Catholic group begins $9.7 million swing-state ad blitz against Joe Biden

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Who needs a Catholic Party when your Supreme Court has six sitting Catholics?

(I believe this was the case prior to Scalia’s death.)
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They are not a non-profit, and donations are not tax exempt. The group may be composed of Catholics, but is it not Catholic, and is using the name illicitly, as it is not a lay apostolate under the authority of a bishop. Therefore, they are behaving as the world does, not as God does. They want to form an independent PAC to elect Trump, that is fine, but by canon law, they cannot use “Catholic” in their name, and their use of that word should be disregarded. They are another Trump PAC.
Legitimate question: Does “Catholic Answers” have permission to use the word “Catholic”?
That is a very good question. Not all diocese list the apostolates that are approved. I am glad San Diego does, as does Madison. When dealing with an organization that is Catholic, that is always the first question I ask. If it is not approved, then it may simply be a group of Catholics that have not sought approval, schismatic, anti-Catholic even, or anywhere in between. In any case, there is zero episcopal oversight to keep them true.

Those that are not approved, but still use the name Catholic should always be dismissed, in my opinion. Disobedience in one area can indicate problems elsewhere.
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