Yay, great statement!Jediliz. I read the article and I have to disagree with it. As far as sexuality, violence, euthenasia and cannabilism go thetse books are no worse than harry potter 7 except with far more of the emotion we call love. There is one point in the third novel where the two main characters kiss, but that is all that is said in the books. The probable readon that there isn’t a Pope is that the story is set in an alternate universe and starts with a religion that isn’t Catholicism. As for your statement that anyone who believes in the church is killed, the opposite is actually true, the church in the books is generally the one that does the killing, which in my opinion would be a far better argument on your part for why not to read the books. God as the creator we belive in never makes an appearance in the novels, although there is an angel that sets himself up as the creator. The article itself misnames one of the two main characters, calling him bill insetead of will. I do agree with you on the idea that the Narnia books are wonderful. I read them at about the same time I read His Dark Materials. THey are very similar in that both series are beautiful and thought provoking reads. Before you criticise these books again though I suggest you read them.
Baptista–congradulations! you have actually read these novels and present a reasoned argument against them. I don’t believe that Pullman ever denies the existence of a creator in the books, no matter how much he may do so in person. All he says is that this “Authority,” the first angel to be formed of dust is definently not the creator.