I pick these.Reverent parish with no liturgical abuse.
Large spacious home in a good neighborhood.
Actually, the spacious home isn’t as important as the good neighborhood is.
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I pick these.Reverent parish with no liturgical abuse.
Large spacious home in a good neighborhood.
How does God want to be worshipped? We don’t know how God wants to be worshipped.It doesn’t matter what people prefer. It matters how God wants to be worshipped.
Really? The ushers check everyone at the door at our parish.Thank GOD my parish allows sinners to attend Mass or I’d be Massless.
To clarify: “The” normative posture is either standing or kneeling and either on the tongue or in the hand, for those who are in the US or in a place where standing and/or receiving in the hand are allowed.The Church’s Ordinary Form of the Mass is validly celebrated with the priest facing the people and in English. The normative posture for receiving Communion in the US is standing, and in the hand.
That doesn’t mean people can’t attend Mass said in Latin, or receive on the tongue whilst kneeling—but it does mean people can attend a Mass that suits their individual preferences. And both are equally valid and should be presumed to be reverent.