Catholic converts

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Revert here as well. I’ve always been a believer of sorts, but I was unchurched from the time I was about 9 until I went through RCIA in order to marry in the Church.
i belonged to a independent baptist church, assemblies of god, and seventh day adventist, i came home to rome in 1999, and i aint leaving.
I did vote but, as with others, it was not a good fit. I grew up Church of Christ as a child , Disciples of Christ as a youth, Free Methodist for 30 years( This is an Evangelical Church and how I voted) , Episcopalian 5 yrs, Now Finally Catholic. It is a trip I can recommend to everyone. Praise God for the many things I have seen and the many good christians I have met.
First post here, so I hope this ends up in the right place. Count me in as a revert.

I’m a revert cradle Catholic. Attending Catholic school until 6th grade, and church until about 16 years old…after that, not one single thought of God entered my mind for about 25 years. When my daughter entered kindergarten–and I didn’t know why at the time I was so sure I had to–but I knew I had to send her to Catholic school.

After that, I went to my local parish, listened to a priest celebrate the Mass (and I’ve since discovered this priest is a true gift from God to all the parishioners; I only wished more of us recognized this) and knew immediately something was different. I went to confession (which I can only label a major conversion experience), had our marriage blessed within a month, and have attended daily Mass ever since.

Couldn’t be happer to be home.

While I didn’t vote in the poll, I figured I’d still add my two cents anyway.

I suppose I’m another “cradle Catholic revert.” I went to Mass until I was about 14, probably, then my parents stopped dragging me to it. I never really in God or anything, and for a while was a militant atheist (along with other unpleasant things), but after a long illness my parents bought me a Bible and a prayer book. I guess I started giving religion a thought now and then, but what really brought me fully into the Church was a good friend of mine. While she isn’t Catholic, she’s such a great person and a believer in Our Lord that she inspired me to seek Truth.

Now after all those shenanigans, I’m a proud and – hopefully – faithful Catholic, and I’m happier than ever! Time to stop rambling now. 😛
Hi, all.

I was baptised as an infant into the Church of Norway (Evangelical-Lutheran). When I was a teen I converted to Islam. I was married to a Muslim for almost 17 years.

I left Islam about 4 years ago. After attending Midnight Mass Christmas Eve of 2002 I decided after a couple of months of dicernment to start the process of becoming a Catholic Christian. Hopefully I will in the near future be received into the Church.:clapping: :dancing:

The poll should have added Islam, Buddism, Hinduism and other religions. Or just had an “other” option.
OOOppppssss :o .

I see you have Eastern Religions as an option. I don’t see Islam as an Easter religion. There still should be an “other” option for other religions or have been into different religious directions. You have “nature” religions like paganism, Wicca and so on.
I am a convert from Methodism. However, I don’t see myself as a product of either liberalism or Evangelicalism. My church was in the classical Wesleyan tradition, and quite conservative morally and theologically. Mainline, yes. But of the “old school”, so to speak.

Hi Justin,

I too converted from the same sort of “Methodistism” as you…and basically had little to no upbringing to what it even means to be a “Methodist”. I crossed the Tiber 7 years ago! 😉
god bless you,

ill be praying for you.
Hi, all.

I was baptised as an infant into the Church of Norway (Evangelical-Lutheran). When I was a teen I converted to Islam. I was married to a Muslim for almost 17 years.

I left Islam about 4 years ago. After attending Midnight Mass Christmas Eve of 2002 I decided after a couple of months of dicernment to start the process of becoming a Catholic Christian. Hopefully I will in the near future be received into the Church.:clapping: :dancing:

The poll should have added Islam, Buddism, Hinduism and other religions. Or just had an “other” option.
Once considered a Baptist, but backslid into agnosticism. Then decided I was convinced that God did exist, but didn’t want to choose a religion that was too “over the top”. Became a Catholic, go figure. Hey, they have great pot lucks and they don’t freak out if you drink a beer. 😛
I’m a revert from the Southern Baptists. I was baptized Catholic, raised in half a dozen Protestant churches, and got serious about religion in middle school when I went to a Southern Baptist church with my best friend. I was militantly anti-Catholic for a few years, but in high school I came home. (:
Once considered a Baptist, but backslid into agnosticism. Then decided I was convinced that God did exist, but didn’t want to choose a religion that was too “over the top”. Became a Catholic, go figure. Hey, they have great pot lucks and they don’t freak out if you drink a beer. 😛
Yep, we Papists have been accused of many things, but teetotaling isn’t one of them. :dancing:

ZT (revert–became agnostic as a teen, “got saved” at age 19 at an evangelical coffee house, reverted to Catholicism shortly afterward via the charismatic renewal, fell away in mid-20s, joined the Episcopal Church, came back home to Rome to stay in 1995 via St. Faustina and the Divine Mercy :D)
I was baptised Methodist but could not tell you much about that experience. Had a faith of sorts but not really attached to any specific denomination. Married a cradle Catholic and became a one but remained on the fringe. I finally read the CCC to better understand the Catholic faith and that turned me on big time! Never would have guessed it would have happened like this. Life is good; faith is great!
Personally, I see it more as being reconciled to the church.

I am not sure how you can convert from one major world religion to the same major world religion!

I used to attend an Assemblies of God Church. At other times I attended a Southern Baptist church, a Methodist Church, and Church of God.

I have always considered myself a Christian, and I still do!

God Bless. This is an interesting poll.
As a former Assembly of God turned baptist that entered the Catholic Church during the Easter Vigil of 2002, I too belive it was more of a reconciliation than a conversion. Not just because I was already a christian, but because the Catholic faith was no doubt the faith of my European ancestors before the protesting reformation.
Anglican convert - Easter 2003. I don’t believe Anglicanism fits into any of the catagories either. Although it is becoming very liberal these days. I also could not be happier and I ain’t leaving either. My story has appeared in other places so won’t go through it again here.
Thanks be to God. 🙂 👍
Really is neat to see so may coming into the Church
I didn’t see a choice that included both Evangelical AND Fundamental…

I’m a convert from a VERY evangelical Southern Baptist church. Even have the whole Baptist Bible College thing going on(OBU, great school!! Very tough. I wonder if they realize that their academic toughness plants the seeds of research and study that causes many of us to convert?)

Anyhow, I crossed the Tiber, so to speak, two years ago.
That was after many years of anti-catholicism(tempered by Catholic school through 7th grade) and way too long being ‘backslidden’.

Nice to be home, eh? 🙂
My last church affiliation prior to converting to catholicism was methodist. Prior to that I was baptist, church of Christ, penticostal, and had also attended the military generic protestant services.
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