Catholic or Muslim

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Ým very very confused. My fiance is Muslim and he wants me to convert but Ý was baptised and confirmed in the Catholic Church so does this mean that no matter what Ý do my soul will always be Catholic? :confused:
PS Before anyone gets angry with me Ý couldnt find a nice practising Catholic man and my fiance is a good person
PPS Ým in the Middle East so please excuse any typing errors- its the keyboard
Would you / Could you embrace a religion which support terrorism and the killing of innocent children?

Why won’t he convert?

Would you / Could you embrace a religion which support the Man is the Head of the Family and you would be his property?Which number wife would you be?

Why won’t he convert?

Would you / Could you really turn your back on Jesus (little alone the Church)?

Why won’t he convert?

Congradulation of having a fiance (and I really glad he is a “good person”) however, is this an act of despariation and not wanting to be alone?

Why won’t he convert?
I couldnt find a nice practising Catholic man
Keep looking, go to a country which has Christian and/or Catholic men. PRAY!!! Where in the world are you?

Why won’t he convert?
was baptised and confirmed in the Catholic Church so does this mean that no matter what I do, my soul will always be Catholic?
NO, If you convert to Islam you are turning your back on Jesus and the Holy Spirit and the Bible says this is an unforgivable sin:

Mt.12:31-32 “Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.”

Mk.3:29 “But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness**, but is in danger of** eternal damnation.”

Lk.12:10 “But unto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven.”

Why won’t he convert?
Dear me, no! Why would you betray Christianity-- and don’t let him make you sign a certain document pledging yourself to Islam either, I think you have to to be married-- you may be tricked into signing it.

Islam is false, and it’s beliefs are evil. Christ is King and Lord and the Son of God-- to openly convert to a different religion would be gravely devastating to ones immortal soul.

Many Christians have died rather than convert to the lies of Islam, I’d recommend you cancel the marriage.
I will pray for you…it sounds like you need. I would give up my life before denying my Catholic Faith…also, I would live single for the rest of my life I was not able to find a good Christian, preferrably Catholic, woman.
Here I some quotes I took from a Evangelical Rapture site I’ve frequented in the past, these are Islamic beliefs taken from the Koran and other writtings.

“They say, ‘Accept the Jewish or the Christian faith and you shall be rightly guided.’ Say, ‘By no means! We believe in the faith of Abraham, the upright one. He was no idolater.’” (Surah 2:135)

“The only true faith in God’s sight is Islam.” (Surah 3:19)

“Say, ‘Obey Allah and the apostle.’ If they give no heed, then truly, Allah does not love the unbelievers.” (Surah 3:29)

“If you fear that you cannot treat orphans with fairness, then you may marry other women that seem good to you: two, three or four of them.” (Surah 4:1)

“Try as you may, you cannot treat all your wives impartially.” (Surah 4:3)

“Men take authority over women… As for those who are disobedient, admonish them and send them to beds apart and beat them.” (Surah 4:34)

“Believers, do not approach your prayers when you are drunk, but wait till you can grasp the meaning of your words…” (Surah 4:43)

“Will they not ponder on the Koran? if it had not come from God, they could have surely found in it many contradictions.” (Surah 4:82)

“Seek out your enemies relentlessly.” (Surah 4:104)

“They denied the truth and uttered a monstrous falsehood against Mary. they declared: ‘We have put to death the Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary, the apostle of God.’ they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him, but they thought they did…they did not slay him for certain. God lifted him up to him…” (Surah 4:157-158)

“The Jews and Christians say: ‘We are the children of God and His loved ones.’ Say: 'Why then does He punish you for your sins?” (Surah 5:18)

“Believers, take neither Jews nor Christians for your friends.” (Surah 5:51)

“Unbelievers are those who say: ‘God is one of three.’ There is but one God. If they do not desist from so saying, those of them that disbelieve shall be sternly punished.” (Surah 5:73)

“The God will say: 'Jesus, son of Mary, did you ever say to mankind ‘Worship me and my mother as gods besides God?’ 'Glory to You, 'he will answer, 'how could I ever say that to which I have no right?” (Surah 5:116)

