What all is his “nothing” besides gravity? And could his “nothing” reasonably have been the catalyst for God creating beginning of the universe?
First of all no one has ever been able to detect " gravity, " science has never been able to measure it. And susceptibility to measurement is the marker to physical reality. All things in the universe, aside from the human soul, are material or physical in some manner, even waves and magnitism. All we can do is measure the effects of gravity. That means that gravity may be nothing less than the actual power of God, which of course could no more be measureable than man’s soul.
If gravity is indeed the power of God, then, yes, it could well be the beginning of creation, That is it could be God’s creative act itself. On the other hand, if gravity is detectable or measureable, then it is some form of energy ( i.e. matter ) and could not be the cause of creation. though it could well be the material " contact point " of God’s creative act, it could be the first material thing created by God, which he might still be creating. amd from which every other physical thing in the universe has come…
I find it amusing that scientists are willing to consider a real beginning to the universe, even though they insist it has caused itself - which is a sign of insanity - while they deny a God could be the creative cause. Matter cannot cause itself, nothing can cause itself, that is a self evident principle of science and philosophy, on this point they agree, in principle. Only science seems to make an exception for the beginning of the universe, which is really odd and really arrogant.