The statute of limitations was lifted for 1 year in New York because we know have proof that church leaders deliberately thwarted justice by their cover-up.Once laws are changed so outlandishly ex post facto decades later, talk of justice is absurd.
Victims did come forward in many cases and it was the church’s deliberate “inaction” with the hope that the statute of limitations would run out, that these victims were denied any chance at justice.
Do you see what I’m saying?
On top of that, multiple victims went to their bishop to be reassured that their case was isolated. These victims did not go straight to authorities because they felt that they could trust their bishop to take care of the issue and make sure they had fair restitution. They were given inadequate settlements (not enough money to maintain consistent counseling services) and they were lied to because many priests had harmed others at the parish as well.
And I’ve thought of another thing.
Instead of going to law enforcement, the Church hierarchy saw fit to place these offending priests into rehabilitation facilities. Wouldn’t that have been the duty of a criminal judge to order?
In the 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s, wasn’t child sexual assault a criminal action? If yes, the Bishops and other church leaders would have been obligated from a theological position to tell the priest to turn himself in to authorities, or they would do so themselves.
Once church leaders knew of criminal activity, they had the responsibility(Christian duty) to remove the priest from ministry.
If they argue that they weren’t sure a crime was committed, then they had a responsibility to have an investigation done by police to determine the truth.
There’s no way for the church to get out of this. There are 10s of thousands of pages of legal documentation from the past 30 + years that prove Bishops and other Church leaders intentionally thwarted justice to protect church reputation from actions of abusive priests.