“If you fear treachery from any of your allies, you may fairly retaliate by breaking off your treaty with them.” (Surah 9:12)

“Fight against such as those to whom the Scriptures were given [Jews and Christians]…until they pay tribute out of hand and are utterly subdued.” (Surah 9:29)

“The Christians say: The Christ is the son of Allah; these are the words of their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before; may Allah destroy them.” (Sura 9:30)

“Prophet make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home.” (Surah 9:73)

“And say: All praise is due to Allah, WHO HAS NOT TAKEN A SON and WHO HAS NOT A PARTNER in the kingdom.”(Sura 17.111)

“‘How shall I bear a child,’ she [Mary] answered, ‘when I am a virgin…?’ ‘Such is the will of the Lord,’ he replied. 'That is no difficult thing for Him…God forbid that He [God[ Himself should beget a son!..Those who say: ‘The Lord of Mercy has begotten a son,’ preach a monstrous falsehood…” (Surah 19:20-21, 29, 88-89)

“NEVER DID ALLAH TAKE TO HIMSELF A SON, and never was there with him any (other) god . . .” (Sura 23:91)

“Muhammad is God’s apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another.” (Surah 48:29)

“The Day of Resurrection will not arrive until the Moslems make war against the Jews and kill them, and until a Jew hiding behind a rock and tree, and the rock and tree will say: ‘Oh Moslem, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him!’” (Sahih Bukhari 004.52.176)


Rapture Ready
delal said:
Ým very very confused. My fiance is Muslim and he wants me to convert but Ý was baptised and confirmed in the Catholic Church so does this mean that no matter what Ý do my soul will always be Catholic? :confused:
PS Before anyone gets angry with me Ý couldnt find a nice practising Catholic man and my fiance is a good person
PPS Ým in the Middle East so please excuse any typing errors- its the keyboard

I’m a Norwegian woman, baptised Lutheran as a baby. I converted to Islam in my late teens. A Muslim family I knew meant that I should go to Pakistan to learn more about Islam. A marriage was arranged for me soon after. Later I came to know that he only married me so that he could obtain a permanent residency permit in Norway.

We had some good years, but eventually my situation became more and more difficult due to physical, verbal and emotional abuse. In the end I had to run away to save my life and I now live somewhere in Canada. No one, even my own family know where I live so that they can not be harrassed into revealing my address. My father have Internet access and we e-mail or message eachother.

He might be a good man. But as a Muslim his duty is to raise his children as Muslims and he will never let you have the children baptised. (A cousin of my ex killed his child because his wife wanted the child baptised) If his wife is not willing to raise the children as Muslims he might take his children by force to his Muslim country of origin. There’s nothing you as a wife or mother can do about that.

Should you convert, even if it’s not a genuine conversion, you will be considered a Muslim woman and to be under Muslim law. Should you leave Islam you will be considered an apostate and there’s a death penalty for apostasy in Islam. It doesn’t help if you live in a non-Muslim country there will always be a fanatic Muslim who think that he will go straight to Paradise if he kills an apostate.

The Vatican also discouraged mixed marriages between Muslim men and Catholic women. See here.

Just do a google and you do some research on this topic. Please, please don’t marry a Muslim man who’s not willing to convert to our Catholic Christian faith. Only marry him after he’s gone through RCIA and is baptised and confirmed.

I will also encourage you to read the following threads:
I have contributed to these threads.
If you are Catholic and if you value your faith, and if he is Muslim and values his beliefs, then do not marry this man. As others have said, there would be grave circumstances for any children resulting from this union. They would likely be prevented from the Sacraments and from seeking our Lord. You would likely become only his property, and technically he would be able to command you to deny your own faith, or prevent you from observing it ever again.
Your baptism cannot be wiped away. It will always be there, even if you renounce your faith. Of course, a person can publicly renounce their faith, but please don’t do that. Stay true to your faith. The Catholic faith is true, so it is not good to deny the truth.

