Catholic converts

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As the flip side to Karl’s earlier poll, if you are a convert to Catholicism from another religion, from which religion did you convert?
I’m hoping to one day be able to call myself a Catholic convert. Currently, I’m a Buddhist.
I am a convert from Methodism. However, I don’t see myself as a product of either liberalism or Evangelicalism. My church was in the classical Wesleyan tradition, and quite conservative morally and theologically. Mainline, yes. But of the “old school”, so to speak. Thus, I do not vote in the poll.

Personally, I see it more as being reconciled to the church.

I am not sure how you can convert from one major world religion to the same major world religion!

I used to attend an Assemblies of God Church. At other times I attended a Southern Baptist church, a Methodist Church, and Church of God.

I have always considered myself a Christian, and I still do!

God Bless. This is an interesting poll.
I am a convert from Methodism. However, I don’t see myself as a product of either liberalism or Evangelicalism. My church was in the classical Wesleyan tradition, and quite conservative morally and theologically. Mainline, yes. But of the “old school”, so to speak. Thus, I do not vote in the poll.

Sorry about that. The max is 7 choices in a poll and I used the same categories as Karl did in a similar poll for Catholics moving in the opposite direction.
I’m with Justin; I grew up as a traditional High Church Anglican. No messing about with forest liturgies or any such liberal nonsense. No worries about sola scriptura for that matter, either. The priest who gave me instruction emphasised that I was not converting to the Faith, but growing deeper in my understanding of it. All the same, I say that I am a convert, as everyone understands what that means.
I also did not vote. My journey was from Southern
Baptist to agnostic to atheist to (Deo Gratias) Catholic.
I did not vote either. Although I consider myself more of a convert, I am what most call a revert. Cradle Catholic.

However, my parents stopped attending when I was 4. No Catholic schools, reiligion classes, nothing.

My knowledge of Christ started in a Nazarene church, moved to an Assembly of God, Evangelical, and them to the Catholic Church.

The Real Presence of Christ, as per the Bible, is what brought me to investigate the Catholic Church.
I grew up Southern Baptist … Pentacostal-holy-roller-hand-waving-foot-stomping-amen-shouting-Southern-Baptist 😃

It took me years of attending and two trys at RCIA before I converted but I’ve been Catholic for a little over a year and I couldn’t be happier!
My mother was raised Catholic but left either when her father was killed or when she met my father, the athiest.

They took me to a Unitarian Universalist church for a few years when we were young, which I consider to fall under the category of “no religious affiliation”.
I was baptizes methodist, raised presbyterian, attended a baptist church in NC for 2yrs, then no church for 5 or 6yrs(I still beleived in God, just didn’t go to church. Then back to presbyterian for 2yrs. Soon will be fully in the Catholic family. 😃 I chose main line protestant although my church wasn’t liberal it was the closest choice.
I’m a former Evangelical (born and raised) who is happy he found the beauty of the Catholic Faith. 🙂
Perhaps for Unitarians we could have an “all of the above” category.
I belonged to the First Bretheren church before converting about 10 years ago. I’d call them evangelical from personal experience (they have a lot in common with the First Baptists I think), but I’ve heard them referred to as fundementalist, too.
In short, was baptized Lutheran but never went to church. Grew up understanding that all churches are fake full of hypocrites, all being man made. Embraced agnosticism and near atheism. Later, I began to search. Went to many, many, many churches and eventually came home to the CC.

first post on this forum. i was raised baptist but later joined an evangelical bible church. my wife and i later joined a congregational holiness church. i liked the pentecostal services but did’nt accept some of the doctrine they taught. we stop going anywhere for a while my wife being more pentecostal in her beliefs and mine being more calvinest. later we joined the methodist church. it was alot closer to the catholic church than anyother i had attended. my big mistake was listeneing to catholic radio and going to mass one day with my wife. I tried to prove to her they were wrong but now we are both finally home. one year ago we entered together and we love the church . i love this forum and all the great people who come here and share their stories.
I was a bad Methodist who married a good Catholic. When our 1st child was born I decided to convert because it would be easier to explain things to her if we both were of the same faith. I had been going to mass with my wife for about 18 months at the time. She probably saved me from becoming a ‘lost soul’. 👍
I am a revert. Cradle Catholic.too
I fall away into the world but thanks to God i’m back
I am a convert from the Episcopal Church BUT the church I attended was very Evangelical in belief, so that is what I selected. My church was FAR from liberal (so I couldnt select that) and if the conservative Anglicans had left, they would have been first in line to go with them. Before becoming Episcopalian, I attended a Billy Graham spinoff, until they started sending missionaries to Rome to convert Catholics.

I am actually a revert but my time as a Catholic was so limited, I might as well have been raised Protestant. A couple of my older siblings had left the faith when I was very young. That move, and going to a college in the heart of the bible belt is what formed my beliefs.
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