for those of us who can speak out and who are in a position to do so or to simply refuse such “re-education,” we also have a role to play. This is what I have done, but I also have gobs of seniority, am about to retire, and have nothing to lose. It will make you feel like a social outcast, but this is exactly what someone like Pope Benedict warned us would happen when we dare to say NON SERVUM to the dominate cultural lie.
read of evil in our world. I understand fully the issues with employees, even at Catholic institut
Reeducation is because employers are afraid of our heavily litigious society.

We sue because someone looked at us the wrong way.
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Do you think it’s ok if the Transgender organization teaches us that he and she are just pronouns and we should call them by whatever name they wish out of common courtesy?
You can just avoid pronouns entirely and that is in line with both sides.
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You can just avoid pronouns entirely and that is in line with both sides.
For most people, you can avoid pronouns as the kindest way to address someone is a person’s name. Thus, I think the only issues will occur when someone forgets another’s name and accidentally uses the wrong pronoun or when a person is mistaken for repeatedly mis-gendering a transgender, but it fits within their pattern of behavior with cis-gender people - aka genuinely getting ma’am and sir mixed up.

When someone insists on proper pronouns or insists on using the wrong ones, there is inappropriate behavior. Common decency says that individuals should do their best to get along with others.

The question is: did a person use the wrong pronouns BECAUSE someone was transgender or does this person have similar pronoun faux paus with cis-gender people? In other words, is someone intentionally mis-gendering someone or is it a pattern of a poor memory with everyone?

In a well-done EEOC investigation, the investigator needs to know accurately if a person was genuine and consistent in their encounters or if they treated someone differently / aka unfairly based on a protected class. If a boss is equally nasty to everyone, that’s not a boss practicing discrimination.
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from a Catholic company, yes, I think it’s odd, unless they are getting targeted by transgender activists who are trying to dox them?
wow I just read that. Well I’m a bit confused, if the Pope said that than I think he would be against a transgender group which disagrees with the Pope’s message training Catholics on their transgenderism. I know some people just disagree with the Pope, so the folks here saying it’s no big deal would be disagreeing with the Pope and that’s ok? Just trying to understand since he’s the head of our Church it’s ok to dismiss his caution? I’m missing something maybe? sorry i’m a bit tired
We are all God’s children. Just because someone’s brain tells them they are the wrong gender does not mean we are not to love them.
We are all God’s children. Just because someone’s brain tells them they are the wrong gender does not mean we are not to love them.
Growing up, a lot of the discussion was towards racial integration. But critical race theory leads to racial division. Instead of attempting to fix current issues, it seeks to blame the past (aka slavery) that we have no control over whether we are perceived as oppressors or the oppressed. Doesn’t matter if you are of American, Canadian or Ukrainian heritage, you are equally guilty because of your whiteness.

These trainings are an issue because they teach not that prejudice is wrong; it teaches in order to be a bigot and in order to unlawfully discriminate that you must have prejudice + power. These trainings are more interested in a person’s race, gender identity, or sexual orientation than they are in the content of a person’s character. Actually, a person’s character is taught as being part of the white-power system.
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