I do not know the culture in your part of the world. A mixed marriage is hard here in the US, if you have two believing parties. Will your fiance accept for you to stay Catholic? Is there family pressure one way or the other? I will pray for you!
You need to pray HARD

This isnt about Catholic, Protestant, Baptist, etc…this is about CHRISTIANITY. We are called to CHRIST… and sometimes in that calling we must make very hard decisions…

but remember this…Jesus said, that we must be prepared to leave even our families if it means so…that means…Father, Mother, Sisters, Brothers, even husbands… it would be different if this were just a disagreement in theology under the banner of Christian Faith… you are treading dangerous ground in subjegating yourself and your soul if this man is tryng to get you to abandon your faith…abandon HIM instead.
God Bless you

Note: If you do reconsider leaving him…dont think for a moment this person yu have found loving up to now wont POSSIBLY turn on you in a vicious manner… depending how steeped he is in his faith, he may take this as a grevious insult to him, his honor and his family’s honor… only you know the answer to how deep he is in his faith…but anyone tellling me to leave CHRIST…I wouldnt trust…I’d disapear when he wasnt around and not come back…theres enough of true life horror stories to know how these things can and have ended up when American women hook up with these infidels… leave the entire country if possible if that is the case.
No one is worth committing apostacy for. I think you should find someone else. For both your sakes. You might visit I think a marriage like this is full of peril. Please consider carefully and prayerfully.
There are plenty of potential problems that might arise in such a marriage. A lot of questions that might never be resolved. Why not try finding a good, single Christian, preferrably a Catholic man. There are still many of them and you only need to look around you.

Gerry 🙂
dhgray said:

, If you convert to Islam you are turning your back on Jesus and the Holy Spirit and the Bible says this is an unforgivable sin.

Incorrect. This is not the unpardonable sin. While it Is sin to reject the Truth which Jesus has revealed for the false claims of another religion, it is not the unpardonable sin.

The unpardonable sin, the Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, is impenitence. Always taught that way, check the CCC.

I agree with everything else you said though.

realize that Islam doesnt believe that Jesus is God, just a prophet of which Mohammed was a greater one.

It is blasphemy to call God ‘Father’ in Islam because God has no sons, just slaves.

And as sister said above, which wife would u be?, He can have up to four wives.

‘Good people’ dont all make it to heaven.
delal said:
Ým very very confused. My fiance is Muslim and he wants me to convert but Ý was baptised and confirmed in the Catholic Church so does this mean that no matter what Ý do my soul will always be Catholic? :confused:
PS Before anyone gets angry with me Ý couldnt find a nice practising Catholic man and my fiance is a good person
PPS Ým in the Middle East so please excuse any typing errors- its the keyboard

Jesus said: “I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father but though me.”
I reccomend not marrying this man. If he would get angry at your for not converting to Islam, he obviously wants your soul. You should never give up your faith. If it’s hard to find a husband, move from your region. I highly reccomend marrying a Catholic. If you can’t find one in your city, go to another city. If you can’t find one in your country, go to another country. You might want more Catholic support than your getting, if all you can find for a husband is a muslim.
I hope you will not deny the Lord. I will pray for you.

God Bless
Jesus just answered this question last Sunday at mass:

Luke 14:26 “If any one comes to me without hating his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple.”

Rent “Not Without My Daughter” True story could happen to you too!
From what I have heard on radio programs, if a Muslim converts to Christianity, he is committing a death sentence to himself and his entire family. He will be totally shunned by his family and community. That is why he will most likely NOT convert to Catholism. If he does, it would be better if both of you left the Middle East.
Personally, your love for Christ should be greater than this current situation. I am sure this is a lot of pressure, but didn’t Christ say that to walk away from everything and follow Him is worth more than anyone can imagine?
(Remember the Apostles walked away totally from their former lives to walk with Jesus).

go with God!
P.S. Are you an Eastern Rite Catholic?
You seem to recognize that the truth lies in the Catholic faith and not in Islam. It would be very hard to reconcile these 2 faiths in a marriage situation. Muslims believe that non-Muslims are infidels, so if you tried to maintain your catholicity, it would eventually lead to some strife in your marriage and perhaps discomfort or even scorn within the general Muslim community. You must make a difficult decision and I can appreciate that but in the end you must choose the truth.
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