Catholic movies you'd like to see

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I think a motion picture on the life of Pope John Paul up to his papal election would be fascinating.
Sean, there has already been a movie made of the Pope from his boyhood up to his papal election. Albert Finney plays the Pope as an adult. It’s an excellent movie which I’ve probably watched more than a dozen times. You can buy a used VHS copy of the movie on Amazon for $6:75:

“Pope John Paul II: The Movie”

God bless you
Sean, there has already been a movie made of the Pope from his boyhood up to his papal election. Albert Finney plays the Pope as an adult. It’s an excellent movie which I’ve probably watched more than a dozen times. You can buy a used VHS copy of the movie on Amazon for $6:75:

“Pope John Paul II: The Movie”

God bless you
Thanks for the heads up.
Veronica Anne:
Um… WHERE in the book of Mark is that quote?

I, myself, think that the tearing of the veil in the temple, the earthquake, the sheer amount of blood and water gushing from Jesus’ side alone were enough?!?

Also, I don’t think that dead people walking through Jerusalem was what happened, at all. At least, not literally! They were all in Gehenna, waiting for the Messiah like the rest of us.
Act 27:52-53
52 the tombs also were opened, and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised, 53 and coming out of the tombs after his resurrection they went into the holy city and appeared to many.

According to Bleesed Emmerich’s vision these resurrected people went to their family and told them to repent and follow Jesus.

Here’s the specific chapter
Well, if I get one vote, I would say that the most Catholic movie imaginable has already been made: “Mulholland drive”
Well, if I get one vote, I would say that the most Catholic movie imaginable has already been made: “Mulholland drive”
I don’t get it. What did that have to do with Catholicism?
The Divine Comedy

Imagine the special effects!
Hoo Doggy! CGI can now make it so.

Imagine the muslim reaction to a depiction of a mangled Mohammed, [or the Shi’ite response to Ali] in the Eight circle of hell. Talk about an Inferno.
I’m looking forward to seeing the Therese movie.

Another good movie I would like to see done is of the early Christian martyrs and their persecution; I think that would be a moving experience to watch. The idea of having a St. Padre Pio movie would also be cool (I actually have been thinking about how it would look like if they actually made a movie of it) and that of St. Maximilian Kolbe; But could you imagine the media if they heard about a Padre Pio movie? Programs and T.V specials about how Padre Pio’s stigmata was a fake and liberal Catholic scholars get the spot light on T.V and liberal “experts” will be asked their opinions publicly. That would be terrible.

The Acts of the Apostles is also something that I would like to see (I don’t believe a movie about it has ever been made) and it could relate to a lot of other Christians not just Catholics. Imagine seeing on the big screen the actions and works of the early apostles, their persecution and they’re winning of converts. If they made a movie like that (Though there are some scenes that I find would be hard to recreate convincingly; like Pentecost) I think it would be a hit!

Act 27:52-53
52 the tombs also were opened, and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised, 53 and coming out of the tombs after his resurrection they went into the holy city and appeared to many.

According to Bleesed Emmerich’s vision these resurrected people went to their family and told them to repent and follow Jesus.

Here’s the specific chapter
Actually, that’s Matthew 27:52-53.

Best Catholic movie? The life and death of Edith Stein.
A movie about St. Francis or St. Augustine would have some great potential, in my opinion.
One of my favorite movies has always been “Brother Sun, Sister Moon” made in an a heart moving beautiful hippie fashion in the 70s by Franco Zefferili, the same guy who gave us “Jesus of Nazareth”

I would love to see a movie about St. Pio, or St. Max Kolbe.

But I have always thought a good movie would feature vinettes that focus on those little individuals who Jesus touched in his ministry here on earth. I’m thinking of people like Malcus (ear cut off), the widow of Nain, blind Bartemaus, the samaritan woman.
These would all be rich characters to write about in a dramatic way.
A movie about St. Francis or St. Augustine would have some great potential, in my opinion.
I too would love to see something about St. Augustine, told from the point of view of his evey patient mother, St. Monica. 🙂

There are some other family relationships I’d like to see on film too such as St. Francis/St. Clare.
Fr. Vincent Capodanno, Maryknoll priest and Navy chaplain killed in the line of duty in '67 in Vietnam.

peace be with you! i didn’t really like Brother Sun, Sister Moon or the other movie on St. Francis (possibly called Francesco?–i don’t remember) but I know that the CFR’s (the congregation founded by Fr. Benedict Groeschel) is petitioning Mel Gibson to make a movie entitled Man of the Passion…a movie that would show St. Francis as he was…a great saint. not just an animal lover or whatever people think of him, but a true saint. you can see the petition here:
What movies would you like to see on the big screen that had the attention to detail that “Passion of the Christ” seemed to have. I know a lot of Catholic stories and biographies have been done “badly” , but feel free to say “I wish they would remake…”

God Bless,

Iwould like to see Shoes of the Fisherman again, that was a fine movie. I would like to see Saint Francis movie done a bit better then Brother sun sister moon. I would really like to see a movie about Edith Stiegn (bad spelling sorry), St. Kolbe, though I liked the single man Dramatization on EWTN. Jesus of Nazareth was a fine movie.

Some of the Boys Town movie type films, something to encourage, give hope, inspire, that is one reason for declaring folks Saints and telling the stories.
I don’t get it. What did that have to do with Catholicism?
I think it has something to do with what the Lord said to the Samaritan woman at the well. You know, about worshipping in “spirit and in truth”, and how God seeks just such as these to worship him. I believe those words apply in this situation, almost to the greatest extent that it is possible to do so. We don’t see God in “Mulholland Drive” we say. Yet, I would make the argument (after having come to believe it after much observation and even anguish) that there is almost nothing there (in MD) that isn’t either God himself, about God, or useful information on how to be with him in heaven and avoid not being with him in hell.
My favorite movie of all time is “A Man For All Seasons,” a snippet in the life of St. Thomas More. It’s a fantastic movie because, like The Passion, it did not try to tell the story of a life. Instead, it took one part of that life and held it under a magnifying glass, letting us see an imperfect man playing his role in God’s plan in an exemplary manner.

There are other saints I would like to see portrayed in a like manner - St. Paul, St. Peter, St. Francis. Could we bear to see the austere asceticism of St. Anthony? The martyrdom of St. Stephen?
I am mounting a movement to get this one done, wnat to joing me:bounce:

Thanks for finding the scripture passage about my comment on the walking risen persons appearing after Christ death!


Glory be to Jesus Christ! Glory to Him Forever!
Tyler Smedley:
I would like to see a padre Pio movie, that would rock!
I second this. There are spooky elements about his life that Hollywood would eat up.
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